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Death to Evil 'O' the Left Eye (Mind Control)

Posted By: E_Lee
Date: Tuesday, 17-Jul-2001 18:11:33

From: E Lee
Date: 17-July-2001

"Death to Evil 'O' the Left Eye" (Mind Control)

"Say Hell'O to Evil'O "
"The Evil Eye is on back of U.S. One Dollar Bill"

Look on the back of any U.S. One Dollar Bill and
you will see a pyramid with an Eye at the very top
of the pyramid. If you use a "Magnifying Glass" and
look "very closely" at the EYEBROW at the top of the
eye you will see that the "Eyebrow" is that of the

LEFT eye.

Look also on the FRONT in the upper righthand
corner, just right of the leaves, which are in the
upper left corner of the 'Border' for the number '1'.
You will see a small Owl (Some say its a spider),
Use a magnifying glass and look at the Owl's eye's.
You will see that the Owl's LEFT eye is HIGHER then
the Owl's right eye.

See picture of Left Eye Logo for a computer company.
Control Network Problems with...

See picture of 'Eye Logo' (trademark) on letter at:
"Remote Viewing" Final Assessment, TWA flight 800.
From: Edward Dames
Above letter is from:
Home Page:

Scroll down about one 3rd (1/3) from top of home
page below, to see picture of "Left Eye" carving.

You will find more information about the 'Left Eye'
further down on this e-mail. (Keep Reading)

" Sex and the Evil 'O' "

"Sex is a Powerful Weapon, which the Evil 'O'
(The New World 'O'rder) is using against the people
of the United States of America."
(Could you be a Victim? Read on and find out)



From: Chapter Seven, 20th Paragraph.

Exercises in sexual attack on patients should be
practiced by the psychopolitical operative to
demonstrate the inability of the pain-drug hypnosis
to recall the attack, while indoctrinating a lust for
further sexual activity on the part of the patient.
Sex, in all animals, is a powerful motivator, and is
no less so in the animal Man, and the occasioning of
sexual liaison between females of a target family and
indicated males, under the control of the
psychopolitical operative, must be demonstrated to
be possible with complete security for the
psychopolitical operative, thus giving into his hands
and excellent weapon for the breaking down of
familial relations and consequent public disgraces for
the psychopolitical target.


A synthesis of the

Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
(See Part One, Chapters 1 - 5 at)
(See Part Two, Chapters 6 - 16 at)

Brainwashing Booklet in PDF format (backup copy) at:
Get Free 'Acrobat Reader', for booklet at:

"Commentary by Roy Masters on this publication".

"What does Psycho politics Mean ?"

PSYCHOPOLITICS - the art and science of asserting
and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and
loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and
masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy
nations through "mental healing."

" Overcoming Sexual Addiction "

The Madison Avenue Advertising Gang knows it,
sexual manipulators since the beginning of time have
known the ugly truth: From...
News letters
Radio shows
Home Page:

" They're Fucking With Your Mind "

Using the powerful sensory inputs available to TV,
radio, films and the rest of the mass media, mind
manipulators in New York's advertising agencies,
Hollywood's movie and TV industries and
Washington's political power structure are at this
very moment shaping what you think about the key
issues of the day, from abortion to elections.


"Revelations of a Mother Goddess"

Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was
mind-programmed from birth, to become one of the
three most important female conductors of Satanic
rituals on the planet. Her programmer was Josef
Mengele, the notorious, "Angel of Death" in the Nazi
concentration camps and when he died in the late
1980’s her programming began to break down.
Price: $24.95 + shipping, From:
David Icke Website below.
Mailing Address...
Bridge of Love USA,
Shipping Dept,
P.O. Box 950,
Yoakum, Texas 77995

" The Movie Manchurian Candidate "

Some people say the Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Hollywood has hidden secret messages in the movie
titled 'Manchurian Candidate.' The movie is about a
group of U.S. Army soldiers who are captured and
brainwashed by the chinese during the Korean war.

Look very carefully at the 'Left' eye and
'Eyebrows' of all the actors, and the pictures on
the wall in the movie. Look very carefully at which
eye or eyebrow is "HIGHER" then the other.
Notice also which way the actor tilts their head,
if an actor tilts their 'Head' to their Left, the
actors right eye will be higher, if the 'Head'
is tilted to their right, their Left eye is higher.

Also notice which side of the face (profile) you
are looking at, where are the actors eyes looking.

Which side of the actors face has more light, and
which side has more shadow on it.

These very important clues will help you decode
and understand "some" of the secret messages in
the movie.

Hollywood is still today using these secret codes.
You can rent this video at some 'Blockbuster' video
stores, you can also order or buy the movie at some
stores like 'Fry's' on DVD.


The C.I.A. knows who is renting what movies when
you use 'Video Rental Stores' that are well known.
If you buy the movie in a store like 'Fry', use CASH.

" I the Jury "
Rent the Movie Titled " I the Jury " (1982)

This is a remake of the 1953 Mike Hammer
mystery in which the famed P.I. (Private Investigator)
investigates the murder of his best friend. Actors...
Armand Assante, Barbara Carrera, and others.
You can find this video at some "Hollywood Video"
rental chain stores.

"Statue of Liberty Picture"

Look at her LEFT eye and (eyebrow)
It is higher than her RIGHT eye and (eyebrow)
Picture of the book in her left hand:
Home page

Statue of Liberty Height from base to torch...
It cost 66 million dollars.

'O' is the 15th letter in the english alphabet.
When you write the number 6 you draw it counter
clockwise, number six stands for Left eye, Evil-'O'

" Evil-'O' = Left Eye "

Lies, deception, bad, unjust, death,
counter clockwise.(backwards of O'clock)

The New World Order is in control of 'both' EVIL and

"Number 15, Joachim Giaver and Statue of Liberty"

Joachim Gotsche Giaver, the son of Jens Holmboe
Giaver and Hanna Birgitte Holmboe, was born
On August 15, 1856, in Jövik, a small town owned
by his family, near Tromsö, Norway...

In 1915, Mr. Giaver interested himself in the
questioning and licensing of structural engineers in
the State of Illinois. He was the leader in securing
the passage in 1915 of a bill to this effect by the
Illinois State Legislature...

After the death of Mr. Burnham in 1915, Mr. Giaver
established offices in Chicago as a Consulting


By, L Ron Hubbard
Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide

It has come to light that Scientology is
actually owned by a group of lawyers, most
of whom are not even Scientologists!

You guys actually admit to having produced that shit?
I sure as hell wouldn't. (Copy Right Attack) From:


Galactic Federation

My lawyer, has advised me that including the full
text is at this time against my interests. So be it.
I therefore will give you this summary, From:

The story of Scientology reads like the plot of a
bizarre and sensational movie. From:

The Selling of a Church

Scientology tools of the trade the - E meter.


The C.I.A. number 'One' agenda is to help and
protect "The New World Order" (The Evil- 'O', also
known as the 'Left Eye' or the numbers 15 and 51)
from all its enemies, located within and outside of
the U.S. of America. Stop helping the C.I.A.
(Today the F.B.I. is under the control of the C.I.A.
and N.S.A., all three work for the Evil-'O' )

"Bohemian Grove"

"Whither the American Dream"

Ladies and gentlemen, the end of the century
approaches and those of you who have a modicum
of insight can see the handwriting on the wall, but
those who think backwards, the backassward thinkers
of this society, think opposite to us. Black is white,
green is pink--that sort of thing. The lie is the
truth and the truth is a lie. You could put the truth
on a silver platter and they would bolt it down
without a thought, swine that they are, unworthy of
the pearls of truth.
Read News letters from Roy Masters at:
Home page

Page 4 of 'Whither the American Dream'

We're a sitting duck. You do understand that, don't
you? And it's all because you have not understood the
game that has been being played. I've been warning
you on my radio programs for the last thirty-seven
years about what is going to happen--all the things
you see happening around you right now. I predicted
them because they were predictable. You don't have
to be a prophet to predict logical outcomes. At the
least, you should have a sense of what is going on
even though you don't understand why. You should
sense that you're being made a victim even though
you don't see who set the trap and how you
happened to fall into it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this country is in serious
danger. You can party and you can sing your songs
and go to your bread-and-circus entertainment and
go to Las Vegas and drown your sorrows, suck your
thumb and watch television and drug and drink
yourself under the table. The frustration involved in
having to stand up to your own country whose unjust
laws make you look (and even feel) like a criminal
in your own country that has been taken over by a
godless force is enough to drive you up the wall. It's
frustrating to your natural, your noble, qualities.
You want to strike out at something, and you'll
probably end by striking out at one another--your
wife, your children, your family.

But there is a right way to strike back at the
adversary, and we have to find it. The key lies in not
allowing yourself to be intimidated, and even your
churches should be teaching you how to do this, but
they have lost the art and even some of them are
liberals, expressing the views and intent of the

Now, ladies and gentlemen, the problems of this
country have been multiplied beyond any possible
solution available to psychology or psychiatry or
anything else. The anger and the violence is growing
inside you, and depression and fears and guilt are all
the result of the pressures you are experiencing. And
these pressures are contrived. They are not by

I would like to teach you how to recover yourself.
The question is: Will you give me the opportunity?
I have a cassette and a book in which I show you how
to deal with your husband, your wife, your neighbor,
the schoolteacher, the bureaucrat, all of whom might
have fallen to the sickness that has overtaken our
society. If enough of us can learn to do it, we may
get our country back. But if you overreact, then
you've got problems. Avail yourself of my materials
if you don't already have them. They will teach you
how to gain control of yourself, and of other people,
the wicked ones. I'll show you how to turn things
around. As a victim, you can be made to look like an
aggressor, and the people who pressure you are
compromised--they are no longer themselves. Those
who are willful and mean-spirited have learned this
behavior somewhere. They have given in and taken on
the identity of the pressure source. Now they are
passing it down in a dog-eat-dog fashion. They could
have learned it from their mothers, from the street,
and just from reacting to the social and political
pressures I have described. Here they are, with this
agenda inside them that they don't even know they
have, and they think there is something wrong with
you because you have not yet compromised yourself.
That makes you the enemy. They exert unwholesome
pressure, and the worse this country becomes as the
result of the law's being on their side, the more
danger we face. And the more excited, the more
empowered they are to want to hurt you. The more
right they feel, even to want to kill you.

Right now we are in the formative stages of a
terrible disaster, and all of you who have fallen
are now victimizers, putting unwholesome pressures
on people, even on your own children, your husband,
your wife, or the schoolchildren if you are a teacher,
whoever crosses your path. This is the choice you are
giving them: You do what I tell you, you go along to
get along, or I'll make you self-destruct. If you
stand up against me (this is what they are thinking),
I'll make your defense look like aggression.
As one of your founding fathers, Jefferson perhaps,
said, that's what tyrants do.
They turn the defense of those who stand
up to them into grounds for more persecution. I have
experienced that myself at the hands of the press.
Say two words in your defense and they twist them
around to make you look like a bigger ogre.

The agenda is the destruction of the individual, the
kingdom-of-heaven type of person: to eliminate, first
by means of propaganda and psychology, those who
think for themselves. And this was once a country of
people who thought for themselves, and that's why it
became so successful. But this country, as such a
country, threatens those people who hate good, who
hate innocence. Their agenda is destruction in the
guise of creation, hurt in the guise of help, until
we are all co-dependent.
You see a sample of this in the game of welfare.
Just look at your inner cities. Look at the
chaos, the drugs, the murder, the mayhem. It all
comes from hurt in the guise of help, making people
dependent and dysfunctional, unable to function for
themselves. They can't even work, and they breed
more people who can't work, and they are rewarded
for doing it. They gain sympathy for their inability
to work, and the sympathy only makes them worse. We
have legions of those people. Now we who work and
are productive, in full possession of our brains and
common sense, innovative and industrious, are yoked
to the burden of paying taxes to continue the breeding
of those others who will continue to elect the kind of
people we now have in positions of power. They are
protected by immense amounts of money, especially
the media.

The media in this country are traitors, inimical to
all that is decent and good. You have to be stupid to
buy those liberal newspapers. "Liberal" used to be a
nice word, standing for something worthy, whereas a
conservative in Russia stands for the conservation of
Communism. Liberals used to have a value, a virtue,
but it has been usurped. Now we brand those who
have been taken over by the God haters with the
L word. Even the church has been infiltrated, usurped.
Many of the churches have become apostate, leaning
toward the same kind of kissy-kissy-huggy-huggy
humanism that is seducing the whole nation with its
acceptance of homosexuality, perversion, and total

All of our once-noble institutions have been
corrupted. The country is now divided into two kinds
of people, just as Israel has been divided into two
kinds of people, and the compromised group almost
handed the country over to Yasser Arafat. That's why
Rabin was executed. It was in lieu of civil war, which
the country couldn't handle. If we are not careful we
will have another civil war on our hands here, but it
need not be if we all wake up and learn how to deal
with these pressures without turning on one another.
That's the problem. And the adversary understands

Please do something. Buy my cassette and my book.

"My Personal Comment"

I do not believe everything Roy Masters believes,
but I do known from personal experience that he does
known the "Root" cause (Hate, Anger, Resentment)
for most of the problems people have today, and
he also knows what a person "MUST" do inorder
to cure themselves.
"Only those people who admit to themselves that
they have been 'tricked' into not listening to what is
right in their heart (conscience) , and who give up
negative 'EMOTION' like (hatred, anger, resentment)
can be helped. (Thinking negative 'thoughts' is
"NOT" the same as feeling negative EMOTIONS)
This is one of the biggest secrets that the Evil-'O'
does not want people to learn about.
From: E Lee

To learn more listen to Roy Masters radio shows at:

For books and audio and video tapes go to:

Books by: Roy Masters

Order Video Tapes at:
Human Relations

Mailing Address is:

Roy Masters

Foundation of Human Understanding

P.O. Box 1000

Grants Pass, OR 97528

Order Line: (8am - 5pm)
1-800-877-3227 or (541)-597-2191 (Fax)
For Free Catalog go to: Catalog

"Mind Reading"
Remote reading of someone's mind through satellite
technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it
is a reality at present, not a chimera from a
futuristic dystopia! From:
Home page:
A spy satellite can monitor a person’s every movement,
even when the “target” is indoors or deep in the
interior of a building or travelling rapidly down
the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy,
rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the
face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to
blanket the world with detection capacity. From:

"Reverse Speech"
Words of Truth. I began my research in 1984 initially
to disprove such messages existed. Only ten percent
of all speech reversals are from the conscious area of
the mind. Yet the real power of Reverse Speech comes
in the form of metaphor. Reverse Speech is a major
The Ultimate Lie-Detector


RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Death to Evil 'O' the Left Eye (Mind Control)
E_Lee -- Tuesday, 17-Jul-2001 18:11:33
Update: Left Eye May Symbolize Egyptian God Horus
E_Lee -- Friday, 20-Jul-2001 20:11:53
Meaning for some Symbols on One Dollar Bill
E_Lee -- Sunday, 22-Jul-2001 20:11:22

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