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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 15-Dec-2014 17:05:03

Hi, Folks -

Found at


12-15-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Monday, December 15, 2014. I’m sorry we were late this morning. A lot of people were having issues with the links, that they don’t work, but 8,000 have figured out how to make it work on this link! It’s all Pam’s fault because she was talking to me and doing things…

Good news. We are still in the window. Let’s see what DC says. I’m sending him a little Christmas present now. Read the text before you start!

DC: It’s a gorgeous day here in Texas. There is little difference between Friday and Monday, so this won’t take long. Everyone is still exactly where they need to be in-country, with all the teams still there helping. Abadi, CBI and other politicians are saying they are doing the economic reform now, and tweets put that out over the weekend. The same is being put on out on radio and television – go to X to find the latest information. That’s what is happening in Iraq. The latest information we have is that three items came up at the last minute (on Sunday we found out about that) that the UST wanted. All very credible sources in and outside Iraq said that three banking laws needed to be finished up before they could announce the budget and the rate. Also, three regulations needed to be announced in a public way. Finally, there were three compliance issues to be announced. Then we heard yesterday that all these should be cleared up today and publically announced. Nobody is going on vacation until this is done, and the laws, etc., were all pretty minor by everyone’s standards. So we understand everyone in Iraq is antsy, and they are all ready to get these issues resolved right away. All except that one of our guys are saying that this will go immediately after the third regulation is implemented; one said they would wait until that evening. As of 45 minutes ago, they were on track solving these issues, both Iraqis and teams from other countries. There was a last minute request by the UST to get those three things done and they are working on all of them, and consensus is that it will go immediately after that.

Tony: There are only three issues. One was dealt with yesterday. Two are being working on today. The majority think that immediately after that, this thing will start rolling out. One other group says they like to do things in the morning. That’s what we are waiting for. People who work in banks and other places have been notified. We know there was a significant agreement made in Iraq over the weekend. We are actually good and just waiting. The text I sent DC said that things are in motion. Everything is looking positive. All weekend we heard this was going forward.

DC: Abadi gave several speeches over the weekend about the economic reform being in process. Right now, he is in the United Arab Emirates, and that is just a few hours away from Iraq, so he can pop back easily. He should be back in Iraq soon anyway.

559 caller: I’m expecting a fantastic week. I know the US has held this up a few times, and over the course of the last three years, you’ve said the average holding is 100K dinar. At 30%, that would put 650 billion dollars in taxes into the US government by April. Wouldn’t they like to have that sooner than later? So wouldn’t they push Iraq to get this done so that they could collect the taxes?

DC: Yes! Also, the President is gone into ‘lame duck’ status, plus the Republicans are taking over both houses of Congress. They will have more power over budgets and such if they let this through now, because right now the Democrats still have more negotiation power. They really would prefer to get those tax receipts in next week than next year.

Caller: [Appreciation]

832 caller: I’ve been on hold for 12 hours and 30 minutes, so I’m surprised I am not first!

Tony: That’s just what I would expect a Texan to do. I’ve got to stop talking about Texas, because one listener at least is not happy with me.

Caller; You say they are exchanging all four currencies are being exchanged… dinar, dong, rupiah and Zim?

DC: We know that one bank was doing all four up to Wednesday night. The other banks may not be exchanging all four. There have been no exchanges since Thursday, though.

Caller: DC, do you have Zim?

DC: Yes, I was shamed into buying some – I just don’t like their leader.

Caller: What would you ask Tony, DC? Tony, what would you ask CD?

DC: Tony, what are your true feelings on this going through? How confident do you feel about what is going on right now?

Tony: Based on everything we have, all the windows we’ve gone through in the past and what we’ve just got, I’m feeling 90% that it could happen. (Last time I was down to 25% confidence). There was obviously a big event over the weekend that is pushing this forward, plus Abadi went on television on Saturday saying this is happening now. So I am feeling really good, and feeling it might happen in the next 24 hours.

DC: I’m on the ‘soon as these issues are resolved’, it will happen position. I don’t think they will leave any gap this time. I think this will go.

Caller: I do have one direct source, and people ask if they are lying to me or misleading me, but he’s not, and I am getting almost the same information. So thanks!

Tony: I’ve been picking on Texas so bad, I might have to do an event there!

717 caller: This must be a bay window, because it’s a big window and they are keeping us at bay. If we get the international rate (say, $3.58) and the bank gives us a bonus to stay in that bank, is that then taxable?

DC: We still don’t the tax position. Take professional advice. They have made some tax agreements but they haven’t passed the committee yet.

Caller: So if I have four currencies and not all at exchanging all four…

DC: The big four banks all have their own foreign currency departments, and other banks were outsourced to the old Bank of Ireland. They had their own system (and six million dinar) so even 5/3 and Compass use the Bank of Ireland system. When Bank of Ireland started having issues, WF bought their foreign currency system. So now a division of WF runs foreign currency for most banks, and that has access to all four currency. If your local bank accepts that or not, most banks are outsourcing it to the old Bank of Ireland system. That should help you decide where to exchange.

Caller: There was a little bit of negativity in chat this morning. When I wait, I like to sing songs and change the words. I have a Christmas song called I Wonder as I Wander… [singing three verses with reference to banks, TNT calls, chat and trusting Tony/DC.]

435 caller: You said on Friday if there would be somewhere to exchange in Hawaii, but we forgot to ask if there would be contract rates…

DC: I would assume so because there are a lot of military folks in Hawaii, but that is only my assumption… My friends there are in Honolulu and there will definitely be exchange places there; I don’t know about the other islands.

718 caller: [cannot hear this caller]

410 caller: I’m glad everyone sounds so happy today.

Tony: In anticipation!

Caller: There is still going to be an 800 number, I’m sure, but you aren’t sure how long that will be up? But it could be in the middle of the night, right? How long after that would you notify us about your last call?

Tony: That sounds so sad, doesn’t it? “The last call…”

Caller: You guys need to rest and not have to think about doing more calls!

Tony: They wanted people to make appointments two hours after the 800 numbers go out, but it keeps changing. The exchange centers have skeleton crews, and they would have ot call people in. It depends on what they want us to do. I can send out the 800 numbers in two minutes, but I don’t function on longer calls until I’ve had breakfast. We don’t ‘know how long they will let us keep up our websites after we make the notification, or if we can leave up one site with all the 9800 numbers. It’s up to DC.

DC: We will able to hand out at least the 800 numbers, but there will be at least a 30 minute gap. It will be as low-key as possible. We still don’t’ know if we will just be doing the 800 numbers or if we will be making further calls to help people out and reduce anxiety. They have changed the plan so many times, frankly I don’t know at this point.

864 caller: [Appreciation] I am really playing this is it so that we can reach out to the poor, the homeless and veterans so THEY can have a great Christmas. In SC, there are only two cities with more than 100K people. I’m in the western part of the state; will there be currency exchanges there in Greensville?

DC: I understand that they will – they have the capability of doing it there.

Caller: Will the 800 numbers just be for the top four banks or all the banks?

DC: All the banks will use their own 800 numbers – some will use their existing foreign exchange numbers, and others will have actual exchange centers. So some have just reverted dealing with this as normal foreign currency transactions.

Caller: Will the tier 2 banks offer contract rates or just the big four banks?

DC: All the banks that exchange will have access to the contract rates, I believe. And all areas will have exchange centers or banks.

407 caller: You’ve said that people have been exchange dinar and dong since the end of October, here and abroad. I have dual citizenship – US and Panama. My husband has dual citizenship, US and Croatia. My daughter and her husband are also dual citizens of US and other countries. We speak 3-6 languages at home here in Florida: Spanish, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, English, and I’m currently teaching them French. With all the things we go through in this country, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The more my children travel, the more they appreciate life here in America as well. My first choice would be to exchange in Panama – do you know if I could exchange there now?

DC: Only if you were invited specially by a bank.

Caller: I am willing to travel to do this. Between us, we might total up to half a billion dollars, and most banks will want to work with us. In terms of leaving the country, there are limits of how much you can carry on your person. Right now, we have pretty useless bills…

DC: There are many issues relating to that. They don’t want people to exchange out of country. T hey prefer for you to exchange in-country for security reasons. One reason we got rid of thousand dollar bills is because most people don’t need those large bills and they are too easy to transport. You can travel with lots of money, you just have to fill out the paperwork. IN some countries, you have to have cash, so they want there to be a paper trail to know there is nothing stupid going on.

Caller: The best thing is to exchange here and wire transfer funds to other countries…

DC: That is how I do that, especially with the new regulations they put out in July. It’s easy, more straightforward and less suspicious if you follow the regs and it is reported to the various agencies.

Caller: Regarding the possible 50 million dinar/dong limit, we can open up a lot of LLCs and bank accounts. Do we make one phone call and exchange? Or multiple calls?

DC: If it’s under 50 million, do it all as one. If you have more than 50 million, chop it into chunks and make different phone calls for each company.

323 caller: I feel like I just won the lottery…

DC: Not yet, but it’s coming!

Caller: We have an LLC with a number of people, and we’ve all been buying for some years, so it is a bit over 50 million. Should we give a bit back to ourselves?

DC: I’m not an attorney, but what I’d do is to keep it in 50 million tranches or less.

Tony: Put some in a trust, in your person trust, in your kids’ names… wherever you want it to go.

Caller: Why does everyone like 5/3 bank?

DC: I don’t know. They have a good rep, but so do many banks. Lots of people on the East Coast bank with 5/3.

Caller: When you talk about it going, is that the RV or the full GCR?

DC: it’s the whole shooting match!

Caller: When the Iraq war started, I got all interested and read about Iraq. They said that Saddam Hussein drained the waterways of Iraq.

DC: Iraq was the cradle of civilization because the ground is fertile between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They have dammed and irrigated a large swathe throughout; even through it’s desert, it’s fertile because the soil hasn’t been used up. So over the centuries, they have starved towns or areas of water as political tactics. Saddam did a lot of that, but the waterways are still there, just in need of repair. The infrastructure projects are about rebuilding water and power generation across Iraq, and the farmers are excited that they will have a lot more usable land than they have now.

Everyone is in place to do what they need to do. At the last minute, the UST asked for a few more things to be put in place. Once those are done, they will release this. Most think it will be released immediately, some think it will wait overnight. Everyone is planning to get this done immediately, and we have heard only positive information over the weekend. Abadi has made speeches saying the economic reform is being completed, and although he and his team are in UAE right now, they can fly home on a moment’s notice. Our team is also ready, all in the same room, on the same page. Everyone across the world is now expecting this.

Ray: Singing We’re In the Money! Enjoy this Meaningful Monday.

Tony: We are looking for this today. There are only three issues; one has been solved, and the other two should be fixed today. Everyone is playing nice, going for it, with a significant thing happening over the weekend that gave it that last little push over the edge. That’s it! Enjoy the rest of your day! I’m ready to send out the tweet and do THE call, and most people say this is still happening before Christmas. If we have to have a call on Wednesday we will, but I am hoping to talk to you before then!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Monday, 15-Dec-2014 17:05:03
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Monday, 15-Dec-2014 17:15:42

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