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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 8-Dec-2014 17:18:54

In Response To: *** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long) (hobie)

Hi, Folks -

Found here:


Highlights of Tonys CC. I will not get to go back through the notes for anything I might have missed until this evening. Going Christmas shopping!!! - Sunny

Letter Tony received: "this has all the hallmarks of the manipulation of a large group. If I was running a psychological operation this is almost textbook."

Tony: Other agencies tell us that an agency is giving us BS. We do have a plan
DC: people think we are getting lied too. Right, I am getting lied to a lot of time, but why, how, . . . what is their motivation?. . . Info is still good to sort through. Why would political folks who are sensitive . . . seeing how fast important racial incidents have erupted so quickly . . . why would they allow a ticking time bomb to occur?
My opinion is they know full well this is about to happen. . . All the contract rate will be hushed up because of NDA's. I'll bet there are those who want to be reelected that care about what is going on. This will make Watergate look like a "walk in the park.”

DC: it does not take a high ranking person to screw up last few days in office. Just push it out on the internet. everyone knows they are sitting on a nuclear bomb here . . . Just explaining that if they mess around too much it will blow up in their faces. Why don't we want to push boundaries? Frankly I want to get paid, try to keep everybody calm.
IRAQ: Abadhi back in country. Slow work week in Parliament. They were ready this weekend. Friday there was a 36 hour window. Sunday morning Iraq asked for a few hours and when Iraq tried it again the US delayed it. It’s widely known inside Iraq they are waiting on the US. Information is leaking out of Iraq and they changed the announcements TV and in the mosques. Everyone is aggravated at the US.

Celebrations: Three day holiday starting tomorrow.

TV/ Mosques: No longer giving a date for economic reforms, but saying the ER are ending, “economic reforms close to being done . . . ER completed in a few days.”

INTERNATIONAL: US, Bank of England, IMF, CBI all working with coordinating everything. DC: "Peeps pretty disgusted with the start stop. Everybody pissed about it."


Delay: DC said the reason for the delay from the administration "did not make sense." In the US everybody was prepared. Was delayed. Everybody is upset

Banks are ready to go, to execute. They continued to pay out this w/e. They prefer it during work days.

800#: Only one bank will take everyone. (probably WF since they are the clearing house for the UST) The other majors, Tiers 2 & 3 will be individual and if you want to do business with them you will need to call them. AFTER THE 800# IS OUT. NOT NOW!!! Tier 2 and 3 will be calling their select customers.

Rupiah: unchanged at $1.05.

Reserves: unknown what the process is until the packages come out. DC says their could be a massive amount of time involved to get reserves.

800#: Only one bank will take everyone. (probably WF since they are the clearing house for the UST) The other majors, Tiers 2 & 3 will be individual and if you want to do business with them you will need to call them. AFTER THE 800# IS OUT. NOT NOW!!! Tier 2 and 3 will be calling their select customers.

Groups: Tony: I could be totally off base here. I did not believe in groups for ever. Since found out 400 groups and rate was from .30 to $32.00. . . .

TRN’s (treasury reserve notes) . . . Get direct from treasury that TRN’s are traded among banks and countries.

Q & A:

Caller: Will we be strung out past the holidays? DC: I don’t think we know. . . . Regardless if it’s a day or a month.
T- We see them bringing people in, see them having their meetings and saying it’s the last meeting before we do this. . . . Yes, we keep getting disappointed like you guys. Everyday I personally have less and less confidence in them. Nothing else to do. . . Iraq has done it all. . . in the gazette, loaded cards internationally, paid people here, paid out the rates.
DC: By exchanging all of these people they have accepted Iraq RV'd on Oct 30th. . . We got so many people exchanged... fundamentally the world has accepted it . . . I see that as positive. The more people they pay out, the better. . . it kinds of forces . . . to make dang sure this happens.
Caller: Do you think we will get this RV before Christmas? DC: I do! Tony: a meeting was taking place this morning and we don’t know what happened yet because we have been on the call. Constantly told by democrats they want us to have this.

Is there person preventing this? DC: It is not personal. They are viewing it as a political move back and forth. Is one person holding things up? Yeah, but not alone. Supposed to be a good reason. Some days I think there are and some days I don’t think so. It’s never been personal, about us and one particular person, individual or bureaucrat.


DC: Iraq is ready, tried to do it thre’s this week end. Another time scheduled very quickly. Hope and pray everybody does what they are supposed to do. . . Pray everybody has their best mind sets for this thing and it goes through. Remain cautious. . . no doubt in my mind it will go through. Everything continues to reaffirm we are next to go through . .. they have allow these many to go through and we are right behind them. Have a plan together.
Pam: You guys are amazing. Our members, our listeners are so lucky. I’m so proud to be with you guys.
Ray: Marvelous money, making Monday. Enjoy!
Tony: Everything is good. Weekend window closed. Right now we are looking at next 3 days – the holiday. They say they are working on it. We know that is their goal. . . We are just close. A bunch of people went through on the weekend and a bunch people will be paid tomorrow. . . If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Have your plan ready. There is no “I’ll do it when it happens.” There will be so many things, so plan now. I’ll send out a tweet if something happens and if nothing happens I’ll see you on Wednesday.


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Monday, 8-Dec-2014 17:09:06
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf call, Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Monday, 8-Dec-2014 17:18:54
Reader: "The US political wrangling and screw ups once again seem to have no bounds ..."
hobie -- Monday, 8-Dec-2014 18:01:49
Reader: "...highly unlikely that RV exchanges are taking place in anywhere near the 2000/day figure being thrown around"
hobie -- Monday, 8-Dec-2014 23:25:00

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