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HighImpactFlix: YouTuber Perfectly PREDICTS Las Vegas 2 Weeks BEFORE the Incident!!

Posted By: Swami
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:01

In Response To: Big Second Amendment Win in D.C. Circuit Courts (Swami)

YouTuber Perfectly PREDICTS Las Vegas 2 Weeks BEFORE the Incident!! - YouTube


Las Vegas Prepares for Terror & Disaster - Story | KLAS-TV

Aug 11, 2017 (search result date)

Valley emergency responders will spend the next three days preparing for an event they hope never happens -- a major terrorist attack that could leave hundreds dead.

Authorities will stage a mock terrorism drill that will take place on the Strip, at the Clark County Government Center, and at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

When terrorists struck London last Thursday, thoughts of September 11th resurfaced. Federal, state, and local agencies say they don't want to be caught off guard if a similar attack were to happen in Las Vegas. The drill will simulate a chemical and biological attack as well as an earthquake.

Patrick Boylan is a Terrorism Analyst who has taught and studied at UNLV's Institute of Security studies, "Can the hospitals handle it? I don't they can handle a major attack in this town."

Last year, Homeland Security Commission Chairman Dr. Dale Carrison said 200 critical patients from a terror attack would disrupt the Valley's trauma system. Which is why this drill is so important, it will help determine problem areas.

Other exercises have been held as recently as several months ago. One put a search and rescue team to the test, to see how they would deal with fatigue. And typically one goal of these exercises is to simulate real time conditions. "This exercise is good. We need to know what will happen in Las Vegas in 110 degrees when there are tourists running around not knowing what to do," said Boylan.

Part of the drill will simulate a transit attack, somewhat similar to what happened in London. More than 70 local, state, and federal agencies helped plan the exercise. Close to twenty hospitals and quick care health clinics will also be involved.


Jun 9, 2016 (search result date)

Mock Disaster Drill at McCarran - Story | LasVegasNow | KLAS-TV

(Oct. 22) -- The Clark County Department of Aviation at McCarran tested its emergency plan, as the FAA requires it to do every three years. Wednesday morning's drill was the first time since 9-11. So it's not surprising there was a terrorism angle.

A mock 727 crash was staged to practice an emergency response to a disaster. The part of the airport where the drill took place was shut down for the exercise and re-opened once it was over. No flights were delayed because of the drill.

Rosemary Vassiliatis with the Clark County Department of Aviation said, "Royal Atlantic Airlines flight 266 was struck by a vehicle which breached the airport perimeter fence."

That news conference was part of the drill. High school students played the 130 people onboard. Armed with fake burns, ripped clothes, and a little theatrics, the participating students put emergency first responders to the test.

Airport administrators say while this scenario loosely involved terrorism, authorities have to be prepared for anything.

"The sign of the times includes investigation of terrorism in everything, unfortunately. If you were to talk to metro a traffic accident would include the terrorism aspect. Certainly on airport property, it would include an aspect of terrorism," explained Vassiliatis.

The drill gave local FBI agents the chance to hone skills they don't normally get to use.

Todd Palmer with the Las Vegas FBI stated, "When we go out and do interviews, usually they're one on one, they're not done in a mass, chaotic environment like this would be. And even though you're dealing with actors, the actors themselves, are portraying an injured person, and some of them do that above and beyond the call of duty."

All in hopes that the plan being practiced will never have to be used.

Wednesday's drill took five hours from start to finish and cost taxpayers $18-thousand. Money the airport says is a good investment in preparedness.

(Oct. 21) -- A security drill at McCarran Wednesday will cause some commotion on the tarmac. If you're anywhere near the airport in the morning, don't be surprised to see smoke in the sky, fires on the runways, and people lying on the tarmac. This is all part of a security drill. A McCarran spokesperson would not go into details, but told Eyewitness News about 200 people will act as victims for the drill.


Jun 7, 2016

Nevada Homeland Security Plans Mock Terrorist Drill - Story

Homeland security officials were already scheduled to meet in Las Vegas to go over safety concerns in the Las Vegas Valley. The Nevada Homeland Security Commission is very concerned about the attacks in London.

For the members, it serves as a reminder that we cannot let down our guard. For that very reason on Monday the Las Vegas Convention Center will become one mass causality triage center for a mock terrorist drill. Clark County Emergency Management Manager Jim O'Brien says about the drill, "We are testing our local emergency operations plan. The state's emergency operations plan and the national response plan."

O'Brien adds the three-day test starting Monday takes on new meaning because of the London attacks. The exercise planning began last November after a Channel 8 Eyewitness News investigation revealing a break down in the trauma system.

At that time, the Homeland Security Commission Chairman Doctor Dale Carrison said 200 critical patients from a terrorist attack or natural disaster would overwhelm the system. State Emergency Management Director Frank Siracusa says this test will identify problem areas. "Certainly we will find some deficits. That is what an exercise is all about. We know right now we need to improve our processes."

One aspect of the exercise deals with a transit attack. It won't simulate exactly what happened in London, but enough to test local response. Nevada Homeland Security Commissioners were briefed on the test Thursday. During the meeting, the attacks in London were used to highlight the importance of the commissions work.

Nevada Homeland Security Commission Chairman Carrison says, "I think this emphasizes the point that they are still out there. It's not time for us to fall asleep at the switch. It's time for us to go forward and make those recommendations to the governor that protect the citizens of Nevada."

Carrison worries that we may fall into a false sense of security. He believes tests like the one Monday for Clark County help keep focus. He says the unfortunate incidents in London serve as a reminder that we can be attacked again right here at home.

Former Sheriff and now head of Wynn Las Vegas security, Jerry Keller, is on the commission. He says that casino security staff at all Las Vegas hotels have been alerted to keep an eye out just in case.


This will make you question EVERYTHING you see on TV - YouTube

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