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SORCHA: "FBI Orders New York City Police Not To Arrest 'Cooperating Witness' Huma Abedin"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 1-Nov-2016 12:28:32

Source with links and images:

November 1, 2016
FBI Orders New York City Police Not To Arrest “Cooperating Witness” Huma Abedin
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) this past week ordered the New York City Police Department (NYPD) not to arrest Hillary Clinton’s top aide and campaign vice-chairman Huma Abedin or her sexually deviant husband Anthony Weiner as both of them had been granted US federal government protection as “cooperating witnesses”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, as the SVR is an integral part of the ongoing cyber security talks being held, since April (2016), between Deputy Secretary Sergei Buravlyov and his American counterpart Michael Daniel, a Special Assistant to the President and the Cybersecurity Coordinator, their intelligence analysts have had “continued/ongoing” access to various levels of communications relating to the US governments “management/overseeing” of the current American presidential election.

The establishment of these cyber security talks, this report explains, was initiated by both President Putin and President Obama after the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton began using the power of her mainstream media propaganda arm to embroil the Federation into this political race (such as top Clinton advisor James Carville blaming Hillary Clinton’s impending loss on a conspiracy led by the KGB, FBI and Republican Party)—and which President Putin himself addressed this week by noting the terror of the American elite class whose fear mongering tactics now, and sadly, include blaming Russia for everything.

With no proof that the SVR, or any Federation intelligence agency for that matter, illegally hacked into anyone’s email account linked to Hillary Clinton, this report continues, being kept from the American is the “simple/obvious” truth that the US National Security Agency (NSA) already has all of them, even the deleted ones, that the FBI has already obtained access to—and as confirmed by the architect of the NSA’s surveillance program William Binney.

Most intriguing, however, this report details, is that while the American public has been manipulated into believing the FBI’s central focus was on Hillary Clinton and her abuse of secret emails while she was Secretary of State, the real “target/objective” of US intelligence agencies is the vast international money laundering criminal organization known as the Clinton Foundation.

In the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s money laundering criminal organization, this report notes, one of their “main/central” cooperating witnesses is Hillary Clinton’s campaign vice-chairman Huma Abedin—whose cooperation was secured by the FBI this past April when she was “told/advised” that she was about to be charged for the serious crime of lying to US federal investigators.

This past September (2016), though, this report continues, Huma Abedin’s sexually deviant husband Anthony Weiner came under an investigation by the New York City Police for crimes they believed he committed against underage girl children—and a grand jury was being prepared to not only charge him, but his wife Huma Abedin too as it is illegal in New York State to knowingly cover-up crimes against children.

With the New York City Police preparing to arrest both Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner this past Thursday (28 October), and using as their evidence for doing so the emails found on his computer, this report details, the FBI then ordered them not to by asserting that both of them were “cooperating witnesses” and under the protection of the US government to protect them from death.

And as if this bizarre US presidential election couldn’t get more stranger, SVR intelligence analysts in this report state that not only are Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner “cooperating witnesses” for the FBI, but so is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta—whose tens-of-thousands of secret emails being released by Wikileaks were actually leaked to this whistle blowing site by the FBI after Podesta gave US intelligence agents his phone and passwords, but that he reported he had lost in a taxi.

But to which side Podesta is really on (the FBI’s or Hillary Clinton’s), this report continues, remains “murky/cloudy” after a new stunning revelation that he had been meeting in secret with Peter Kadzik, a top official at the US Justice Department, whose faction is doing everything they can to stop the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation money laundering criminal organization.

This report concludes by noting that even though Hillary Clinton and her mainstream media propaganda arm are doing everything to portray Donald Trump as “unqualified and dangerous” like President Jimmy Carter did in 1980 against Ronald Reagan, and social media giants Google (shifting millions of votes to Clinton) and Facebook (controlling their newsfeed against Trump) doing everything in their power to manipulate the American people into voting for her—the historical evidence remains showing Donald Trump will win the US presidency in landslide victory next week.

Other reports in this series include:

[see list of links in original]

November 1, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "FBI Orders New York City Police Not To Arrest 'Cooperating Witness' Huma Abedin"
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 1-Nov-2016 12:28:32
Looks Like Jim Stone Nailed That One With His Scoop
Watchman -- Tuesday, 1-Nov-2016 13:31:02
Rumors?? What NYPD sources saying about the case
glasc -- Tuesday, 1-Nov-2016 13:53:31

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