[MegaAnon] ID:TOv/PlJ1 No.153409135~~~~~
... I have so many more examples but I'm short on time right now. I hope you're getting where I'm going with this because it's important as you watch these cards being pulled as the house falls. Sorry I can't elaborate more right now, y'all.

Just look again at this screen grab, which I also posted a few days ago and consider the below when reading

"S" = Strzok
"Limey" = Louise Mensch
I will be able to expose more of the pseudonyms later but this is good for now.

Strzok is deep state. He worked for "FBI" when they sought his specific talents. Remember, he's great at "memos". He also worked for many "others", as well. He did all of it under the direction and oversight of McCabe, not Comey. Which made Mueller the choice (hence, he secretly interviewed WITH TRUMP the NIGHT BEFORE the appointment was confirmed publicly) because WHO would McCabe willingly continue to work for and with as an SP?! His old crooked boss Mueller. Except now, McCabe has no idea he's been abandoned by Mueller, who's worked his own plea deal w/ the Trump admin., in exchange for an honest, bi-partisan, non-political investigation that would end in it's own swamp demise because honestly investigated facts, would expose and allow justice to be served to the guilty.

Oh and side note, Strzok is also REALLY GOOD at crafting official looking federal documents like birth certificates and such. Hi Obama! You know it's coming... it's in large part how I'm here today... anonymously yapping in a thread on a board and all. We're gonna make it rain documents. Maybe when we're done, everyone will realize why you pushed for Dreamers/DACA so hard. Hits a little close to the vest, no?! Enjoy your holidays, "brah"!

Mueller will never go after Comey. Sorry. Comey, Mueller and Holder are peas in the same pod.

[MegaAnon] ID:TOv/PlJ1 No.153410467~~~~~
He's not gonna "go after him". By the time we get to Comey, it's an obvious no brainer. It's BEEN the plan. They removed his previously negotiated, temporary immunity, to finalize and sign off on his now plea. Comey will be no more surprised he's "being indicted" than Manafort, Gates and Flynn were and I told y'all months ago it was this way for all of them and then you watched Manafort, Gates and Flynn get indicted, turn themselves in and walk, JUST LIKE I SAID YOU WOULD.

... and don't worry, Mueller will get his share too. He knows what's coming and he will have his day to finally testify and tell his "story", like Flynn and Comey started begging for, 3 weeks before Trump was officially elected.

Must've been nice seeing the writing on the walls in real time... they all got the real "election poll" stats. Just like I said, this Moore/Jones clusterfuck is going to prove to a lot of people watching and paying attention now (that's the point) EXACTLY parties "rig" candidates/elections. You're witnessing history right now.

[MegaAnon] ID:TOv/PlJ1 No.153411897~~~~~
Just cap and archive this...

Comedy's [Comey's] book is gonna look a lot like Donna Brazille's book... but a whole lot better.

Mueller isn't wrong, nor is Comey and you can bet your sweet ass it's going to look a lot like the Nazi trials but you're going to be waiting a long time if you think Trump's taking a hit. It will definitely be a fair, bi-partisan shake, make no mistakes about it y'all. I'd say ask Hillary but she's probably still resting her fractured toe that takes extra long to heal. Guess she was pissed she didn't cover her ankle accessory well enough in Philly and decided to go for the Guinness Book of World Records for longest healing time. I already told y'all months ago that when people like people McCain and GHB started to take turns for the worst, it only means the fire's getting a little to hot. People that deep would rather die than live to witness themselves be indicted and their "legacies" be shamed.

I mean, this IS what's happening. It's fact. Accept it now and move on. You don't need to make this political because (you) don't like Trump. It's not about Trump. That's what they want you to think. This is about all of them, the dirty establishment and YOU mattering again.

When this is over, you won't be Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. you'll hate them all.

Well Mega was right

~~~~~ [MegaAnon] ID:TOv/PlJ1 No.153412589~~~~~
See?! When I tell y'all for the better part of the last 3 months that people are on fucking house arrest and even wearing medical boots to cover ankle bracelets, I'm a "LARP".

CNN confirms people are on house arrest after larping to y'all that Hillary was going to win and they're just "right".

Haha, I give up. This is exhausting. ;o)