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Brice Taylor’s Memories and The Sandy Hook Lawsuit

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Sunday, 28-Dec-2014 05:43:12

Brice Taylor’s Memories and The Sandy Hook Lawsuit
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

William Brandon Shanley's lawsuit, which seems so refreshing at first glance, is probably a crock. Since there is such a raft of Youtube critics of Sandy Hook, all of whom are clearly Insiders themselves, it does look like a great big game. Adding on a lawsuit would be a nice touch, with everybody shifting their attention to that new excitement.

Still, “blasting the media moguls,” as Shanley purports to do, allows one to think of the potential future, a future when the majority of people realize they have been had, and no longer shrink from these nasty realities. What might folks do then? Almost anything, I suppose. For a start, they could get a grip on the workings of nature and stop killing Planet Earth!

How can we get to that point, at which the tall tales of 9-11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Australian Port Arthur massacre, and other obviously staged horrors are jettisoned? It may require a lot more than the education of the public. I’m not sanguine, sorry to say, as I think some genuine high-tech mind control has probably taken place.

Possibly the high-ups, such as the Supreme Court Justices, the Cabinet, and the “leaders” of Congress are all in a robotic state. If that is so, the persons who are working hard to resist the takeover of America (that flows from the 9-11 “attacks”) need to investigate this rather overwhelming issue.

It is my belief that the mind-control stories revealed at the 1995 Presidential Hearings on Radiation, and the biographies written by survivors such as Carol Rutz, are true. I have interviewed at least seven of the women involved, and their story holds up very well.

One of the most detailed reports came from Brice Taylor who acted as Henry Kissinger’s “secretary” by having tons of information stored in her brain (her “mind files”) for him to access at will. Part of her book is online, and the whole thing is purchasable from Amazon at $55.

I wonder who gets the proceeds from the sale, as Brice has been missing for several years. I feel sure she would not mind my quoting 1300 words of hers here. I have also mentioned her work in my video, at Youtube channel Mary W Maxwell.

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK “THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES,” BY BRICE TAYLOR 1999, taken from her section on education for the purpose of robotizing (pages 217-219):

There were many people involved, and the technology over the years has risen to the level where children in the preschools REQUIRE LESS TRAUMA AND TORTURE in the beginning stages to set in the “cues and programs” that will be built upon in later years. Pete Wilson [former Governor of California] was very involved with all of this and was set into position in the 1980s. I was sent to Sacramento with Ann Eklund, the principal of Sumac Elementary School, in the early 1980s, to set up these programs through the school districts.


The higher ups see it as technologically advancing the children, creating “mega minds of the future” for later use within their own system. The children are force-fed information into previously set-up inner systems of mind files and are trained to be able to accept vast amounts of highly technological information beginning at age three. THEY ARE NOT TAUGHT TO THINK, BUT ONLY TO BE USED AND ACCESSED LIKE A COMPUTER.

Ann Eklund was highly involved in the project and had been since its inception. The framework was set into great motion in Sacramento in the early ’80s between Ann, Don Zimring, Pete Wilson and several officials from Washington, DC. I was flown to DC to speak before a committee meeting to describe how the program was progressing.

Sometimes a child would be ‘demonstrated’ to the committee to show the advanced mind technology that was possible. DISBELIEVING SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN ‘IN THE KNOW’, NEEDED TO SEE TO BELIEVE. The child could be made to recite mega amounts of highly complex technological information.

They saw these children as being prototypical descendants of mine. These particular politicians knew how I was used with Henry Kissinger and were ‘amazed’ to know that any similarly conditioned child could possess the same qualities…. Reagan was also involved and so was Bush [Sr].

Our instructions for individual children’s programming often came from the White House level as MANY OF THESE WEALTHY PEOPLE ‘ADOPTED’ AND ‘SUPPORTED’ CHILDREN “WITH PROMISE.” These elite overseers viewed the ‘special’ children as the minds of the future, the future world leaders, preprogrammed with their own wisdom and desires for how they feel the world should be run….

LVSD was the No. l pilot program and many funds were approved…. Children who were targeted were dismissed from class, taken to a room for special attention and were hooked up to special audio tapes, linked with accompanying picture books, in the beginning years, and then later on to computers and sound [and video].

It created complex brain function and set up controls within the child that these people manipulated. THEY HAVE PERFORMED EXPERIMENT AFTER EXPERIMENT OVER THE YEARS TO DEVELOP THE MOST EFFECTIVE EQUIPMENT TO USE ON CHILDREN. …Many of the state school funds were misappropriated and used for other things ….

I am pretty sure now that the memories I had of accompanying Reagan to Point Mugu and other places for speeches, was when I was being ‘demonstrated.’ … Reagan used me often for demonstration because he said I stood the test of time, which meant that I had been in operation for over 30 years without a leak, or without a problem. I heard him explain to people that I WAS SO ‘REAL’ THAT HE SOMETIMES FORGOT I WAS A PROGRAMMED ROBOT.

He said he liked that because, “you get all the benefits of a robot with human softness added.” He was very proud of the technology and spoke freely about it within a trusted group. … Many requested private demonstrations of my sexual capabilities in order to become believers. Whenever there were men at the presentations, there were private one-on-one sexual demonstrations afterwards.

In my head, when I was retrieving these memories, I kept hearing the phrase, “SENATE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS ON ADVANCING EDUCATION IN AMERICA.” I remember Pete Wilson speaking and there was a demonstration done on the educational system THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT WAS ACTUALLY GOING ON behind the scenes, but they had to justify the large amounts of money….

Their attitudes were that other people in the private sector wouldn’t be able to grasp what they were doing because they didn’t have the required intellect. ... Pete Wilson was probably elected governor so that they could pull this whole thing off…. Ann Eklund introduced me to him in the very early '80s and the sexual connection was made, then I was fed information by the Council (from the hotel room in the Holiday Inn or the Marriott) to ‘deliver’ to Pete even in the early years.

He jumped though all the hoops they presented to him with no problem and so they kept promoting him just like they did Reagan. Only difference was, Reagan seemed ignorant compared to Pete and I guess that meant that Pete was more knowledgeable and better informed about certain situations, beyond acting in accordance with what the Council wanted. REAGAN JUST ACTED IN ACCORDANCE, LIKE A PUPPET WITH NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT HE WAS DOING in so many situations, always worried about the state of affairs of the Nation, but easily calmed and his attention diverted to another subject.

The school district plans were directly tied into the preschool abuse. THEY MADE SURE THEY HAD ‘QUALIFIED’ PRESCHOOLS SET UP IN AREAS near the elementary and secondary education schools so the children would be ‘prepared’ before entering kindergarten. Then the public school system had in place the network of people to carry out the children’s “further education.”


In 1985, not long after my April 12th auto accident, I [was] coordinator of the carnival at Sumac Elementary. I had been working on it for months. But I was in so much pain that I had to do it with a neck brace and the aid of Percodan. My mother and father even attended, with my father in a wheel chair. ALL THIS TOOK PLACE BEFORE I REMEMBERED ANY OF MY PAST.

The school was able to buy computers, turning a whole section of a stage area into row after row of computers. It was a few years later that I began remembering a little boy sitting at one of those computers working away, ‘lost in time.’ I walked behind him and, as programmed, I intentionally lost my balance and drove my knee into his back in order to further ‘dissociate’ him, and then I tapped him on his left shoulder twice. There was usually a word-command coupled with these actions, something THAT WOULD CUE THE CHILD BACK INTO A SPECIFIC MIND STATE OR PROGRAM AT A LATER DATE.

I also remember going up to one of [my son] Danny’s teachers and saying something like, “Are you going to teach the child about Napoleon?” Napoleon was the key word. I don’t know what it did or was supposed to do to the teacher, but it also was coupled with a tap on the left shoulder. Of course, while I know that I didn’t consciously plan why I said that, I also wonder who coordinated all of this, cueing me to cue her and some of the students.

Many children at the school did not receive this ‘special attention’ -- only those who were to become leaders in the future and those who were sponsored. Of course, in the intentionally created reality driven by the mind control I was under, I simply believed that I was a good wife and dutiful mother. I HAD NO WAY OF KNOWING I WAS BEING USED IN THIS WAY. – end of excerpt from Brice Taylor’s book, “Thanks for the Memories”

Back to the Shanley Lawsuit of December 2014

I (Mary W Maxwell) don’t have faith in this particular lawsuit. I doubt that James Fetzer is the real McCoy of conspiracy theorists, and the pleadings submitted to court are very sloppy. Shanley does not offer watertight evidence of any part of his claim that "no child died at Sandy Hook."

Nevertheless, I agree that we have to proceed with what we’ve got in the way of law and the Constitution, and other culturally agreed upon ways of trying to fix our amazing problems. A lawsuit, including a “civil RICO” suit may work.

But we should stay aware, as Brice has taught us, that there are persons in power in America who do not have their brains on straight. They have been given a morality that is not one we are likely to hear about in church or at our mother’s knee. I am concerned that we won’t be able to enlighten such people by simple means.

But I hope I’m wrong. Gosh, I hope this awful stuff is not true.

Mary W Maxwell is the author of Prosecution for Treason (Trine Day, 2011), which has a section on mind control. She has recently reviewed Sandra Uttley's investigation of the Dunblane massacre, as linked below.

The Dunblane Shooting of First Graders in 1996

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