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Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2017 11:27:15

The "Trump" wall was actually built by Clinton: all the lies on the barrier between the US and Mexico

(Giampiero Venturi)

The summit between the President of the United States Trump and Mexican Peña Nieto will. The connections between the two countries are too narrow and the topics on the table are too important to leave room for questions of principle.

As one would imagine, the frictions born around the wall on the border between the two countries have unleashed the prejudices of the international press, and measurement alteration information. Really just a stage and the age-node complex of relations between the two countries that often sees as focal points the issue immigration and cross-border trafficking.

The intention of Washington to "build" a wall on the border with Mexico has created a furore around the world, but it is good to clarify some aspects.

First it must be said that a wall already exists and was built during the Clinton administration. The so-called "wall of Tijuana" is a long steel plate almost 30 km that separates the USA and Mexico between San Diego and Tijuana in the busiest point of the whole border. To it are added the fixed and movable barriers scattered along well 1000 of the 3000 km of the existing border between the two countries, always put on the days of Bill Clinton. Before alarmed by the new decrees signed by Trump would be good to make a reflection: Americans for the southern border is a serious business for many years; in recent times it has become a priority.

To confirm this, in 2005, in the second term Bush, was passed by Congress expanding the already existing barrier with further authorization passed in 2006. The majority was overwhelming in both cases, with the transverse support of many democrats (these are often labeled Hillary Clinton and the then Illinois Senator Barack Obama). Obviously the international press, already deployed for four years of crossfire on Trump, flies over.

In other words, although a lot of criticism from the point of view of actual effectiveness, the construction of a wall on the border between the US and Mexico and more generally the development of infrastructure and supervisory staff at borders, is an old project, shared by majority of American citizens, especially those living in the four border states: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Although the Republican electorate is more prone to hard-line than democratic, there are no ideological poles rooted in this sense, because the issue is seen as a real national emergency.

The numbers speak for themselves: every year there are about half a million Mexicans who enter illegally in the States. To these are added the tens of thousands of other Latinos who use Mexico as a base to make the big jump. To date, the line that divides Mexico from the United States remains by far the most "crossed the border" of the planet.

To protect US borders we think theoretically 50,000 federal officers of CBP, the Costum Border Protection. Despite more than a third of staff should be deployed precisely around 42 existing crossings with Mexico, the situation is out of control: except some of the most representative crossings like Tijuana-San Diego in California, and Ciudad Juarez-El Paso in Texas, most side of the border is a veritable sieve.

The lack of infrastructure has so far been buffered somewhat by the Americans with the help of the cynical nature: the desert areas immediately above the border have often done by deterrence or even worse by illegal immigration selector. Hundreds of illegal immigrants die each year after being able to "climb over the wall."

Illegal immigrants in the US today there are about 12 million, of which half are Mexicans. The attitude to be adopted towards them has been the focus of the presidential election debate of recent and undoubtedly one of the flagships of Donald Trump.

Today in the US are paid decades of uncertain political and rebounds between local and federal authorities, who have finished for the problem fester. The double standard used by the Obama administration on the one hand talk of amnesty, the other kept the expulsions to stem the collapse of the vote, he gave the coup de grace. Just a given to get an idea: in 2013 (with President Obama) were 400,000 arrests made by the US authorities relating to illegal immigration offenses.

One of the most heated discussion points is the difference between illegal entry and illegal status. If the first is a federal offense, being caught without the credentials, on paper, it would not be very serious infringement.

Behind these nuances of law, the problem of work and insecurity has meanwhile grown to a greater extent in its high immigration areas of the US, fueling social discontent.

The phenomenon of immigration is a sensitive issue in the West, often treated with demagoguery and clichés in the name of political correctness.

It might come in handy, for example, stop considering Mexico as their country of only unarmed campesinos and braceros seeking to tap the North American slave Eldorado.

Mexico today, in terms of organized crime linked to drug trafficking, which is equivalent to that in the '80s was Colombia. Only in 2011 were 13,000 victims related to drug marketing. The often cited Ciudad Juarez reached the dubious distinction of cities with the highest homicide rate in the world, reaching all-time record of nine killings per day. Effective security and legality problem is difficult to deny.

The Mexican drug cartels have not overtaken Colombia only in distribution but also began to excel in the production, especially since the market has been flooded by synthetic drugs (the famous tv series Breaking Bad is centered on the subject, much heard in states of the southwest). Trafficking in arms and human beings created as induced by the drug war, makes the border area a real powder keg. Thinking to get by with the usual feel-good insights, leaving things as they are.

Even on the issue of bilateral relations, they have circulated many false reports. Despite the disappointment of the Mexican President for the tone used by Trump, relations between the US and Mexico are great and especially needed. States since NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) the two countries are mutually indispensable trading partners: the United States is the primary destination of Mexican exports (291 billion $ per year, OEC data); Mexico this is the second destination for American products (194 billion $ per year, OEC data).

Mexican President Peña Nieto, is fully aware of that and also knows that louder is not convenient to anyone, especially him. As a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, in power in Mexico without interruption from 1929 to 2000 and then again from 2012, is at the center of fierce controversy for corruption and lack of effectiveness in the fight against the drug cartels.

To say that Mexico today is a narco-state, is probably an exaggeration; argue that it is a country politically, socially and economically bankrupt is very plausible vice versa.

The problems of today are the legacy accumulated over decades of approximation that he has sent to posterity any solution. Without tearing or political figures willing to put his face, it is difficult to find a balance acceptable to all.

Cross-border friction between Mexico and the United States are, moreover, the synthesis of inequalities between the "developed world" and developing countries that affect the whole world. It certainly is not a physical barrier to solving the problem. It is even less moralism Third World bending reality to pre-judgments.

(Photo: U.S.CBP)



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