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What, then, happened yesterday in Germany? We have summarized the most important issues in 7 points

Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:02

In Response To: Doctors believed Princess Diana had ‘dangerous’ genetic illness (IZAKOVIC)

Do not panic, this is not Weimar; who, apart from Merkel, could survive more than a million refugees and five more things to know

Silvana Menđušić

the reporters of the world's most important media are analyzing the results of the elections in Germany, and we summarized them in seven points. Merkel, therefore, won the fourth term. What will be the price, why next year will not be easy and five other things marked by the German elections.

1. Win without a smile

Four years ago, it was celebrated at the headquarters of the CDU, and politicians of that party spontaneously began to sing karaoke night after the results were announced. Last night, the headquarters were a different picture. Although it was clear to everyone that these conservative results of 2013 could hardly be repeated, little one expected that the common election results of the democrat Angela Merkel and their Bavarian party sisters, the CSU, would experience such a serious fall (the right-center block recorded the worst results from 1949, and even 20 percent lost in comparison with 2013).

2. Angela Merkel's twilight started

SPD leader Martin Schulz said on television last night that she is the biggest loser. These words were frivolous by the candidate who had just recorded the worst results for his party, but in his opinion, there were grains of truth. Instead of opening up grave issues such as attitudes towards migrants, Merkel led a boring 'feel-good' campaign promising "Germany in which she lives well and happily" at the same time not offering specific explanations of how to reach that goal.

Voters did not excuse her politics towards migrants despite low unemployment, a strong economy and a large surplus. CSU partners have already begun to whisper "we told you". Merkel will face the question of who is to blame for the bad result, the young and ambitious potential leaders of the party will be agitated, but her forgiveness will be long. Although this Sunday was difficult for Merkel, it is not wise to forget that she managed to survive the open door for more than a million refugees. What kind of a politician would survive this in Europe?

3. Do not panic, this is not Weimar

AfD, an extreme right-wing party whose results have proven to be stronger than anyone dared to predict. They won 90 seats in parliament, finished with 21 percent of the vote in second place in eastern Germany. TV surveys showed that millions of votes were stolen by conservatives, half a million SPD and 430,000 left. But all those who bring historical comparisons to the dark side of Germany, should breathe deeply and admit that Germany is a stable democracy.

Most of the Germans did not vote for AfD, and those who voted made it out of protest. The years to come will not be nice, but the foundations of democracy in Germany are robust and can not be easily swayed by a populist movement. The strong results of AfD are worrying, a sign of political fragmentation, the introduction of toxic elements and polarization into the German scene, but references to the German past should be completed.

4. Hard negotiations on the coalition

The strategic goal of the chancellor was achieved, but conservatives lost dozens of seats in the Bundestag. The price will be high, as Angela Merkel will hardly agree a coalition that will be stable for the next couple of years. The Social Democrats (SPD) have decided to pull back into opposition and lick their wounds rather than enter into a large coalition with Merkel. Although it was previously estimated that the coalition that the Germans call Jamaica the idea of ​​a long stick, now it seems the only option. The ideological disagreement between the Greens, the FDP, the CSU and the CDU will be a challenge: from policy towards migrants to ecology and the euro, there are many differences to be discussed.

5. The German political model of consensus is solidly shaken

The new parliament will have seven parties (or eight, we are counting CSUs) representing many more different political bodies than the previous composition. The far right in the Bundestag will make German politics louder with much uglier words. AfD leader Jörg Meuthen has already acknowledged that confrontation and provocation will be an important strategy for the party. The political middle ground will be so much affected and will create a much tougher political climate.

6. Reform of the eurozone? Forget for a while

According to the recommendations of the French President Emmanuel Macron, the conservatives were skeptical before, but now that there is no big coalition, weakened Merkel has no chance to win the FDP and skeptics in his own party. Although Chancellor and Greens are open to Macron's proposal, FDP chief Christian Lindner says he would not reverse the eurozone reform, but that the idea of ​​a budget to be used to send money to Italy and France was an unacceptable red line for them.

7. Berlin will now play harder against European policy towards migrants

So far, the Germans have shown that they have lost patience with the European lack of solidarity on the refugee front. Probably will come more difficult confrontations with countries like Hungary


You may have noted that I did not streamline above to English.
Because there was no purpose to that.

Germany's Merkel (merkel) is about to kill The Europe, es her soul is elsewhere.
So much muslims w/o faith in humanity in germany.

But germans never metered in Europe. Vikings did.

But, that is a somewhat longer story.


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Doctors believed Princess Diana had ‘dangerous’ genetic illness
IZAKOVIC -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:01
What, then, happened yesterday in Germany? We have summarized the most important issues in 7 points
IZAKOVIC -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:02

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