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Video: UPDATE - VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7

Posted By: Lion
Date: Monday, 13-Mar-2017 19:30:51


UPDATE - VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7

Published on Mar 12, 2017 By Victurus Libertas VL

Folks, this is the Pentagon Interview about Vault 7. A couple of days ago, I uploaded the DHS video by mistake with the title of Pentagon insider.

We have been reaching out to our Pentagon insider and… FINALLY! We got a reply and he has agreed to answer some questions about Vault 7.

We have been reaching out to our Pentagon insider and… FINALLY! We got a reply and he has agreed to answer some questions about Vault 7.

Q. Vault 7 is the biggest story of the year, right?

A. It gets bigger by orders of magnitude.

Q. So what happens now?

A. The story will go well beyond Implants, C2’s, and LP’s.

Q. What does that mean?

A. Listening posts, Malware. The danger is in how the CIA declassified “war code”. They also failed to keep different eggs in different baskets. This can be blamed on the agency not wanting to loop NSA in their plans. In essence, the CIA sought to create their own NSA.

Q. What do you see happening next?

A. Well, “Whack A Mole” takes on a whole new meaning!

Q. Whoa…….

A. The media steps in. Talking heads bemoan the “threat to national security”, blame Russia, avoid any mention of Uk involvement or Israel, which by the way, is furious beyond belief and scared shitless at the release of Vault 7… as are the Brits.

Q. We keep hearing this. Why? The Brits and Israeli’s are allies, right?

A. Define ally? The CIA, MI6 and Israeli secret service have been engaged in asymmetrical espionage on civilians, both domestically and abroad. They turned their tradecraft on the civi’s. Thats not going to play out well. There are bigger floods ahead, I fear.

Q. Floods?

A. Its a term used to denote large scale leaks or breeches in intelligence.

Q. What type of things can we expect?

A. Right now, the first dump concentrated on the CIA’s toolkit. The fear and loathing barometer tells me there is real concern the source code will get leaked, and even bigger concern the CIA’s past ‘activities” get exposed. If that happens, we will have a shockwave and an instant realignment of friends and foes.

Q. Could you explain further?

A. Lets say Wikileaks divulges that the CIA engages in domestic espionage in tandem with Mossad and MI6… Lets say CIA looks the other way while foreign nations are allowed to surveil American citizens… Lets say the people find out we created Isis with Israel, or the CIA really did neutralize Kennedy. Imagine how the citizens will view the CIA, Mossad and MI6. In truth, these entities are not the beast, but rather the claws of the beast. The combination of the CIA, Mossad and MI6 can be considered the greatest sponsors of terrorism in the world.

Q. Wow. So you are saying Wikileaks may leak the secret history of the CIA?

A. I am sure its coming. Why did they use a Kennedy quote referencing the CIA’s destruction as their passphrase? I am pretty certain they plan to expose just who was behind the Kennedy assassination.

Q. If foreign nations were behind 9/11, will the people sit idly and forget about it and go back to their everyday lives?

A. 2 years ago, I would have been confident they would have behaved as the lemmings the CIA expects them to behave like. But the foundation of trust is eroding. People no longer trust DC, MSM, Banks, our courts, etc.

Q. Will Pedogate ever be fully exposed?

A. Vault 7 will make certain that Pedogate is exposed. CIA and Mossad are behind much of it. Many in my close circle welcomes what Wikileaks has done. Most military servicemen serve honorably. Most law enforcement as well. We want the swamp drained. If Trump muzzles Pence, and guides this nation by his instincts, my guess is he will gut the CIA, modernize it, kick the MI6 and Mossad out of the tent and start re-evaluating who our friends are. Start with Saudi Arabia. Our relationship with the UK is very good from a military standpoint. That will not go away. But, we need to weaken the power and reach of our current intelligence community as it is forced to disengage from foreign intelligence services like Mi6 and Mossad. We have to stand alone.

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Q. Whats the immediate effect of Vault 7 for the average computer user?

A. Siege mentality, I would imagine. Is your anti virus actually a virus? You will see computer “eye patches” being sold to cover the camera. Users will start to physically disable their mics, and only use headphone mic’s that you can detach when not using it.The public will equate all internet enabled consumer products as weapons of espionage and potential murder. The climate of the American public is one of distrust and apprehension. They do not feel protected. If you’re talking about a failure to protect America people, you can add, the CDC, the SEC, the USDA, Homeland Security, and just about every other branch of government.

But, the sub rosa conclusions swim in even deeper waters. America feels sabotaged by it’s Government. We falsely believed we were spectators at a Roman Arena, watching the blood sport of foreign wars on our flat screens and computers. Iraq, Syria, Yemen.

But, now we have soft terror in France, Germany, Turkey, United States, and so on. And with the revelation of our devices listening in on us, its clear we are not spectators in the Roman Arena, but lion and gladiator fodder, as well.

Q. So its all going to hell?

A. No. Vault 7 is a good thing, actually. From a military standpoint, it’s better to protect an aware civilian population than one that is programmed and obtuse . The average Joe and Mary damn well want to know if their kids are being spied on. The exploitation of these cybertools, in the hands of pedophiles, psychopaths and phishermen is what should really alarm people. This is a watershed moment in American history, The pursuit of privacy may eclipse the pursuit of happiness.

Q. Can I trust my phone?

A. Google’s Android Operating System is used in almost 9 out of 10 smart phones globally. Google, Facebook and Apple may very well have sold backdoor access to the CIA. We call it Judas technology.



Published on Mar 5, 2017 By Victurus Libertas VL

As promised by our DHS insider earlier this week, our FBI insider surfaces with information on #ObamaGate and a Spring Purge. If you heard our interview with Robert David Steele, he also spoke of a Spring Purge. This all falls together like pieces of a puzzle. Below is the latest question and answer by FBI Anon:

As promised by our DHS insider earlier this week, our FBI insider surfaces with information on #ObamaGate and a Spring Purge.

If you heard our interview with Robert David Steele, he also spoke of a Spring Purge.

This all falls together like pieces of a puzzle.

Below is the latest question and answer by FBI Anon:

Q. Thank you for talking with us. What do you think of Trump’s allegations against Obama?

A. In the worlds of the Carpenters, “its only just begun”

Q. So was Trump wiretapped as our DHS insider and Robert Steele suggest

A. Yes.

Q. Why?

A. Wrong question

Q. Ok, by whom?

A. Trump tower was bugged by more than just our IC.

Q. WHAT????? Could you elaborate?

A. Brits, Israeli’s. In the fullness of time, much will be revealed

Q. Why the Brits?

A. The same reason as the Israeli’s. Trump is a threat to the Deep State. The Deep State is a threat to Trump. Globalists are the populations bee keepers. They harness the energy, they harness the honey. Controlled oppression.

Q. So why do you and other insiders leak to us and others?

A. Because once in a while, a bat needs to be taken to the bee hive.

Q. So you want the bees swarming?

A. In a manner of speaking. We leak, so that the people may have a just outrage and demand a just result.

The People outnumber the Government 300 to 1.

It’s a numbers game.

We expected high level arrests to happen weeks ago, but discovered the bee keepers had interfered at the highest levels.

There is an internal war within our Government, as many know.

The Shadow State is like a vampire facing dawn.

They do not go easily into sunlit areas.

Q. So why did the Israeli’s bug Trump

A The same reason they keep close tabs on Jared Kushner, who I fully expect will be let go by Trump soon.

There is too much liability with Kushner.

Kushner has pressure from the Israeli lobby and Trump knows he is a delivery boy for AIPAC.

The Israeli’s bugged Trump because they were concerned about Bannon, America First, the possibility that with a Trump win, they would see their foreign aid cut, which by the way, is going to happen.

Q. What do you think of David Seaman? Is he a Mossad asset?

A. Never heard of him.

Q. How will this all play out?

A. We are entering a time of political purge – the likes of which has not been seen for decades, if not centuries.

Trump has the evidence he needs to launch an investigation into a myriad of DC collusions.

He must concentrate on the communications between Lynch, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Brennan.

He needs to get serious with the pedophilia investigation because he can bring down his enemies in one fell swoop. McCain, Graham, Obama, Bill Clinton, and so on…

His greatest tools include the Wiener file titled “Life Insurance“. (Names, dates, photo’s, videos) and the Epstein videos captured by NSA when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Wiener and Epstein.

But, his greatest tool is the collective rage of the People.

Trump must prosecute #PedoGate.

The relationship between Schumer and Wiener must be explored.

It may lead to some stunning climaxes, if you can excuse the pun.

Q. This is huge!

A. As I said before, there is enough underbelly rot to collapse not only our Government, but collapse the Likud party in Israel and expose a huge political pedophile ring that exists in the US, UK, Asia, etc.

All inter-connected.

And that’s not even venturing into the extortion aspect.

Q. Will it get bloody?

A. Lets just say its flag weather.

Q. Any advice for Trump?

A He who hesitates is lost…..


BREAKING - CNN Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN & Most Other MSM Outlets

Published on Mar 10, 2017 By Victurus Libertas VL

Our CNN insider had been out of touch with us for several days. We were starting to wonder what was going on, but in our latest communication, our CNN insider did confirm our biggest fears. The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses!

They are embedded with all of the mainstream media – CNN, NBC, Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, probably Fox, as well.

Our CNN insider had been out of touch with us for several days. We were starting to wonder what was going on, but in our latest communication, our CNN insider did confirm our biggest fears. The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses!

They are embedded with all of the mainstream media – CNN, NBC, Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, probably Fox, as well.

These are the exact words of our source, “It’s been really bad. We have CIA folks here all the time now.”

Our insider says the CIA are mainly talking to Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer and Jeff Zucker. Our source says the CIA tells them what to say, and everyone is “so mad at this Vault 7 Assange person.”

According to our source, Vault 7 “let the cat out of the bag.”

Our source also says Tapper is scared of these guys. “He nods his head like a obedient dog, and then yells at us, and curses Assange,” according to our source.

Another interesting tidbit our source mentioned was that Tapper was talking about “droning” Assange.

Our source claims someone in the production crew for Don Lemon was heard saying that the “personalities” here may be exposed by Wikileaks, because the CIA has a very close relationship with all the “glamour folks” here.

The CIA runs the machine that creates the message. Folks, its no wonder Jake Tapper is scared. He is about to be exposed as a talking sock puppet for the clandestine services department of the Shadow Government.

News is dead. Let that sink in for a bit… The MSM News is DOA……What we have now is State Propaganda, and an Orwellian version of news. Not only can (and do) the CIA control the message, they can listen in via the delivery system.

The CIA is constitutionally forbidden to spy on Americans. They came out yesterday and swore on their pinkie finger they were not spying on the citizens. 24 hours later, Assange stated that there are 22,000 cases of CIA domestic spying just in the first 3-4 data dumps.


FISA Wiretap for Trump Tower was Ordered 1 Week after Bill Clinton Met with AG Loretta Lynch

Published on Mar 6, 2017 By Frank Views

FISA Wiretap for Trump Tower was Ordered 1 Week after Bill Clinton Met with AG Loretta Lynch


Ex-CIA Dr. Michael Scheuer: "Obama Was Behind Fisa Warrant On Trump"

Published on Mar 6, 2017 By JohnFredericksShow

The John Fredericks Show is Common Sense for the Commonwealth and a Voice for Virginia. The morning show is focused on issues that impact the daily lives of Virginians. Listen to the show live weekdays from 6-10am at


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Articles In This Thread

Video: UPDATE - VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7
Lion -- Monday, 13-Mar-2017 19:30:51
Also from VL: "Our Latest Terrifying Contact With CNN Insider"
MrFusion -- Monday, 13-Mar-2017 19:47:28

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