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SORCHA: Killary Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Friday, 16-Sep-2016 17:40:50

If this report is largely accurate, then it helps explain Apple's support of Hillary for the presidency.

Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
September 16, 2016

An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (ROSPOTREBNADZOR) says that US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was paid millions-of-dollars by American based multinational technology company Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook for the “express purpose” of destroying the South Korean multinational conglomerate company Samsung in order to promote the sale of the iPhone 7 that is being released in the United States today.

According to this report, ROSPOTREBNADZOR investigators became concerned about this matter this past week after the Obama-Clinton regime, through their propaganda media outlets, began an all out assault on Samsung claiming that this companies Galaxy Note 7 phone was a danger because of battery “fires/explosion events” and that they all needed to be recalled—and with a recall, versus Samsung replacing any defective phone returned to them, meant the purchasers of them would be given a refund so they could buy the iPhone 7.

Upon their initial investigation of the Galaxy Note 7 phone though, this report continues, ROSPOTREBNADZOR experts determined that of the estimated 2.5 million of these phones manufactured by Samsung, only 0.01 percent of them were affected by this “critical defect”—meaning that that were fewer than 1,000 of these defective phones worldwide and that Samsung had already admitted was due “a very rare manufacturing process error”.

With “fire/explosion” events in these types of phones being common due to their lithium batteries overcharging, this report notes, ROSPOTREBNADZOR has long agreed with American experts who, in 2013, stated that these types of occurrences should not be newsworthy because “they are unavoidable, and to some extent, normal”.

As to why these phone “fire/explosion” events are now considered normal, this report explains, is due to today's cell phone batteries being made by pressing together stacks of battery components in order to cram in as much capacity as possible, and if an error is made will puncture the film surrounding the battery causing it to overheat when charged—and that Apple Inc. is the worst offender of with its iPhone batteries catching fire and exploding on planes in flight, in peoples beds, and causing serious injures such as third-degree burns.

In spite of the hundreds, if not thousands, of iPhone “fire/explosion” events occurring over the years, this report continues, the only recall forced upon Apple Inc. by the Obama-Clinton regime was this past January when they voluntarily recalled power adaptors causing fires, but never the phones themselves.

With ROSPOTREBNADZOR investigators, therefore, being “perplexed/confused” as to why the Obama-Clinton regime forced Samsung to recall their phones, this report says, they requested investigative assistance from the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)—who maintain tens-of-thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Upon the SVR’s examination of Hillary Clinton’s emails regarding Samsung, this report continues, numerous ones were discovered written between her aides and Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook that discussed “maneuvers/machinations” the Obama-Clinton regime could take in order to “assist/aid” in the sale of the iPhone 7—and to which Hillary Clinton personally traveled to discuss with CEO Tim Cook this past August where he held a fundraiser for her that gave her millions-of-dollars.

Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook (left) and Hillary Clinton (center) wearing her $12,000 Armani jacket

After Hillary Clinton received these millions-of-dollars from Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook, the SVR in this report notes, she began an immediate email correspondence with Elliot Kaye, who is the chairman of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and is a longtime friend of US Attorney General Loretta Lynch from the time they spent working together at the Clinton linked Washington D. C.-headquartered international law firm Hogan & Hartson.

SVR analysts in this report do note that that even though Hillary Clinton’s direct emails to Chairman Kaye appear to be “simple/innocuous” and merely questioning what the CPSC was “planning to do about the Samsung problem”, in light of this Obama-Clinton regimes yesterday forcing Samsung to recall its phones “most certainly” means this issue should be viewed in its most sinister context.

As to why the SVR has put such a sinister label on this affair, this report explains, is due to Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook’s longstanding ties to the corrupt Obama-Clinton regime, and who, by 2013, had given so many millions of dollars to them he was given a “seat of honor” next to First Lady Michelle Obama at a State of the Union address and was given help by former President Bill Clinton prior to his testifying before the US Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations about his company dodging its taxes through complex legal maneuvers.

Apple Inc's rise in cash since Obama-Clinton took power in 2009

To Apple Inc. itself, this report further notes, it is regarded as one of the most corrupt companies in the world whose contempt for all governments is displayed by its claiming it has tax residence nowhere, but is being fought against by the European Union who this past month ordered it to pay $15 billion in back taxes, and in Japan too where that government today ordered it pay $118 million in taxes for underreporting income.

With the American people not appearing to care that one of their most corrupt regimes in history has now partnered with one of America’s most corrupt corporations to destroy Samsung, this report concludes, it is no wonder that Hillary Clinton is nearing taking over their entire nation as president—and should that happen, warns former US diplomat and advisor to the US Senate's Republican leadership, James Jatras, they may not like what comes next:

“Hillary has never met a war she does not like. She is a true believer in the idea that the US can, as this vanguard of all progressive humanity, use military force to transform the world. We are looking at numerous regional wars and very possibly at nuclear war with Russia or China, or both.”


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Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: Killary Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones
NaturalWisdom -- Friday, 16-Sep-2016 17:40:50
How One Tech Company's Misfortune Was A Blessing For Apple
NaturalWisdom -- Friday, 16-Sep-2016 17:50:59

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