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What Has Roy Moore To Do with Pizzagate? That Is the Question

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37

What Has Roy Moore To Do with Pizzagate? That Is the Question
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Mary Maxwell ran against Judge Roy Moore and 8 others for the Republican nomination to the US Senate. She had “carpetbagged” her way in to Alabama, from Australia, and lost, on August 15th. Mary now writes the following, in anticipation of the December 12, 2017 election:

Let’s see if I can be of some value to the people in a state that I really love: Alabama. I want you to hear my two cents on the Roy Moore business. First, I’ll do some upfront disclosure about things that may affect the usefulness of my opinion.

1. I am very opposed to Doug Jones and would prefer a Republican to win.
2. In general I oppose referring to a candidate’s sex life in ANY political campaign.
3. I like the fact that Roy is a constitutionalist, although I don’t agree with him on two things: his opposition to gay rights, and his support of the wall.
4. I am angry at the constant lies of the mainstream media (unrelated to this case), be it Fox, CNN or NY Times.

5. I understand that hordes of abused (trafficked) kids in the world are prevented from speaking out, whether by fear, embarrassment, or hopelessness.
6. I of course agree that doing anything sexual to a 14-year-old is criminal.

7. I think some teens go for an older man, but most would consider a guy over 24 yucky.
8. Having met Roy on the campaign trail this year, I judged him to be very gentlemanly.

There, now you have my pre-judices, that is, my thoughts prior to having heard the hot dirt about the judge.

As to how much of the potpourri of accusations I have read, not too much: I know about the Leigh Corfman 14-year-old story, the car-in-restaurant-parking-lot story, and the signed yearbook. Indeed, I have commented in print (at on all of those.

Also, I’ve just seen, on Youtube, a lady cop saying that cops were told to watch out for Moore bothering the cheerleaders at games.

In terms of published defenses of Moore, I’ve seen statements by women who have known him for years who say they’ve seen no signs of trouble, and read Captain Staehle’s account of Captain Moore’s good behaviour in Vietnam, specifically, making sure not to go to a brothel. (I link Staehle's text below).

There are two things I can now tell: my verdict – is Roy Moore guilty or not? And, depending on what he might be guilty of, would I want voters to give him the heave-ho?

My verdict is: Dunno. I do not know if he is guilty of any of the allegations. My guess is he is not guilty, but how can I know? How can I know if that lady cop at cheerleader games is telling the truth? How can I know if the Vietnam veteran Staehle is telling the truth?

And I don’t know Moore well enough, personally, to say “He wouldn’t do any of that.”

But logic tells me that it is extremely UNLKELY he would “exchange phone numbers” with 14-year-old Corfman in the courthouse where he was a lawyer and she was in a custody case. I’d be amazed to learn of any lawyer, anywhere, doing that.

Sure, there is such a thing as a sex drive, but one takes care not to jeopardize one’s career. Weren’t there plenty of other girls over the legal age, and not in a court case, to whom a sex-mad lawyer could turn his attention?

Thus, my verdict is “I don’t know” -- but if I were forced to bet money on it, I’d bet that the major stories are made up, and almost certainly the Corfman story is made up.

Now turning to my second question: If Moore be found guilty of assaulting a 14-year-old (legally it’s an assault because of her age, like statutory rape, even if no force was used), do I hope voters will kick him out?

Before you read my answer, please skim, again, my confessed prejudices. You'll need only look at the top 4, the other 4 were relevant to my trying to figure out his guilt.

So, good. You have correctly guessed that I wouldn’t want Roy Moore to lose this election -- even if he did assault a 14-year-old 38 years ago. Or even if he had robbed a bank.

In fact, if he had robbed a bank and served time in prison for it, all of us would have known about it at the beginning of the campaign. Many voters would say “I want him in the Senate for what he will do there, not for sins of the past.”

Remember you are dealing with a prejudiced commentator here. I truly hate the constant lies of the mainstream media. We can discuss that later. I truly do not want Doug Jones to set foot in the Senate – we can discuss that later.

I think it would be great to have a strict constitutionalist in the Senate, a buddy for Rand Paul. (No need to discuss that later -- I discussed it on the campaign trail till I was blue in the face.)

Finally, and please listen to me, I don’t want “sex” in political elections, ever. This whole thing is such an insult to The Great Republic. The major issue in this senate campaign should be WAR. Have you noticed our president keeps talking about making a nuclear strike on North Korea, or Iran, or something?

And the environment. We idiot humans have spent the last few decades wrecking the oceans. Oceans -- they said it couldn’t be done, but we did it!

Please. Please, take your minds off the bedroom, the front seat of the car, or the cheerleaders. Sex is wonderful, thank God for sex, but this is ridiculous. Let’s MAGA, pronto.

See Mary’s website:

Link here to the testimonial by Moore’s fellow officer in Vietnam:

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Articles In This Thread

What Has Roy Moore To Do with Pizzagate? That Is the Question
MaryMaxwell -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37
Good Analysis....#metoo
Watchman -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37

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