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THE CAUSE OF OUR TROUBLES - Give me your daughters for love and your sons for war

Posted By: Nemesis
Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2016 08:28:28

THE CAUSE OF OUR TROUBLES - Give me your daughters for love and your sons for war.

In my old age, I might as well tell you the troubles of being your king. I will tell you what REALLY motivates me. I'll just come right out and tell you what you should already know, but probably don't. I kind of ramble (from the days before I was your king to now when I am your king) but if you endure, you will learn something.

If you haven't learned that the animal nature in man is to rule to obtain his pleasure, then you don't know what rules ME. Give me your labor to fulfill my needs, wants and desires. Give me your daughters for love and your sons for war. To accomplish this I need you to have religion and my nation to have enemies.

My job is to have you see me as loving and benevolent, a father figure, a protector who you love to serve because I serve you. You must not see me as greedy, vain, prideful, selfish and self-serving. You must think I tell the truth. Yet what are my desires?

I see your families. Men and women marrying, having children and producing for themselves. Each man satisfying his needs and desires for sex, companionship, and children, housing, utilities, food, entertainment, rest and relaxation, and keeping busy with your lives.

At parties I see your beautiful wives and children, and life is good. And then my desire for sexual entertainment and abundance comes to mind. I want that woman, and there are women who want me, but how can we get together with the men content with what they have, protecting what they have, jealous of what they have?

At some time almost all men have thoughts similar to the above. Yet most men are content, force themselves to be satisfied with one wife, raising their children, content with their work, taking pleasure in their simple lives.

I look out over the village, and if I were a good man who actually loves you, I would do everything to protect you, to secure your ability to obtain your needs, wants and desires, and I would keep my desires in check.

If I give into my lower nature, I see you as resources for my needs, wants and desires. How to fulfill my pleasures becomes my goal, even at your expense, but I need to keep it a secret. I need to sell you on the idea that I do all things for your good, while working to obtain my pleasures.

How to get you to see me as a God king is my quest for then you will obey me, but even then I have to keep my real intent a secret. I lust for your women, your children, your silver and gold, your talents and abilities to build and provide for me. I surround myself with like minded men who also want benefits from you, and I build a ruling class. I have to be careful that my ruling class doesn’t kill me and take my place.

Our goals are to sustain ourselves, to live in abundance, to fulfill our days with pleasure, sexual pleasure, entertainment, sumptuous foods, artful crafts and luxurious housing.

The religious leaders are in on it. They too are men with desires. By combining the leaders of my guard, army, politicians, lawyers, judges, religious leaders into a powerful force, and by educating you for our benefit, we can have what we want, but we always need to be careful that we are not discovered, that our real intent is not made known. We must sell everything to you as beneficial for you, that our only desire is serve your needs. If we can do this, our lives will be as pleasurable as they can be while alive.

Whether I rule my own family for my pleasure, or a small village, town, city, county, state, nation or the world, it is that same. I seek my pleasure, and I want sex, power, wealth and glory. It really is that simple.

My laws are for you. To control you. I know what is good for you, what will make your lives happy and content and I promote that. I need you to be happy and content. I need the system to work, but my real goal is my pleasure, and I get more of it if you are happy and content. I need to be exempt from the laws I promote. Yet I need to sell the law like it is for everyone. This is difficult. People are not stupid, though I am able to fool most of you, for you desire even as I do, and most of you would assume my position if you could.

When you see me and my ruling class as evil (which we are) the good hearted among you will try to destroy us. We must keep tabs on you, must know your weaknesses so that if any of you rise in power, we can control you for our benefit. There are a few among you who cannot be bought, and you are dangerous, so we need a way to get rid of you without the masses suspecting us.

As to other groups, whether other villages, towns, nations and kingdoms of every size, we know their leaders seek as we seek. We get together to keep our kingdoms, but sometimes these other leaders get greedy and seek to enlarge their kingdom, and we have to be careful. There are always discontent kings.

Since land and resources in each kingdom are limited, and our populations increase, it is necessary for our own protection to engage in wars to reduce population. This works for our benefit. We make deals and agreements with other kingdoms. Every kingdom needs its enemies so that the people will think they need us. But since people do not need a ruling class, do not need to pay us, to pay taxes (if there is no enemy) we make sure there are enemies. Controlled wars are good for us. Out of control wars are dangerous.

It is hard being a king. But since the nature of almost all men is the same, I would rather rule than be the ruled, because others would rise to my position and I would become a slave.

Power gets me pleasure. My pleasure is sex, power, wealth and glory. I want to live sumptuously, luxuriously, lavishly. I want the best women, the best food, the best housing, the best entertainment, the best pleasures. The nice thing is, today I can have them by being rich, and not necessarily being the king or ruler. However, I have to be careful, because the top of the food chain can destroy everything with their unbridled greed, and then we all suffer. So being at the top is the best place to be, even though it is the most troubling place to be.

If you think what is going on in the world is more complex than a few men seeking their pleasure at the expense of the many by grabbing power, our fooling you is working.

Now...if you were to ask, "If you were not king, and knowing what you know, what would you do to turn things around?" I would answer this way: "Good luck! soon as a king is overthrown, a new ing rises, and the cycle repeats itself...forever. least as long as you are alive."

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