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Focus Session: Wikileaks Big Reveal

Date: Sunday, 19-Feb-2017 10:02:12

In Response To: Divide to Conquer (IZAKOVIC)

Friday, February 17, 2017

Wikileaks Big Reveal

Q. Hi Lynn, Just watched this video in regards to Wikileaks tweeting encrypted messages. There's some speculation that it may be related to 911

It brought to mind the reading you did about Julian Assange and him being held captive and there maybe being a dead man's switch that Wikileaks has. The commentator of the video was questioning why the encrypted tweets had anything to do with Hillary Clinton they would just release the info as they have before. So maybe it's related to the 911 cover up.

So a few questions. What is happening with Julian? Is he still being held captive, if so, is he okay or have they killed him. Do you feel the encrypted Wikileaks tweets is their dead man switch and these tweets are a "warning shot to the bow", are they related to 911 and is thus one of the "big reveals" Wikileaks mentioned that would be coming out in 2017?
A. When I tune into this, I do get the Julian is alive and being held captive. This is Wikileaks way of saying if you hurt him, everything will get released. Wikileaks is trying to bully a release of Julian, but the Powers That once Were (PTW) don't necessarily believe or trust they have as much information as Wikileaks is claiming to have. The issue is the PTW are guilty of a lot of things, so they don't truly know what Wiki has.

I hear that Wikileaks is ok playing the long game with this, and making the PTW sweat. They release cryptic things slowly, and make them draw their own conclusions. I even get that some of the things they tweet or spread mean absolutely nothing, but the paranoia that accompanies guilt has the PTW drawing their own worst conclusions. This is sort of becoming a game to the Wikileaks people. As long as Julian is unharmed, this will play out slowly. If he gets hurt, I hear that "Wiki will rain a hurt on the PTW like they have never felt."

Q. I want to know what is Vault 7. What information do they have?

A. I hear "Vault 7 ties the past, present and future together in a way that has never been seen." It is evidences composed of transcripts, voice recordings, whistle blowers, etc. Then, I see a play of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol unfold in front of me.

In comes the "ghost of Christmas past" and he is dressed in a military uniform. He takes my hand and I realize we are sitting in a board room, and it feels like a secret room with no doors. Inside the room are a few people, one of which is Osama wearing a shirt and jeans (and he is talking perfect English??!). They have the blueprints of the towers and the pentagon hanging on the wall and discussing intently the entire plan for 9/11. I also see a blueprint for various missiles and some kind of mathematician that keeps talking trajectories and math calculations. They are pointing to the blueprints, rubbing their foreheads and pacing around. It looks like they settle on a plan, but not completely confident. This Osama guy stands up and is handed a briefcase full of cash, and then shakes the hands of this older guy (I can only hear the older guys voice, and it sounds like Bush Sr.). As the Osama man leaves, I sort of 'teleport' to current day.

It appears it is now the "ghost of Christmas present." As I realize that I am in the hear and now, I see a man standing by me that I have never seen. He puts a jacket over my shoulders and takes me to a control room. I see hundreds or monitors all around and realize we are all being watched. It is as if the world is a TV show. Then I hear a voice saying, "we need to kill that story" and pointing to one of the monitors. I see that all news, all media, everything is manipulated and altered to make us believe what the (the PTW) need us to believe. We are not just being watched, but being influenced and directed in what and how we think via phone, tv, radio, marketing, etc. I am seeing and questioning if everything is some kind of subliminal message. Then, I hear "if you say something long enough, people believe it to be true."

Then, I hear this roar of laughter, and in an raspy older voice a man says "hey, watch this" as he points to one of the many monitors. I look over and I see like 50 politicians on a stage and they are moving their mouth with these gigantic hands control them with marionette strings. Then, I see them moving their mouths and dancing, however, the sounds of their voice are different than their mouth movements, like a terrible ventriloquist is behind their talking. The laughter picks up again, and now it is a full room of people (my impression is that it is the PTW is behind this laughter). I feel a panic, like I don't even want to know or recognize specifically who is in there (very evil, very dark energy in there, and the vibration of the laughter feels like I am in a horror movie too scared to look) and I run out of the control room to get away.

From above comes what can only be described as a light being. It is the ghost of Christmas future. Pure white, peaceful and calming. He puts his arm around me, says "it's ok, let's get out of here" and up I go. I am now up above, and looking down (like an astral projection). This being says, "you have the power to change your future." The cycle was broken, and we control our fate. To some extend chaos is inevitable, especially with the constant interventions of the PTW, but if collectively we get on a harmonious vibration, we are unstoppable. We also have the underutilized resource of our ET allies, and the PTW are stalling disclosure in a major way. We keep wanting disclosure, it keeps being put off, but if we come together and collectively demand it, we will have the ability to make it happen. Disclosure is in OUR hands, and WE have the power and control. The control the PTW has is merely an illusion of control (remember "if you say something long enough, people believe it to be true" ??).

The being then drops me off in an all white room with pictures thumb tacked to a wall. Each picture is connected with strings, and it looks like a jumbled mess of yarn spiderwebs. In the middle of the web is the Clinton's. I realize that the Clinton's knew a deal was made with Osama at 9/11, dirty deals are made with Saudi Arabia, Osama died many years before he was "caught", deals were made with the PTW in exchange for securing the presidency, and she know this destabilization efforts going on now to attempt to regain control. Even the "blueprint" to suspicious "accidental" deaths can be traced to the root source. I see emails and other evidences supporting this, and THAT is what THEY don't want out..

And that is all I have for this reading. Please send some love and light out on this horribly dark and uncomfortable reading.

Love and light-

at 7:31 AM



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