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Reader: "ALL ET ARE NOT Fallen Angels, only the bad ones."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 16:18:25

In Response To: All About Those 'Benevolent' ET's That Want To Preserve Us Poor Humans From Destruction, And.... Why They Even Bother... (Watchman)

(Thanks, a. :)

Reader a. writes (or perhaps forwards to us?):


ALL ET ARE NOT Fallen Angels, only the bad ones.

Enoch was the grandfather of Noah. Noah was the first Caucasian, his parents were Black. Whites and Blacks are brothers and were meant to live in peace and harmony with each other. Whites come from Blacks. (This has now been proven scientifically through genetic research)

The Book of Enoch was part of the Bible for 500 years until 325 AD when the Vatican council of Nicea removed it. This has retarded the development of our consciousness and restricted our ability to meet directly with the Star Brothers and Sisters who own this planet for the following reasons:

1. Our consciousness just isn’t ready yet. We all must try harder to undo racism with love, truth, forgiveness, and understanding.

2. It’s time to let the genie out of the bottle regarding the Black Extraterrestrials.

3. The Book of Enoch tells us that the “Heavenly Host” or them our Star Brothers and Sisters return and demand and then re-take control over the earth.

4. The Book of Enoch tells us that the wicked will turn on themselves and destroy each other.

5. The Book of Enoch tells us that those who remain will beg for more time to acknowledge the truth and honor God and his Elect but will be denied. (We are here at this point)

6. The Book of Enoch tells us that we will witness the removal of the wicked ones.

7. The Book of Enoch tells us that many of the wicked will not be able to stand looking at the Elect One and his elect. They will be dragged off the planet.

8. The chaos we are now witnessing is due to the elite and rulers turning on each other and the end of Grace or Karma as some call it. Their continued bad behavior will result in immediate reprisals from this point forward.

9. The space program and space travel were done with the intent of carrying out mass evacuations of those who are unwilling to live in peace with the Truth. This is why space programs were put into place.

So now you know why they removed the Book of Enoch and replaced it with the lie that we would be raptured and fly up into the air. Enoch refers to the Elect One as the Son of Man but never as the Son of God or only begotten son of God. That was just another lie of the Roman Catholic Church. And thank God Trump chose a minister who makes it clear that the Roman Catholic Church is a satanic organization.

Once the truth of our origins and external manipulations are known, a lot of forgiveness and compassion will be required in order to successfully ascend.

Sexism, racism, and all other isms cannot enter into the 5th dimensional energies. And this will touch all of us, even the “light worker” community that has seen very little diversity which has been appropriate up until now as the most dominant ones of our species will need much greater assistance to achieve balance and rid themselves of the consciousness that promotes privilege for some and feelings of superiority and control over others.

And we will all be tested severely with disclosure as neither the privileged or the oppressed are prepared for the existence of star beings that do not conform to the pecking order here on planet earth.

Many have bemoaned Trump’s cabinet picks. But I say what better group of people to serve as an example when the public watches their transformation into balance. People can and do change. The late Senator Robert Byrd was once known as a very racist person but that man changed. Just think of the leaps and bounds race relations will make when men like Jeff Sessions and the rest of Trump’s team testify to the brotherhood of ALL men and the error of racism and superiority complexes. I absolutely believe Trump when he states that he wants to improve life for all of us.

We will witness these transformations.

If people want to know why Hitler fought so hard, they should remind themselves that the Book of Enoch is still a part of the German Lutheran Bible.

Hitler was right when he said the Jews were fake Jews. The 2012 John Hopkins University DNA Analysis of the Jewish Race proved Hitler right on this one.

Hitler was right when he said the Negro was the true Jew, although he should have used the word Hebrew. Archeologist and genetic scientist have proven this as well.

How many people know that Hitler’s SS included Blacks, Oriental and Arab soldiers? Hitler feared that the fake Jews would setup a homeland in Palestine and that once White Americans learned about the True Hebrews they would be seized with fear believing they deserved the wrath of God. But love and forgiveness can overcome all of this and this is where the Peace Makers step in, for they shall be called the Children of God.

If Hitler had experienced greater spiritual growth, he wouldn’t have made such a poor choice of words when he said the Negro was inferior to the Caucasian. Hitler did not understand that the interference in DNA was done with the intent to establish the Orion way of life here and those skills he perceived as superior are merely skills required for establishing the Orion system, skills that are not needed or desired for 5th dimensional living.

JFK was right about Hitler, the world will have to change its assessment of him very soon so when the Pope calls Trump another Hitler, people will have to think twice about who is the actual villain.

Trump has appointed RFK, Jr. to take down the Vaccine scheme and raided the CDC office. Let's not forget that it was this man's father, RFK, who said, "But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?" His father made these statements after JFK toured Hitler's home and bunker.

Trump has done well so far with the exception of the Pipeline deals. Let’s see if there are immediate reprisals from the awakened souls on earth and our Star Brothers and Sisters for this which causes so much damage to the earth.

No government can stop the awakening and transformation happening across the globe. All that they can do is to help prepare their population for the inevitable. Not everyone will choose to stay on earth.

Many will die rather than be transformed and a small contingent will be allowed to leave the planet simply because they are unwilling to accept the truth.

We must all keep in mind that our Star Brothers and Sisters represent all of the colors of the rainbow, shapes, sizes and forms just like the humans and animals here on earth. And soon, but not yet, we will all come to know that the central races of all galaxies are beings with fully activated pineal glands and melanin in their skin.

We have a lot of work to do here on the ground before we are able and worthy to meet with these beings.

Let’s get busy sending Trump love, forgiveness, wisdom and our support.


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Articles In This Thread

All About Those 'Benevolent' ET's That Want To Preserve Us Poor Humans From Destruction, And.... Why They Even Bother...
Watchman -- Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 14:49:46
food4thought -- Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 15:20:28
Reader: "ALL ET ARE NOT Fallen Angels, only the bad ones."
hobie -- Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 16:18:25
Reader: "In a spiritual sense everyone here is a fallen angel. But ..."
hobie -- Wednesday, 25-Jan-2017 01:33:27
Reader "Solomon was talking about past. His words were maybe valid then, are NOT valid now."
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 21:57:37

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