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MegaAnon on Reddit last night

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

Once again these are "newest first", and the "context" link at the end of each post will show you what she is responding to.

You can always find a full list of her Reddit posts, "newest first", at this link:

It seems she has largely moved to Reddit from 4chan. That makes it much more likely that she will be "outed", but maybe she figures the intel agencies already know who she is, so what the heck. I have a theory myself, but I'm not telling.

She posts from a phone, so there are various typos. In one post they were so egregious I put my suggested corrections in brackets.



I wanted to add to this for due fulligancr[dilligence] just because I did listen to some of the Zack audio just now.

I will ask you to keep in mind that there's more to Bannon, Kushner and an exposure of Kwok that's been well in the works for quite some time. Zack is not correct in his assessment as it does not sound like he's even met or worked with anyone in the admin, at all. Just remember that Bannon can do/day[say] things that Trump can't, dunces[since?] he's been officially out of the admin. The assessment of Bannon with Kwok and what's really going on under that surface, is what will be important.

Certain points driven Round Tillerson aren't completely correct either.


I will be honest. I liked "Zack". In one of my posts I even said I liked Zack, just like I liked the very first, no name poster from 10/28-10/31. I even said I thought the way Zack spoke, read like those initial October posts before "Q Clearance Patriot" showed up on 11/1.

I couldn't fault whoever Zack was for being on AJ because technically, I was too. AJ and InfoWars straight copy/pasted my posts into an article, so whatever. BUT, there were a few things I thought were just slightly off as Zack progressed on AJ that seemed odd because they weren't things I felt someone saying what he was, wouldn't know.

And then, I saw that Zack had "endorsed Q". That was enough for me. I've already said what I said about AJ hitching his wagon to Q because his audience is. Many of those guys are. They're staying relevant in a trending discussion their audience is engaging in that can either include them in the discussion, or not. If AJ jumping on the Q wagon and then falling for the fake Bannon/Trump theater, )especially after all I told you about AJ's non-access to the admin.), hasn't proved enough about what AJ actually is, then I don't know what else to tell you.

Watch, after the Bannon/Trump jig is up, AJ will try to say he played a role or some bullshit on behalf of the admin. because he will be wrong about what he's saying now. Remember, this was the guy who jumped on pizzagate, then threw that whole crowd under the bus and apologized to Alefantis, only to jump right back on the pizzagate train 3 weeks later, like nothing ever happened.


Guys, don't focus on these details too much right now. I don't want to chasing wrong rabbits down fake holes. I made the birther reference for those a little further along in this "birther" aspect.

There's more behind this than where he was born, whether his mom was a citizen, etc. it's not so much about that as the bigger pictures and realities that Obama can't have outted. I'm not going to get into all of that right now because it's irrelevant to what's going on right now, so you don't need to spin your wheels on it as if it will make a difference. Only dig if you choose, that's all. Please don't think I was trying to re-mention it here as if implying it needs to be totally rehashed.

Just keep it in the back of your mind.


I did post exactly what kind of "citizen" he is and I know it's in these archives. If anyone's interested, they'll find it. 😉

Ahhhhhh!!!! You can use emoji's on here!!! Yay!!!!!

Kek 😏


No, I hadn't seen this, thanks for the link. Interesting... and spoopy! Now I just want this lady to tell me what my body language means! Haha.


Haha, I've talked about the FED enough and it's all archived above. There's not much more to say than Inalready have. If there is and it's relevant, I will, as usual.

So, if you're going to re-nickname me, make sure it's at least accurate...


  1. You will get the same content and transparency, in an unedited, uncut, official presidential address formatting, so yes. But at this point, we are beyond the need for 3 separate addresses, as had been originally strategized. So you're still going to get all of the same info/context in the same way I originally described, where the MSM can't spin or refute or disrupt, but the bulk of that info will most likely come in one comprehensive format and undoubtedly, consistent follow-ups direct from comms office and Trump as needed.

When these swamp-related things are made public as the MSM drains, I have said many times that you're going to start getting more direct, uninterrupted channels of communications established between the WH and public. We have it with Trumps twitter and we saw a "test" to assess traffic done via a Periscope of one of his speeches, which was directly broadcasted from a WH periscope, over month ago.

  1. I hope so, but I cannot be sure right now. I don't think many can be sure right now either. A lot will have to do with social climate and where we are with some of these bigger revelations and public reactions. I do know however, that it is the absolute goal.

No. By the time I'm discussing newer strategies, plays, etc. the "bad guys" have technically, already found out, well before you're even getting a sniff that somethings up, as related to those strategies. The rest and majority exposes old house of cards tricks that LOTS of people already know and have watched play out for decades, good, bad or indifferent.

I post anon, just like y'all do and anyone who stumbles upon it all, can take it or leave it. We're all adults. It's kind of why I never understood the whole "insider", "nicknaming an anon" thing. I mean, first two rules are don't nickname and posts don't leave the board.

Now, I won't deny that I am trying really hard to ignore how much bigger this may have become. Frankly, I'd never want to actually know. I never expected or intended any of that, like, at all. I mean, I hope ToddWhiskey wasn't actually implying that 250k people have viewed this thread in a day, when he replied to that poster earlier. That would just be unfathomable to me.


I've said it before, archives are here and I'm too lazy to find it myself right now. At the end of the day, Manafort isn't based. He's not completely innocent, nor is he as guilty as any of the media would have you believe. He was used by the Trump admin for a purpose. The purpose is over. He walked like I said, now he's suing Mueller team.

The football game was nothing more than a kick in the balls to the establishment. Trump told Pence, you go to that game as my VP, if they kneel, YOU WILL LEAVE. It was Trump pulling rank over their planted establishment troll as a jab right to them and these movements of division they fuel. They watched their puppet, dance for someone else.


I know the birther shit seems like it's some old conspiracy rehashing. Just remember that Arpaio was pardoned for a reason. Look into his research. Look into ALL of the research, verifiable news stories, Obama's bio's and the available documentations he provided.

Then consider this. You're right about being born on foreign soil and being a US citizen if one of your parents is a US citizen, right? So what's the big deal?! Like you said, even if he was born in another country, like Cruz, who'd care?! He wouldn't have needed to be born in Hawaii, or in the US, right?

I'm going to state this very clearly so it can be referenced later: If Obama's biological mom is his mom and his biological dad is his dad and they were all legal citizens of where they said they were when Obama was born, wherever he was born, then great! No issues. 4 people have died ironically and tragically who were tied to this from his college records offices, the Hawaii state health/vitals dept. and the hospital he was born all. 4. Why go as far as you did and to such drastic measures to executive order and seal an unprecedented amount of personal info on not only yourself but your parents, siblings, etc. the extents he went to are unheard of and they go WAY deeper to conceal. If all was on the up and up about your "parents" and their "citizenship", you'd never need to prove Hawaii. You'd never need to be born in Hawaii.

I mean, it doesn't even really matter because the truth is there and the right people have it. That's what's important.


Haha, I mean, don't I give you "stuff" like this?! I've said a lot about Manafort back to even my first posts in the spring and early summer. I agree on some of this anons perspectives, in fact, I've already said a lot of it months ago.

For instance, I agree that Manafort has spent the last 40 years calculating, manipulating, driving and exploiting politics, politicians, legislation and loopholes, flawlessly. In far more good ways than bad and certainly not nearly as illegally or corruptly as many would have y'all believe.

I also agree and have said, even back in the spring, that the Manafort investigations and reports as well as the indictment those investigations would lead to, would certainly not be the end for him, nor would it be all we'd hear from him, once over. I said back then that he'd walk,. Said the same for Flynn. I outlined their backgrounds and roles in detail. I told you they'd be indicted on technicalities, would walk and I told you what came from their testimonies would be what was most important, and devastating for Mueller, especially Flynn's.

The comment about Podesta trying to be Manafort is funny and true, too. I didn't make this comparison, but that's ok.

I'm not sure what more I could give you like this. I've given a lot almost exactly like this, about almost everyone I know about.


Yes and actually realized it was out today after I'd posted that. I knew it was coming soon, but noticed it was out today when I searched the release date after posting this, curious for myself if the exact release date. Haha, already got a copy!


Ahh, I'm sorry. I got it off a twitter link but opened via twitter. I'm not on instagram.

It means even Breitbart as an organization has a choice to make on how they proceeded as a "news outlet". They're either going to pull up their big boy pants, risk separating themselves from the MSM pack they've desperately tried to corner a sliver of and actually cover and report this Wolff book story in all of its corrupt glory, which will lead to the biggest fact of all which is that Pence, our own VP, is the biggest planted WH leaker (I mean, if Trump told you have gave no authorization for WH access, who else gave Wolff any type of access?) OR, they'll fall on the sword as no better than CNN because Bannon will not come to their rescue. It cannot be denied that some executive players within Breitbart have had an agenda that they implemented since Bannon had to step back in August 2016 when he was hired to the campaign.

Just as the Wolff book is going to clearly separate Trump's core admin and advisors from the establishment plant leakers who've sought his demise from within, this book will also separate Breitbart's exec. swamp, bringing them back to the core Andy B. foundations and principles. THIS will be the Breitbart I referred to, that will eventually merge with Fox after Disney deal is done, split happens and dust settles.

If you ever wondered why Hannity/Carter and Fox were getting the biggest scoops over Breitbart, which you'd have probably just assumed would die to Bannon, this is why. Trump and Bannon will use this book to start the drains of the MSM, Breitbart (for Bannon) and most importantly, the WH (for Trump).

I wouldn't be surprised if Milo tried a Trump twitter move with "bigging", to try to be slick though not sure it was effective, haha, but I can at least see the effort. Based on what I've told you above, I think this was Milo's way of poking the execs. to remind them to do their jobs right and blow the Pence shit wide open, as the book will warrant, justify and prove, in his exposure.

If they don't, they'd be ignoring and even omitting it. Proving they're no different than the corrupt MSM and Bannon can't be a part of that, nor would he allow that to merge with Fox. Remember, Fox drained a lot of it's swamp first. If they wanted the kind of access they've received and the good, valid leaks/scoops they've been handed, during the primaries, elections and right on through the first year of Trump's presidency and so on, they had to. They had no choice. Now Breitbart has a choice. They can reel themselves in and back to the kind of shit that got them where they are today, or they can continue to sell themselves short, and eventually out.

Remember that I told y'all that Bannon's side of the negotiation was that when his job was done, he'd get to finish the drain the MSM AND report on it all while it was happening. Then, he wanted to have a hand in the rebuilding. He will literally realize Andy B's dreams, as they've always SHARED THEM. Expose and gut the govt. and MSM swamps, dumbing and numbing us then help restore with honor and transparency. Freedom of the press is only as good as Freedom of the people.


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Articles In This Thread

MegaAnon on Reddit last night
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
Reader sends link: "Check out Jerome Corsi's deciphering of yesterday's Q code"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
Same reader sends personal analysis of the current situation
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
Reader, link to 45-mi video: Tracy Beanz interviews Jerome Corsi
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
Some more MegaAnon this evening
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
A new version of my MegaAnon cumulative text file has been uploaded, fixing some more formatting problems
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

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