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Comments from a Skeptic Reader JJ - case in point for above post :)

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 19:00:29

In Response To: "Transition Facts" - RV Intel Update - August 28, 2016 (Mr.Ed)

Re: New US Republic via a GCR Update 27 Aug. 2016

All of this has become a complete joke! August 31 will come and go just like all the other dates. Why would you use the mail to send "prosperity packages" when you said the computer systems have been reset? Now for a currency that currently takes over 1000 dinars to be "reset" to 1 dinar to $3-7 is just total nonsense. Most currencies trade on the FOREX market and the yearly volume is over $1 quadrillion and this market is simply to large for one group or groups to artificially "reset" prices. For a country to back it's currency with gold it must own the gold out right and it can't be leased or lent to as the country doesn't own it. The US will not go to such a monetary system because this would cause the dollar to strengthen even more and cause the US export market to collapse causing unemployment throughout the US. This is why China is not going to a gold backed currency. In fact they have been weakening the yuan which is just the opposite. There is simply not that much gold on the planet to back the large amount of dollars and yuan in worldwide circulation. Just stop and do the math. A couple of weeks ago the Director of Economics at the CFR commented on all this nonsense by stating the last time the US was on such a system it was an unmitigated disaster as the US could no longer afford to to keep constantly purchasing the amount needed to back the ever growing liquidity to have the economy grow. Also there are no Chinese elders who own large amounts of gold or even wealth as it was confiscated when the communist took over China and these families along with the intellectuals were forced to work on collectives. Recent wealth in China has only happened in the last 4 to 5 decades when the communists allowed people to keep it. Also all dollars still have "Federal Reserve Note" printed on them and not "Treasury Note". Also as I trade currencies the market on the 23rd was actually very quiet as traders were waiting word on the FED announcement and
there were no "resets" other than what is normal. There were simply no large scale "resets" across the board as claimed. Also Zimbabwe is not using the dollar except like other countries to settle trade in dollars where needed but in fact is using the Chinese yuan domestically to the thrill of the Chinese as this speeds up the internationalization of the currency. This was announced on all currency news platforms months ago.

The world has in fact already agreed back in 2010 after the last financial crisis to move from a uni-polar dollar denominated world to a multi-polar one where the SDR and other countries currencies will used to settle trade. BRICSA have been using each other currencies to settle trade and where China has set up currency swap agreements they have been using each others currencies to settle trade. Come this October when the yuan is officially added to the basket of currencies backing the SDR BRICSA trade block will use this to settle trade mainly with the west. All countries now hold SDRs as part of their official reserves. The Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank will issue SDR backed bonds and loan in SDRs and the yuan. London has announced it will issue RMB, (yuan), denominated bonds. This has all been happening since 2010 and this is really the "reset" that is actually taking place. This can all be verified by reading articles and watching video presentations by th
e IMF, the BIS and the PBOC.

I am finally happy to see not only the FBI investigating all this nonsense but making arrests. Just in the recent past a federal judge in Florida sentenced two guys to prison with fines and millions in restitution based on the above premise as the judge ruled "You enticed people to invest or donate in a scheme based upon a nonexistent future event". The FBI now has a bulletin out asking everyone who has been financially harmed by these scams to contact them. Last December two more guys were arrested in Atlanta based on these scams and two weeks ago the FBI raided the offices and homes of the Sterling Currency Group LLC. Now we have the IRS's Criminal Division who oversees registered charities and those individuals and web sites promoting them who raise funds or donations by false pretenses. It is simply a felony to do so!

Wells Fargo is actually getting quite annoyed with people calling them up and asking why their accounts weren't funded by the prosperity funds or how do I get my funds or when can I exchange my dinars or what are the 800 numbers as this is taking up the employees valuable time hence you have the FBI and the IRS's Criminal Division actively involved! It is hammer time!

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Articles In This Thread

"Transition Facts" - RV Intel Update - August 28, 2016
Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 18:43:49
Comments from a Skeptic Reader JJ - case in point for above post :)
Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 19:00:29
More info on Clones (in case you're skeptical) :)
Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 19:16:31
Clone Forum for the serious researcher
Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 23:17:07

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