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Ebola Hellfire - A Must Read connecting the Dots

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 3-Oct-2014 17:25:54

Large snip, photos and links on page:

The Ebola biological wildcard is dealt, whether real or perceived, and we all must bear the consequences of government and researcher’s abhorrent mischief. This is an orchestrated effort by dark powers and principalities to depopulate the world and further wither the spirit of humanity at a time of great spiritual iniquity. The blood moon is rising for a second time within a year and it is the season for blood sacrifice.

Whether by natural means or contrived, people and animals have already been dying from weaponized influenza, respiratory illnesses, paralysis (polio-like), and now we have Ebola on our shores.

There appears to be a cursory link between certain diseases such as influenza, respiratory illness, paralysis (polio-like) viruses, and Ebola.


Respiratory illnesses,

Paralysis (Polio-like)


Call for United Nations “Command and Control”

Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, Director of CIDRAP at the University of Minnesota and now a pundit on Ebola has issued a clarion cry, ”In the face of the grave risks, someone needs to exercise “command and control,” and the best candidate is the United Nations, he asserted.”

The UN “is the only international organization that can direct the immense amount of medical, public health, and humanitarian aid that must come from many different countries and nongovernmental groups to smother this epidemic. Thus far it has played at best a collaborating role, and with everyone in charge, no one is in charge.” (1)
CDC Director Wants Military-Style Response with Troops

CDC Director Tom Frieden, MD, MPH believes, “a military-style response during a major health crisis saves lives” and “the crisis warrants the deployment of thousands of American troops”. (2)
One Health=Medical Marshal Law=Obama Care

One Health Cash Cow

Fair Use Image

In these days of semantic intrigue, one must call a ‘spade a spade’. Government officials will not declare martial law over the medical system to combat any virus. What you will see are checkpoints, quarantines, and black boot enforcement. The infrastructure has been previously set in place for an universal health system, which is known as One Health. One Health unifies human, animal, environmental, and economics into one discipline. Long ago, Steve Quayle talked about a day when you would sit in a physician’s waiting room with a gold fish for medical treatment. The gold fish might get medical treatment and you may not (depending upon your QoL and carbon credits allotted). QoL is based on a sophisticated Agenda 21 algorithm, the modern day equivalent of Dr. Mengele.. You be directed right or left, that day is here my friend.

In 2005, International Health Regulations (IHR) were adopted by signatory nations. These regulations span travel to treatment. Their purpose: “to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.” This document is slightly different than the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (The Code) and Manual for Diagnostic and Vaccination for Terrestrial Animals which addresses protocol for specific diseases but does not discuss impact to international trade.
Ebola Guidance for 9-1-1 and EMS Responders Issued August 28th Infogram

Fair Use: Emergency Management Information & Response Sharing & Analysis Center

Despite the current controversy about the Dallas Ebola patient EMS treatment, on August 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted “Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for Management of Patients with Known or Suspected Ebola Virus Disease in the United States” to their website this week. The guidance is also intended for law enforcement and fire service agencies. The guidance tells medical first responders how to effectively treat patients while keeping themselves safe.

Hospitals by in large have had Ebola and other infectious disease policies since 2007, but on August 5, hospitals were contacted by the CDC with updated interim Ebola protocol.

On the same day, the National Institute of Health launched their human safety study of Ebola Vaccine Candidates. The initial accelerated study began the first week in September in coordination with the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). These trials will be in healthy adults who do not have Ebola. A chimpanzee adenovirus is used as a carrier, or vector, to deliver segments of genetic material derived from two Ebola virus species: Zaire Ebola and Sudan Ebola.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, NIH researchers will be following the path of Ebola through the genome project.

With new Ebola vaccines comes novel adjuvants. Recently the NIH has awarded contracts to seven pharmaceutical companies:

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla. Dennis Carson, M.D., principal investigator

Boston Children’s Hospital. Ofer Levy, M.D., Ph.D., principal investigator

Vaxine PTY LTD, South Australia, Australia. Nikolai Petrovsky, Ph.D., principal investigator

Corixa Corporation (now part of GlaxoSmithKline), Hamilton, Montana. Jay Evans, Ph.D., principal investigator

Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Herman Staats, Ph.D., principal investigator

Oregon Health & Science University, Portland. Jay Nelson, Ph.D., principal investigator

University of Kansas, Lawrence. Sunil David, M.D., Ph.D., principal investigator

Ebola Stage is Set

A mere day after the 13th anniversary of the tragedy that changed America forever, Richard E. Besser, MD, chief health editor at ABC News and a former acting director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appealed for a vastly greater Ebola response from the United States, sketching bleak scenes of sick people in Monrovia, Liberia waiting to get into overcrowded treatment centers and burial teams trying to collect bodies from the homes of terrified people who deny that their loved ones died of Ebola”. (3)

Was it prophecy, coincidence, or plan that Besser singled out the precise city and country for America’s firs Ebola patient?

I personally witnessed, from the inside, preparations and rhetoric leading up to September 11, 2001. I was in the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) helping America salvage what it could while beginning to implement a New World Order. This same model is now being used today to further erode our freedoms and quite possibly our lives.

In 1999, the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine held a provocative conference entitled, Tropical Diseases: Control and Prevention in the Context of “The New World Order. Since that day it was common knowledge that part of the end play-book would include foreign tropical diseases to overwhelm the immune system of man and beast alike.
Federal Review for Mass Carcass Management

CarcassFair Use: 2006 Carcass Management PDF-USDA APHIS

After the turn of the Millennium the government began preparing for mass Carcass Management. Conferences and seminars have been given around the country on the state-of-the-art green disposal methods. Some of the techniques are quite gruesome including incineration and shredding and steaming carcasses to be recycled.

One year ago, the federal government reviewed its environmental policy for mass carcass management. While it generally speaks to the issue of animal carcasses according to international treaty, humans are a part of the animal kingdom and therefore this policy would be applicable. The policy would also harmonize international carcass disposal. (4)
Elegant & Clever Molecular Kill-Switch into Ebola and Other Viruses

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Fair Use Image: CEEZAD

At Mt. Sinai Medical Center, researchers began engineering influenza viruses “to become airborne and spread more easily among humans”. While these researchers were experimenting with the pathogenic influenza viruses, they inserted a “bio-containment”, kill-switch system that mimics the way plants destroy viral attackers by microRNA (siRNA) that latch onto a virus and cleaves to it. Gary Nabel, SVP and CSO of Sanofi, told SciBX that the findings represent the kill-switch as “an elegant and clever molecular strategy, but it’s too early to know how widely the strategy can be applied.” (5)

E 2Fair Use Image: University of Minnesota and OIE (UN) partner

According to Benjamin tenOever, PhD. the switching system can be applied to any pathogenic virus, such as Ebola or SARS. The research was published in the August 11 edition of Nature Biotechnology and on the University of Minnesota CIDRAP website. (6) The research was presented as a positive advancement for biotechnology.

Unfortunately, on September 25, 2013 the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEEZAD) provided further details about Molecular Bio-Containment for the Flu and collaborators (7). CEEZAD works closely with the Department of Homeland Security and the USDA in the field of epidemiology. Meanwhile, the University of Minnesota is collaborating with the UN, through the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). It appears as though the kill-switch system has become a governmental and international affair. One might think this was the end of the story.

In 2013, the legal department of the University of Minnesota, claiming exclusive copy, contacted a blogger attempting to cover the influenza kill-switches. Only after intense negotiation and jumping through a series of demands, was the coverage able to be made available to the public outside of exclusive peer reviews.
Clostridium toxin and Your-Right-to-Know

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While researchers were quietly inserting kill-switches into the Avian Influenza geneticists were tweaking the entire poultry with a new mystery Clostridium Botulism, neurotoxin-type H, was recently mutated. The same six “biosecurity experts” involved with the lab-modified, kill-switch Bird Flu influenza viruses, made an executive decision to publish in Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) a redacted report of the new strain of Clostridium botulinum. (8) It was heralded as “responsible scientific journalism” and supposedly reflected “prudence and responsibility”.

In the spring of 2013 small farmers and commercial growers began to notice that newly acquired stock were dying at 34 days or failing to thrive. Upon further investigation, it was revealed from a poultry supplier insider and confirmed by the National Institute of Health that the manipulated genetics made the poultry susceptible to Clostridium gangrene. The poultry supplier called last years genetic tweaking, “a failure”. The “mysterious turkey shortage” at Thanksgiving 2013 was no mystery for those in the poultry business or who follow biotechnology trends.

Farmers say that one can check to see if poultry has Clostridium gangrene by several methods. Does the white meat have a greenish tinge towards the breast bone? Also, when you defrost your poultry does your bird have green oozing bubbles coming up out of its skin? If you notice either of these symptoms throw your bird. Do not give it to another animal for food.

The Clostridium toxin (9) has been surfacing since 2006, in everything, from pet food to infant formula at an alarming rate.
What does weaponized pathogen research mean to you?

Not only can the Clostridium toxin kill you in a variety of novel ways but even the researchers say it leaves unanswered many questions about “dual use research concerns” (DURC). Research of this kind can be used for “good or evil”. Researchers and the press have decided not to tell you or your physician about the new botulism neurotoxin-type H, because it might get into the hands of a terrorist. You are not allowed to know (10) about weaponized pathogens and toxins because they could fall into the hands of terrorists. The most common symptom of Clostridium botulism is paralysis.

Only the government and privileged academia know for sure if the new polio-like illness striking children is a result of this new strain of Clostridium. Therefore, how can treatment be achieved?

The Six Lethal Silencers (11)

Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD, founding editor-in-chief of mBio

Lynn Enquist, PhD, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Virology

Michael J. Imperiale, PhD, of the University of Michigan Medical School

Paul Keim, PhD, of Northern Arizona University;

Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, of the University of Minnesota

David A. Relman, MD, of Stanford University

Carefully make note of these researchers (actors) and their work. Expose any and all of their evil deeds by any means that you can. Spread the word about any new research that they may conduct in the future.

Weaponized Killer Released?

Is it ‘coincidental’ that Dr. Michael Osterholm (see above), Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) announced the first death of a North American from Avian Influenza (H5N1) (12) and is now providing the public selected information on the first North American Ebola patient. Both patients were travelers that arrived from outside North America. (13)
Asking the Tough Questions

We need to ask the tough questions. The spike in “mysterious” respiratory and gastrointestinal deaths began shortly after Thanksgiving. Nobody knows for sure what the incubation time for weaponized pathogens might be, but it is certainly feasible, that deaths began occurring within the incubation period.
People are Dying

As researchers and peer-journals go silent, people are dying across the United States with ‘mystery’ influenza-like respiratory, gastrointestinal, and polio-like illnesses. Now Ebola has come to town. Often infections are often blamed on something other than weaponized pathogens. Those creating these man-altered pathogens want to go about their work quietly in the dark, keeping you in the dark about their existence.

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Articles In This Thread

Ebola Hellfire - A Must Read connecting the Dots
RumorMail -- Friday, 3-Oct-2014 17:25:54
Reader: Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - Master List
RumorMail -- Friday, 3-Oct-2014 17:41:04

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