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A De-Americanized World Is Past Due

Posted By: Lion
Date: Monday, 26-Jan-2015 11:52:03

In Response To: RTS: "Good Cop, Bad Cop": The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them (igots2no)


There will always be rich and poor.

There will always be something or someone that wants to control something else for profit - whether that something be Human Beings or an industry.

Is a perfect world, we would all wish for fairness and good judgement from those who hold the reigns of Human interaction, and we would wish for these entities to be working toward improving the lives of Human Beings as a given course of action in their daily choices of activity.

America had it's chance to become a servant for the good of the Human Race.

With the biggest economy ever built in recent history, America could have been a force for good in the world unequaled by any measure.

Instead, American 'leadership' foolishly chose to become that of a conscienceless predator of the Human Race.

America has attacked and enslaved nation after nation, and the goals of Corporate America will never rise above that of a base, lower life form personality of the maniac, predator state.

America has attacked and enslaved her own people, with the most devious and egregious schemes ever devised, only for the goal of full spectrum domination by a handful of demented psychopaths.

The result of multiple decades with Americans unquestioningly granting unchecked power to entities who choose to align themselves with pure evil, have witnessed the American people waking up to find themselves imprisoned - held hostage in their own country - under a despotic system that worships only the most decadent, and the most disgustingly evil concepts imaginable.

Individuals holding the reigns over America are quite simply frothing at the mouth, insane maniacs, who serve as the greatest threat to truth, peace and prosperity the world has ever known.

The sad truth is, that as long as the American empire power structure remains in place, the world will never see anything except war, destruction, degradation of planet Earth, and genocide of the Human race - because a lower life form predator knows nothing else.

It is far past time for the American empire, the American empires' driving force power structure of fiat fractional reserve banking, and all of it's allies around the globe, to be brought down, taken out, and put asunder.

This is not a matter of choice.

This is a matter of survival of the Human Race, or a continued occupation of the Human Race by a force of evil, demented, power mad psychopaths, who are hell bent on destroying everything they see.

Human Beings from every nationality, and every nation on the planet are now forced to come together as one, and throw off the evil parasite infecting our home.

The head of the world wide parasite is represented in the chosen activities of Corporate America, in her banking enslavement codes, and her military death cults weapons of mass destruction.



: Reader JJ sends in RTS article: In preparation for tonight's
: Transpicuous News Report, I have a couple of articles I
: want to direct your attention to- call it "pre"
: homework, if you will. This first one is a set of articles
: put out by Ken at

: Over the course of the past few months I have been setting the
: stage, so to speak, for what I wish to talk about tonight
: on Transpicuous News. I have used the expression "Same
: girl, different party dress" for years now when
: speaking about the so called "New" financial
: system that "they" are/have created. I have
: talked about the fact that all these various movements and
: actions by "different"
: groups/countries/organizations to plant their flag at the
: top of the dung heap, are nothing more than public
: posturing that means nothing, as they are all just a
: continuation of Slavery 2.0. This is a VITALLY important
: piece of the puzzle that people need to clearly understand.

: This morning I went searching to find some of the back ground
: information that I've read over the years, to clearly
: outline the points I wish to make tonight on the show, and
: low and behold, Ken has pulled the vast majority of all of
: that work together in several very well researched articles
: that he has published at Redefininggod. .... I am not one
: to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to Ken I say thank
: you for doing all my dirty work for me and allowing me to
: focus my attention not on the set up of the maneuvers of
: the past, but on the actions of the NOW.

: At this point in "time" even main stream pundits are
: stating what the alternative media has been saying for
: years: That the so called two (three, four) party political
: systems of "democratic" countries are no more
: than an illusion of choice. The reality is that all of
: these political parties are one and the same and working
: for exactly the same goals. Of course the booby prize for
: making this fully transparent goes to US Congress, which
: has thoroughly highlighted and blazingly shone a spotlight
: on the fact that it doesn't matter which "party"
: is in power- they are all one and the same. Nothing is done
: differently as an end result of who has "control"
: of Congress. While it's easy to point this out when making
: fun of the US, Canada, England, Australia, Germany,
: France...... you name it: They are all the same, and all
: run from the same Template. The vast majority of the
: "awakened" public know this.

: Now comes the jump in reasoning that many people seem to miss.

: If the players of the internal, national,
: "governments" are all the same..... why would
: anyone think that International politics would be any
: different? To clarify: They are all just the same girl in a
: different party dress GLOBALLY.

: The Illusion is that there are different factions, different
: "controllers", different political/national
: entities that are all battling for supremacy. But this is
: only an Illusion. It is a scam, a misdirection, a ploy
: placed in front of the public to allow them to maneuver the
: people into accepting the globalist agenda: New World
: Order.

: Last week on Transpicuous News I talked about the book
: "Silent weapons for quiet wars" and I stated that
: what we are seeing being played out on the global stage
: isn't the beginning of "World War III", it is
: actually the END of it. In my opinion this is a very
: important piece of the puzzle that people need to
: understand, because in understanding that this
: "WAR" has been raging, quietly, for decades, it
: allows people to SEE what has actually been done to set up
: this entire Theatre Production.

: ... As I said a while ago when talking about the
: "New" financial system(s) - it doesn't matter who
: gets to be the proverbial "King of the Castle",
: because they are ALL THE SAME.

: Who wins EVERY war?

: The Bankers.

: Just think about that fact for a moment.

: A couple of months ago I had an intel conversation that spun
: into focus again this morning. The person I was talking to
: (on actually a different topic altogether) stated that the
: entire "BRICs" movement was just a decoy, and
: that their "new" banks and systems would look
: like they are separate entities from the BIS, IMF and World
: Bank, but in fact they would be under the control of the
: EXACT same people and would/will be run as a diversionary
: tactic to give the illusion that there were TWO sides, TWO
: movements, TWO "choices", TWO different
: organizations.... when in fact there will be the EXACT SAME
: CONTROLLERS in charge of BOTH.

: Who wins EVERY War?

: The Bankers.

: Now..... do you SEE what is being done? Do you see the plan as
: it has been laid out to misdirect the public from what is
: really going on? US vs Russia? Really? Yet I've pointed out
: several articles over the past few weeks that negates that
: entire "sanctions" scenario- that in fact the US
: is working with Russia and China on several projects- like
: the "new" financial ratings company that has been
: pushed by the main stream and alternative media, that is a
: three way joint US, Russia and China company. Like the US
: buying rockets from Russia. Like Russia using US Master
: card for their new internal payments system.

: Right now the "big Three" are very publicly
: gathering up their purported supporters and making
: "alliances" on the global stage. But when we
: really look at some of these various "alliances"
: and the "offers" that have been put on the table
: to different nations- like Venezuela, Nigeria, Zimbabwe,
: etc....- it is a replica of Hollywood's "Good Cop/Bad
: Cop" scenario. The US plays the bully boy, running
: rough shod over these nations, then China (or Russia) comes
: along and says "don't worry mate, we can look after
: you, give you some money, help you out....." and sets
: in place trade deals and agreements. On the surface it
: looks like China is the Good cop, just helping a fella out
: of a tight spot. Yet when you see that the US and China are
: on the SAME SIDE, then you see that the nation in question
: just sold out to the ultimate controller anyway. Which was
: the plan right from the beginning.

: And any "Nation" that doesn't fall in line with that
: strategy is taken over through WAR - both with bombs and
: bullets, and financial tools of destruction. Saddam
: Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi, Kim Jong Il, along with
: various South/Central American, African and Asian leaders
: who've been "over thrown" in the past 50 years,
: have all had one thing in common: They stood against the
: Banker Controllers and they were taken down.

: Good Cop. Bad Cop. They all still work for the same police
: force.

: The Bankers always win the "War". Once you realize
: that ONE fact, it puts all of the media circuses, all the
: political "battles", all of the posturing for
: "world domination" into perspective.

: Do you see?

: Later on today I will republish a second article, by the
: Philosophy of Metrics writer JC Collins, that is the next
: important piece in the puzzle for people to see.

: Tonight, I will discuss many of these aspects of what I have
: laid out here today with the immense help of Ken and JC and
: their very well researched articles.

: d

: Source:

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

RTS: "Good Cop, Bad Cop": The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them
igots2no -- Sunday, 25-Jan-2015 21:57:10
A De-Americanized World Is Past Due
Lion -- Monday, 26-Jan-2015 11:52:03
Reader W: "...we need to de-Zionize the world and re-Americaize America"
Lion -- Monday, 26-Jan-2015 22:53:18

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