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MegaAnon is busy today on Reddit, various topics

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28

This is her posts for the last few hours. At the end of each of the 19 posts is a "context" link which will take you to the Reddit page of the post which includes at least the post she was responding to, and often others.



Trump has an enormous respect for the office of the presidency and while I wouldn't deny I've probably said things like that, I've never applied them to any context relating directly to Obama's and whether Trump would go after him or not, solely based on the fact that he respects the office they share.

I did make a point to note that both this admin and Hillary's camp have the truth about Obama, beyond just his normal corruption. They have the birther truth that Obama's sealed then tried to sneak from archives off to his post-presidency "Barack Obama's library", like they all set up in their names when they're done. I said that depending on how many of these things publicly play and the reaction, especially as related to Hillary, Obama may be utilized. I think it was this post that you're referring to.


She legally can't. She has a gag like Manafort had, like all of them have.


I've really tried to reiterate that people were brought on for very specific purposes and roles, for very specific timeframes. I'm not confirming or denying Rogers. When he, retires, he retires, whenever he does. When he does and whenever that is, his job is done. It really does work like this for people like Manafort, Flynn, Mooch, Bannon, Kelly, Rogers, Tillerson, Pompeo, Kushner, etc. Whenever any of these people have left or whenever they do leave, it's because their jobs are done and/or it's not a surprise. Just keep these things in the back of your mind.


I'm not going to comment on his personal health other than he's fit enough to be doing what he's doing, right now.


I'd submit online, then send 2 copies in full and overnight via USPS certified mail w/ signatures required to Wray's office and his admin./main POC, directly.


Yeah, yeah. You're probably "98.1%" confident.

  • Better than it has ever been in the last 30+ years.

  • Corey Lewandowki's book release coming up and the advanced progression of the FED purge once the dust settles on some shit coming up. Corey's book will have a lot to say and you'll see his book release being pushed more. Kinda ironic timing, no? Wolff isn't excited.

  • When the admin. and DOJ decide to let you know and sooner than later.

I don't do dates and timeframes for "happenings" specifically because "breaking" things, isn't my gig. That said, we've entered 2018 so eluding to things like "sooner than later" and "it's going to be a great January and first quarter", which are also things I've eluded to prior, back to roughly mid November.

There was a plan for November-December, just as there's a plan for January-March. I'll let everyone else be the "happenings" people. God knows there's enough of them out there.


Oooh, I like that! I just hope you're a good guy who'll keep that same posterity in mind, when this "ridiculous" post, is no more ridiculous than random tweets claiming "wiretapping"... you know, in hindsight.


I'm not worried about either of them. They're dirty, yes. Just as dirty as Mueller, Comey, Lynch, etc. but you do not have to worry about these types of dirty people, especially anymore. Rosenstein and Powell had roles to play and they did. Begrudgingly, willingly or not.

In reality, the only people wondering, questioning, speculating, theorizing, hypothesizing, worrying, etc. are us right now. Everyone with something to hide or something to prove, who stands remaining in this corrupt DC bubble, has known since the week after Thanksgiving, that we are no longer dealing in probables. We're dealing in inevitables.


Haha, I posted this in the huge, compiled and complete archive, that literally documents in full and in detail, every single word I've personally typed, from May to date.

Not for nothing, biff brah, but posting it here in full for protection of deletion and/or editing, is pretty much the fucking point.

You're really going to hate to have to love me... get it?! ;o)


I explained Sloppy in thread last night. It's on purpose. Sloppy will refer to the intentional bait left behind, like Kelly's phone. Planted info to expose the leaks in WH via MSM. You are reading today there are rumors half WH staff if "considering leaving". Trump told you, he gave NO ACCESS TO WOLFF

WH. So, you cN bet your sweet ass they're considering leaving. Just like half their fucked up friends in congress and all those corrupt CEO's resigning and retiring. They're trying to avoid further swamp exposure from the storm THEY KNOW will come for them, too. LEAKS AND THIEVES IN WH DON'T GET PAYCHECKS.

  • Today you are hearing about Assange. I told y'all all you'd ever need to know about him and where he was, back in May/June. 8 months I've prepped you for this. I told you he was free, the good guys had him and he'd be instrumental. I told you he'd negotiated. I told you about the lawsuit Trump's legal filed on behalf of Wikileaks and why TIMING of filing was important. Assange had deadlines to adhere to as negotiated. Expired 10/21/17, year to the day he was planning to drop last pre-election October surprise, but was cut off by Hillary & Co., then saved by the good guys. SAVED. After 10/21/17, he was free to do as he pleased, as part of our end of the deal. I told y'all about Rep. Dana R. and Bannon's coordination of that. Yes, even Don Jr. helped. Shhhhhh... It's happening. Just like you knew it would.

  • You've seen Hillary's house burn the day before it's announced yesterday, that she's back under investigation for emails AND Clinton Foundation. I told y'all months ago she'd initially go down for dirty money laundering, pay for play, etc. I told you no orange jumpsuit initially for pizza but if they investigated the Foundation as thoroughly as they should, you'd see more. I said this months ago. It's happening.

  • I told you months ago Bannon's literal ONLY JOB was to set up and strategically ensure the swamp would drain, correctly. Legally. Above the table, not under. FBI and CIA were gutted. Bannon set up the pins for who got to negotiate, which individuals AND nations would or wouldn't be in play. Who got deals, who didn't. He teed up the strategies to smoke out internal establishment and Obama's holdover moles and leaks. Set them up with tricks and planted bait. Set up the corrupt MSM these moles/leaks fed. I told you months ago, Bannon and Trump liked and implemented "tricks" and "plants" all of the time. I told y'all it's been a STAPLE, just like WH "wiretapping" seemingly ridiculous tweets... until they're not ridiculous, right?! I told y'all to remember tricks like "Kelly's missing phone". I told y'all THIS WAS A PLANTED TRICK. Kelly "sloppily" left his phone behind, like Bannon was purposefully sloppy with Wolff. Know who wasn't part of the trick?! All those admin staffers claiming they're thinking of leaving?! Moles and leaks. Corrupt. THEY ARE THE MOLES. Smoked out. It would be pretty fucked up if our own VP took the bait like an idiot and was a source of bullshit in book?! Especially when Trump just tweeted last night and told YOU that he NEVER AUTHORIZED WH ACCESS TO WOLFF?! If access wasn't authorized, then who was going TO WOLFF, to GIVE INFO, as opposed to Wolff OBTAINING INFO, on his own, via is authorized access, right?! See Milo's tweet on Bannon/Trump?! He left you a Pence breadcrumb, too. Moles/leaks set up. Bait taken. Remember Kelly's missing phone. Another "sloppy" mistake... on purpose. Told you it would be convenient to remember, in months to come. It's happening.

  • I told you about planes/airports and to pay attention to what's coming in and going out during these airport mishaps. You've seen flights take off, land, turn around just before AND during official FAA groundings. Power outages, smoke filled terminals, network blackouts, no passport/ticketing systems. Distractions. Smoke and mirrors. Good for cameras. Watching shaking tails of snakes while heads strike. It happened. It's still happening. It's almost over.

The swamp has no money, no friends in powerful places, no where to hide, no where to run (and they've tried). Those remaing are just squirming and waiting, all while strapped with monitors, for months. I'm very comfy, friends. I hope you're comfy, too. Just watch it all play.


Sloppy = like the 5th bone Trump is throwing you.

I mean, let's use this an as example because I want you to see how this works in real time. If I show you, you won't read me anymore. You'll just know.

Was Bannon sloppy? Hmmm... What would be sloppy? Leaving documents or notes behind or in plain sight? Laptop screens open and unattended? Saying things that were recorded without your knowledge? Leaving unlocked cellphones behind in conference rooms on purpose to smoke out the miles, like Kelly did because like I told you in October, you'd want to remember things like "Kelly's missing phone" because one day they'd prove convenient as Bannon/Trump love traps, which generate the info that those responsible for leaking expose themselves with, thanks to Bannon/Trump tricks and fuckery, which was routine and effective? Guess those fake news awards will prove Kelly is as "sloppy" as Steve.

HAVE FAITH AND REMEMBER MY POSTS. NO NERVOUSNESS. Haha! They're all going to start to come in handy. ;o)



By hick trash, I mean that from Hillary's perspective. Hillary thought she was too good for Arkansas and she only went there because she failed the bar in MA and I believe NY, but knew she'd pass the Arkansas bar and had been promised a cozy spot in the district courts.


First, you absolutely need to know that Bill Clinton would 100%, without hesitation, cut off his own testicles with a McDonald's quality plastic butter knife, if he thought it would in any way, shape or form, help or guarantee, the arrest, conviction and life sentence of Hillary.

He is just as corrupt as Hillary, but only because he was never anything more than Hillary. I always found it funny that everyone referred to Hillary as if she'd be the first woman president because technically, anyone who knows them knew she was already president. I swear to you, this was one of the biggest running jokes during the elections and during Bill's terms, he was called "first gentleman", to his face, tongue and cheek, for 8 straight years.

They do not love each other. They never did. They do not fuck, never did unless you think Chelsea is his, then fine. Once until you get kek'ed. Bill was literally groomed by Hillary. She was never hurt, angry or mad that he fucked around with lots of women, she was only angry or mad when he got caught and it fucked with their reputations and political goals. Literally. Everything you'd ever read that's been documented about their courtship and relationship, from college, him moving to Boston to be with her, her moving back to Arkansas for his budding legal career and political opportunities, etc. all fabricated bullshit. She literally plucked him from obscurity because while he was smart and ambitious too, he was more importantly, everything Hillary wasn't. He had the popularity, personality, charm and polished presence. He had the charisma. He brought the excitement. He was relatable and personable, he had hobbies and talents and all Hillary had was the MA state bar she failed, a shady defense record in Arkansas, a state that made her feel like hick trash, and watergate.


I do not know enough to directly confirm some of the more dark ops of military, or about a location in France.

However, I do know enough to make an over all comment. There are black ops, black budget projects which include privately contracted military ops and projects that have been sanctioned and funded for many years. Many of the military contractors are former military and/or law enforcement and refer to themselves as "military". So while this man may have identified himself as "military", he was most likely not directly associated with a branch of the armed forces, of these are the kinds of things he was assigned to and witnessing.

Also remember that when you say France, you're now international and could very well be a CIA outpost or facility. They also love a good black ops project/contract. Just sayin'...


Oh and side note, did y'all know there are other threads on other boards on here about my posts? There are other people posting about these things on here. I saw a link on twitter to what I thought was just a cap I was looking for hoping I'd quickly get lucky and find and all the sudden a whole other thread came up on another CBTS board, that had the cap I was looking for as the thread image.


Hey! Muh Megs... haha, kidding. It's ok. One of my best friends from elementary school is "Megs" so I think of her. I noticed this twitter account when I was scrolling for a quick cap today and I noticed the handle is you, so I peeped the profile. Good shit, brah.


Yes, but more than just military and let's be real. Trump knows his strengths and weaknesses very well. His ego serves him very well and very realistically. He's not the point man on military. He aligned himself very early on, with very important generals and military leaders, past and present. He made great choices, so they'd make great choices. Great choices are never dumb luck.

The military was always in, but private contractors were also in play. Hi Langley! That said, the biggest, most immediate play was the hitting of the FBI and CIA and ultimately DOJ. Sometimes in hindsight, I wished I had said FBI, CIA, DOJ and Fed, but alas... no take backs. I know it was probably implied if FBI and CIA were stared, but I only wished I'd said it because it deserves more credit than I'd given. Oh well.

These things combined and all you've mentioned above, yes, you're not just close. You're pretty correct. I'm a little impartial to Thiel and Montgomery so sure, they played roles, at times significant, also true but they also have big jobs, with big, significant roles so I don't give everyone cookies just for doing the jobs they were hired and paid to do well. That's just expected for me.


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MegaAnon is busy today on Reddit, various topics
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28
Please note that those are reverse order, newest first. Also, here is a link where you can always see her latest Reddit posts
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28

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