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MegaAnon yesterday and today: a thread about Qaddafi, and several threads about Pedogate and Moore

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Why did America kill Muammar Gaddafi?

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Refused to use Rothschild owned banks

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:Ue44HCBJ Mon 11 Dec 2017 22:59:19 No.152932485~~~~~

Worse, y'all... they killed him because

1. He was the last one still pushing the increasingly popular ideology of the ME region trading oil on the dinar instead of USD (which only increased its support after Saddam)


2. They were all still fighting that ME oil pipeline that the US/UN, Saudi's and Israeli's were pushing hard to pass. Regional opposition was primarily being led by Saddam/Gaddafi... then just Gaddafi with the support of the rest of the ME.

But it wasn't really the oil everyone wanted... as you now know today, it was the opium.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:Ue44HCBJ Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:04:26 No.152932925~~~~~

This is also why they started pissing in his Cheerios by running guns from Libya to ISIS right under his nose. It set him up to look like a false enemy as if he were supplying ISIS. Hence Hillary's 3rd party contracted, illegal arms deals that led to secret CIA ops, a vulnerable Ambassador being purposefully kept in the dark and eventually Benghazi.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

MILABS are reference to either Deep Underground Military Bases or Military Labs operated by the deep state/government. These MILABS are located across the globe and offer nefarious purposes to the deep state including human experimentation and advanced technology experiments.
Political how? Stay ITT and you will find out. Some of the discussion can seem /x/-tier so try to keep the discussion mature.
MILABS are the direct reason for all the child trafficking in the United States.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:tFqJsBwd Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:06:37 No.152933090~~~~~

The Bush's LOVE MILABS. True story, y'all! Dig into it, I'm sure you'll find it. It's ridiculous.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon]ID:tFqJsBwd Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:14:12 No.152933663 ViewReport~~~~~

Haha! Only if I also said you should check out the tunnels between the Colorado MILABS and the Denver International Airp- ;o)

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Speaking of pedos

Breaking tonite
Roy Moore went to a CHILD BROTHEL in Vietnam. The guy at his own rally talks about it. Claims he "left", but even in his account they left another buddy there and didnt report him.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:tFqJsBwd Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:24:22 No.152934448~~~~~

Haha! Glad you think this is fucked up! Now go get Obama because his DOD told the entire fucking military stationed in the ME, to IGNORE/not report Muslim men FUCKING LITTLE BOYS due to "cultural differences"... just like they were told in Vietnam. This is documented... you can even fire up your "google" search bar and "read" about it.

Kinda hard to report it to local Vietnamese authorizes while they're holding the kids down waiting for their turns, right?

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Yeah Denver IA is a horror show.
Everyone talks about really bad vibes entering that airport for the first time.
IIRC it was something like 200-300% over budget, years extension on the contracts...

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:tFqJsBwd Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:32:46 No.152935102~~~~~

It's all hollow ground and those tunnels had been there a long time. It was chosen for the airport site on purpose to use and expand the existing tunnel infrastructure.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Yeah that makes sense, America has a lot of those hallowed out cave systems from when the inner portion of the states were ocean floors.
Have you heard of Dulce base? What about Phil Schneider?

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:tFqJsBwd Mon 11 Dec 2017 23:42:56 No.152935886~~~~~

Nope but don't worry about telling me... I already believe you so you don't need to. That's a sad state of reality, isn't it?

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

[There were certainly pretty girls. And they were girls. They were young. Some were very young,” Sailing acknowledged. But according to Sailing, Moore was shocked by what he saw. “We shouldn’t be here, I’m leaving,” Moore said, according to Sailing.]

So Roy let his buddy rape some kids and then started doing the same in Alabama

~~~~~Anonymous ID:SmM/Ey1q Tue 12 Dec 2017 11:04:39 No.152980575~~~~~

Just remember for future trolling, that the Obama admin. told deployed troops in the Middle East to ignore/not report their witnessed accounts sex abuse of Muslims against children, citing it as it's "religious" and "cultural" differences and sadly, the military outrage was hardly reported and quickly shut down by the MSM... but I managed to find an NYT article from a few years back, which should appease you.

Guess what?! Same "standard operating procedures" on NOT reporting child sex abuse, came down from the LBJ (D) admin. during Vietnam. In both Vietnam and today in the Middle East, religions/cultural differences were cited to deter reporting which clogged investigative military offices and processes.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Remember when Trump gave the prosecutor, Acosta, that gave Epstein a sweet plea deal for fucking kids a cabinet position in his administration?

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:SmM/Ey1q Tue 12 Dec 2017 11:29:48 No.152982972~~~~~

I can't wait til y'all find out why! Acosta knows a whole lot about Epstein, doesn't he?! Have you ever looked into that case? Have you looked into WHO directly oversaw Acosta and the investigation, right up to trial and the judge/jury selection?! This case REALLY REALLY REALLY STUNG ACOSTA, for a VERY VERY VERY long time. You haven't heard the end of it yet though.

Pay attention to what's gonna start rumbling around about Epstein and WHO PAID WHO, to try and tie him to Trump, more than he is. Trump and Epstein knew each other, yes. Lots of rich people in Manhattan "know" each other. But when you find out EXACTLY WHY Epstein showed up uninvited at Mar-a-lago, begging to get in, trying to scoop a photo op with Trump, you're going to realize WHO set that up.

I promise y'all, it's gonna be great! Let it play...

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

I thought for sure you'd have a few shills or liberals commenting, but what would they say?
That during wars Americans allow kids to be raped? The wars WE START!
Truth is sad, WE ARE THE BAD GUYS!

Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on us, for we are sinners. Amen!

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:SmM/Ey1q Tue 12 Dec 2017 12:57:44 No.152992072~~~~~

Right and don't forget... "displaced", "undocumented" kids are a big supply/demand businesses when it comes to NGO kick backs deposited in side "not-for-profit", politician-run foundations . Facts don't lie... wars and natural disasters are lucrative.

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

A vote for Moore is a vote against giving liberals a "pedophile card" to play now that they've maxxed out their "race card."

It literally happened in the UK... a pedophile witch hunt that sent all the good husbands and fathers to jail for being seen in public with their children, followed by the country being taken over by real pedophiles like Jimmy Savile and the Rotherham rape gangs.

That is our future if Moore loses.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:j7dXjDRf Tue 12 Dec 2017 11:17:40 No.152981742~~~~~
Don't forget y'all, JUST LIKE the Obama admin. (D), who mandated troops deployed in the Middle East to STOP reporting child sex abuse witnessed, citing it as "religious" and "cultural" differences between Americans and Muslims, in addition to clogging up military investigation departments/processes, the LBJ admin. (also D) also cited "cultural differences" and mandated the same "no report" rule, to troops deployed in Vietnam. Crazy right?!

You weren't allowed to report it... even when you wanted to. The MSM quickly squashed the outrage of troops publicly denouncing Obama's mandate, just like they squashed the same public outrage and MSM coverage during Vietnam. See how it all unitonically comes full circle... when the Dems are in power?!

Here's a nice NYT article on Obama's mandate that these lefties should love.
Oh and, (pic related too, y'all). ;o)

You should remind everyone on the internets about this little Snapple cap fact...

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:j7dXjDRf Tue 12 Dec 2017 11:57:11 No.152985791~~~~~

All you should be looking for right now is rumblings of Trump/Epstein and who paid Epstein to directly engage and show up unannounced at Mar-a-lago with a young girl for a photo op. Remember when Trump personally refused entry and threw him out? There's more to this story than you realize and it's going to be pulled out from under the swamp, sooner than later.

Ever wonder why Trump tapped Acosta of DoL to begin with? Did you ever look into the case Acosta was prosecuting over Epstein? Who oversaw the investigation of Epstein and Acosta's prosecution? Who appointed the judge? Who was responsible for jury selection?

Y'all, you're gonna see that the same types of people hunting down and paying off these rundown, sloppy Moore and Trump "accusers", are the same people who paid Epstein to pull his stunt when he did, to try and create FALSE TIES that do not exist.

Does Trump "know" lots of rich people in Manhattan? Yes. Has he been to events, parties, etc. with many of these people? Yup. Do they all know each other directly and indirectly? Sure! But does ANY OF THIS MEAN THEY'RE ALL BEST BUDS, taking the Lotita Express to fuck kids on islands?! No. Truth be told, Trump tolerated the rumors he'd heard for decades about just how "young" Epstein and his crowd liked their women.

In fact, it's WHY Trump sarcastically made the public statements he did years ago, about Epstein "liking young women". Trump did it to taunt "that crowd", back then, just like he publicly pokes and taunts all those he opposes today. Just cap this post and let it bake There's gonna be WAY more said about this stuff after the new year and those in bed with Epstein, attempting to purposely mislead the public by falsifying and paying people to publicly exploit non-existent "relationships", are going to regret it.

Remember y'all, there are LOTS of people, with A LOT to say and just like Flynn, they're ALL gonna get a chance to ride, after waiting decades in line. ;o)

~~~~~Anonymous ID:j7dXjDRf Tue 12 Dec 2017 12:11:31 No.152987210~~~~~
Here's the Trump quote [pic related] on Epstein. Link below...

~~~~~[another anon]~~~~~

Doug Jones and I were neighbors. I can tell you verifiable things about Doug Jones that aren't public record. He grabbed my dick when I was only 13. I've contacted NBC News and WaPo but they aren't interested.
[after some anons express doubt]
I tweeted my accusation to NBC News, WaPo and many times to Doug Jones. It actually happened.

~~~~~Anonymous [MegaAnon] ID:j7dXjDRf Tue 12 Dec 2017 12:35:07 No.152989674~~~~~

Can you provide documentation as in legitimate proof of residency which can be verified as neighbor of Jones and at least two direct relations you told at or around the time it happened, who'd also be willing to go on the record citing their names and relations to you, with their public statements?

Sorry if this really happened to you and I'm not doubting it did, but a 20 year old "me too" story popping up this late in the game, isn't great either. You'd need to provide verifiable documentation and at least 2 people you reported it to or discussed it with immediately after or within reasonable timeframes (3 years post, latest), who'd be willing to go public by name/face, as well.

Any dates/timestamped, verifiable documentation you could provide on your reaches to to WaPo and NBC are great, too. Lots of ways to play that angle. Did they ignore you because they're in bed with Jones (pun intended)? Because you're a man? Etc.

Do you have the ability to provide this documentation and the names/direct phone numbers of 2 ppl. you reported it to within reasonable timeframes, as well as documentation of attempts to media that you can immediately assemble and send?

[There were further posts by the accuser of Jones in the thread, but MegaAnon had no further posts.]

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Articles In This Thread

MegaAnon yesterday and today: a thread about Qaddafi, and several threads about Pedogate and Moore
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35
Once again, here is the link to the Archive/index of Meganon posts
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

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