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The Biggest Coup D’etat Since The Civil War

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

In Response To: Are We Witnessing The Biggest Sting Operation In History? 'Sewer Rats' Are Panicked - A Look At The Bigger Picture Shows Just How Fast The D (RumorMail)


We, the American people are witnessing the biggest attempted Coup D’etat in American history of a duly elected American president and all roads lead back to Obama and Hillary and their deep state minions out to overturn the election.

Hillary would have been a third Obama term and all her crimes would have been covered up. Everyone thought she would get in even Obama, but fate had a different plan up her sleeve and Trump won. When that happened it was like a bolt of insanity hit their collective brains and all truth, logic and fairness was thrown out of the window.

We now know that the fake Russian Trump dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary with money from her foundation and the fix was in with Comey and his band already fixing to exonerate her before the investigation. We are also aware of her own Russian collusion with selling 20% of our uranium that we import to Russia which has 1100 missiles aimed at us and can use that uranium to make nukes to use against us or sell to Iran that cries ‘death to America’ all the time.

Since Trump got in office he is keeping all of his promises and changes are occurring for the better. We’ve had two quarters of 3% economic growth, close to two million new jobs since he lifted 800 of Obama’s regulations thus freeing up companies to hire once again, the stock market has had record days 86 times already this year and companies are coming back here from overseas since Trump got rid of TPP. Since Trump’s election a year ago, the Washington Times reported, the jobless rate has dropped to a 17-year low of 4.1 percent and consumer confidence is at a 17 year high.

Obama and the libs are not used to this. Trump is a businessman from the private sector and this is what people have been yearning for decades for now. These liberal Dems don’t have any new ideas and have nothing to offer. All they know is government control of the people, therefore, all they know how to do is call names and call for impeachment (like crazy Maxine Waters and perpetually angry Al Green) all the time.

Former President Barack Obama thanked himself in a speech Tuesday in which he took credit for American economic growth occurring under Republican President Donald Trump.

Speaking at the Economic Club of Chicago on Tuesday, Obama warned against “complacency” and issued a stark reminder of the victims of Adolf Hitler’s regime. While not mentioning Trump by name, Obama’s comments were widely interpreted as a veiled critique of the president and his “Make America Great Again” platform.

“We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly,” Obama said during a question and answer session. “That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s which, despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to dominate.”

“Sixty million people died,” Obama said, “So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”

The Weimar Republic suffered from hyperinflation and political instability. Though democratic, it was hardly a utopia, marked by street battles between radical communists and right-wingers, and its capital, Berlin, became famous for decadence and excess.

No Barrack it was not because of you. The country is thriving without you once again because Trump is dismantling your policies and getting big government out of the people’s way and you and your following of sheep can’t stand it. You are powerless and now Hillary is gone. These Dems can’t win in the arena of ideas so the only way is to overthrow the government. Obama and Hillary are doing what is called “projection” in psychological circles blaming the opposition for their own faults and crimes.

Recently former ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton spoke with Lou Dobbs about the coup by these democrats and compared it to the election of Lincoln.

Democrats in the 1860’s would rather break up the Union than accept the election of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. Today’s Democrats would rather remove another Republican President, Donald Trump, from office than accept the results of the 2016 election.

Democrats in the 1860’s broke up the Union because they didn’t want to give up their power over the executive branch of government and they didn’t want to end slavery, Democrats today are partaking in their Coup D’état because they don’t want to give up their power over the federal government and don’t want to be put in jail for their crimes committed in the years before the election.

Ambassador Bolton: They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate.

Lou Dobbs: That’s what you can see.

Ambassador Bolton: They are the ones who are illegitimate… The Wall Street Journal says this is the first coup d’état in American History. It’s a mini coup d’état but it goes right along with the idea that they should have won the election.. And one recalls the famous scene in the debate where during the debates where, I believe it was Chris Wallace, who asked both candidates if you lose will you accept the result…

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Articles In This Thread

Are We Witnessing The Biggest Sting Operation In History? 'Sewer Rats' Are Panicked - A Look At The Bigger Picture Shows Just How Fast The D
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35
The Biggest Coup D’etat Since The Civil War
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

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