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Steve Beckow: "President Obama: Staunch Lightworker or Cabal Stooge?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 17:12:06

Hi, Folks -

Received via e-mail form Steve Beckow:


Obama 234

cabal supporters in the alphabet agencies, public service, media, and
elsewhere made sure that the only news that leaked out of Washington
presented President Obama in a poor light, many people who felt they
were working for the truth were taken in.

More were taken in -
among them putative lightworkers - by the president having to assume
unpopular positions, oftentimes to assist in entrapping cabal members.


look at some typical comments. In the intel and alternative press, an anonymous
commentator described the Obama tenure as “8 years of a horrific
Democratic Obama Presidency?” (1)

In an article on “50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong,” John Hawkins asked:

would anyone dislike Barack Obama? Could it be because of what he’s
done in the White House? As you get a refresher on the national
nightmare that has been Barack Obama’s presidency, keep in mind that the
biggest difficulty in compiling it was limiting it to just 50 examples
of corruption, dishonesty, and incompetence.” (2)

have asked me if I'm unaware of who Barack Obama is. Did I include his
picture in a recent article on peaceworkers because I was expressing the
hope that Obama would come around?

Yes, I’m aware of who Obama is
and, no, I didn’t post his picture because I thought he’d come around. I
don’t need to expect that he will come around because, in my view, he[s
never left the cause of global peace, unity and harmony.

But you
should know that I rely on sources that most of the mainstream do not. I
accept the channeled testimony of reliable sources from among galactic
and spirit teachers. It’s alright that you may not, but I do.

see farther than terrestrial and incarnate sources. They’re able to
draw on capabilities, consult records, and use technology that aren't
available to us. And they, knowing who Barack Obama is in a way that we
could never do, uniformly support and praise him.

So that you can know what they say about the man, here’s a review of their messages to us.

most recent statement came from Archangel Michael in a personal reading
with “Earthbound Star Seed Soul” through channel Linda Dillon.

“It is a time of bringing forth - yes, in coordination with humanity - many changes upon this planet. …

truths will come to the forefront, not so that humans can wallow in
what they think as lies and dirt and drama, but that they can move past
this - to what is truly of value - which is unity and community. Yes,
with your Star Family.

“And you are correct in thinking that Obama will play a very important role in this.” (3)

Prior to that, St. Germain through James McConnel refuted the notion that the president was working for the dark.

one you know as the disclosure president, who has always been that
disclosure president and is still that one. Nothing has changed even
though it appears he has been working for the dark, he has really been
working for the light, and at some point you will understand this – ALL
will understand this.

has made an amazing sacrifice to be able to bring this about, for in
order for all of this to happen, there first had to be a complete
breakdown, or a seeming breakdown, of the seeming republic that you have
had.” (4)

When Neil Keenan came forward with the allegation that
Mr. Obama was no longer president, Archangel Michael said in a personal

Steve Beckow: Neil Keenan has come out and said that Obama is no longer president.

Archangel Michael: Oh no, of course he is president, dear heart. He is our star brother. We would not have him removed.

Steve: Right, so he’ll live out his term?

AAM: That is correct. (5)

isn’t a source we consult among the Company of Heaven who believes that
President Obama is a failed president. If we go back in time we find
the same support for him as we do now.

Responding in 2014 to charges that President Obama was no longer a light being, Matthew Ward said:

the numerous readers who cite specific actions by President Obama and
ask if he still is a light being: Yes, he is. We stand by everything we
have told you about him because it is the truth. We say as well that
third-density consciousness can’t discern light in a person or a
situation. Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density
location-wise, the majority of the populace still is within third
density awareness-wise.” (6)

Matthew tells us that Barack Obama was pre-destined to lead the world to peace.

soul that embodied as Barack Obama was chosen to lead your world into
Gaia’s long-awaited era of peace, so it was essential that thoughts and
feelings favoring him as president emerge, then keep increasing until
the energy momentum was unstoppable. The voters’ decision to elect him
the following year was as predestined as surely as was Earth’s
Ascension.” (7)

He then tells us why he was the choice for president of Gaia and the council responsible for our Golden Age.

the soul originated in a fourth-density civilization, its lineage
became universally respected as personages evolved into seventh density
through multiple lifetimes of leading conflicted peoples into harmonious
cooperation and assisting in civilizations’ advancement." (8)

Consequently, “we did not predict - we stated with certainty - that Barack Obama would be elected.” (9)

What prompted sending a soul like Barack Obama to be president at this time? SaLuSa says:

the greater picture help is also to Races or even whole Nations if they
need to find a new direction. This often involves [sending] special
souls with the required experience, and we need go no further than
mention the role of Barack Obama. He is just becoming able to follow his
plan to bring peace to the world, having struggled against the powerful
opposition that has faced him for so long.” (10)

Matthew agrees
with SaLuSa on the ferocity and persistence of the attack against the
President: "The Illuminati-led offensive against [President Obama's
efforts to unite all people] has been relentless." (11)

tells us that he was just becoming able to emerge from the hatchet job
that cabal supporters performed on him during all the years of his
presidency. But in fact he has not emerged even today.

What makes Obama the right choice for the job? Matthew says:

Obama is innately endowed with that cumulative wisdom, knowledge and
experience, and lifelong he has followed soul-level guidance to fulfill
the peace mission he doesn’t consciously know he accepted prior to
birth.” (12)

How was the Golden Age master plan concerning President Obama designed?

Golden Age master plan was designed so that when Barack Obama became US
president in 2008, your world would eagerly support his efforts to
unite all peoples in peace and harmony with Nature in accordance with
Gaia’s vision." (13)

And what happened instead?

the souls who came in to create havoc for the masses—and indeed did—not
reneged on their agreement to join the light forces afterwards, the
timeline in the Golden Age master plan would have prevailed. By now
Obama would have completed much of his presidential mission and your
society would be well on the way to living peacefully.

he inherited two wars and now is combatting the terrorism that in no
small part is their offspring. And, despite the light’s immense headway
in weakening the Illuminati’s global network, they retained enough power
within and beyond the Congress to doom most of Obama’s visionary
initiatives, and their efforts to keep the negativity of divisiveness
alive and thriving in your society have been aided unwittingly by his
political adversaries.” (14)

Was this not foreseen? Matthew replies:

foresaw the sustained opposition he would encounter, and while that
quickly became clear in Congress, the Illuminati’s influence within and
behind that body isn’t [widely] known.

that truth comes forth, all will understand what President Obama has
had to deal with in his efforts to uplift his country’s peoples and
bring peace to your world. Furthermore, the many strides he has made
despite formidable opposition aren’t being heralded even by his own
party.” (15)

We saw one rumor floated a while back that Obama had
been moved out of the White House and House Speaker Paul Ryan had moved
in. I asked Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel if that was destined to happen.

Archangel Michael: There is no interim President. That simply will not happen.

Steve Beckow: And yet it’s been talked about as if it has happened.

AAM: No. That is false. That is another move to discredit what he wants to achieve….

the more that he can be said to be losing power, the more what he
wishes to bring forth can be dismissed. But you will see some very
strong action out of this President before the term is over.

does not wish to engage in war. He is there despite everything that has
occurred. One of his purposes was to bring peace. Now, you see how the
situations, just even of the last hundred years, have all come to the
forefront in terms of the war chaos. It is there to be cleared, not to
be engaged in. (16)

SaLuSa agrees with Archangel Michael:

will confirm once again that President Obama is playing a major role in
bringing the Light to Earth, and in a holding position that will ensure
the truth comes out. More importantly he is also playing a balancing
game between the dark and Light, until the time is right for the next
great step to be taken.” (17)

All is not lost, SaLuSa concludes:

of the chaos you are experiencing will come changes that will be very
welcome, and will lead to worldwide peace. It means that there will be
many changes where the top people and Governments are concerned, and the
lead will be taken from President Obama. In each era where important
changes are necessary, you will find that the “right” people are always
on hand to lead the way.” (18)

Unfortunately, in the ranks of
lightworkers, it isn’t the case that as above so below. The information
that the CoH has is not reaching their ranks of lightworkers with the
result that the cabal’s representations of the President are being
accepted as fact.

Time will reveal, however, what President Obama
has had to endure, how well he’s done under the circumstances, and what
the actual work is that he came to do.


(1) “Anonymous, “What If?” June 17, 2016, at

This paper is based on one written in March of 2016: "Is President Obama a Light Being?" March 20, 2016, at

(2) John Hawkins, “50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong,” Townhall, Aug. 9, 2014, at

(3) I know EBSS personally as would many others if he chose to reveal his identity, which he does not. (Archangel Michael: What Looks Like Chaos and Mayhem is Divine Unfoldment, June 18, 2016, at

(4) "St. Germain Channeled via James McConnel for June 5, 2016," at Disclosure refers to the admission by governments that star civilizations from many quadrants of the universe are here at this time to assist us with our transformational shift in consciousness. This of course spells the end for the cabal and is being strongly opposed.

(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2016.

(6) Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) Matthew’s Message, June 2, 2014.

(9) Ibid., October 19, 2014.

(10) SaLuSa, July 4, 2014, at

(11) Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014.

(12) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2014.

(13) Loc. cit.

(14) Ibid., October 19, 2014.

(15) Ibid., June 2, 2014.

(16) “Archangel Michael: What Would Love Do?”, channeled by Linda Dillon, May 1, 2014, at

(17) SaLuSa, Feb 21, 2014.

(18) Ibid., May 2, 2014.


RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Steve Beckow: "President Obama: Staunch Lightworker or Cabal Stooge?"
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 17:12:06
Reader: "I don't know, Hobie. I'll stand on the sidelines, but . . . Barack Obama has earned a lot of disdain."
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 18:51:35
Reader: "My dear old father always said: look at a persons actions, don't listen to their words."
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 22:43:56
Reader: "I have never read a more distasteful and incorrect assessment of the dirtbag, liar that inhabits our White House."
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 22:46:14
Reader: 'All of these channeled sources are victims of the secret government's "Voice to Skull" technology'
hobie -- Sunday, 19-Jun-2016 23:43:27
Reader: "You will know them by their fruits."
hobie -- Monday, 20-Jun-2016 15:57:43
Reader: 'I do not have confidence in "CHANNELERS".'
hobie -- Monday, 20-Jun-2016 16:05:08
hobie -- Monday, 20-Jun-2016 16:09:33
Reader: "Nothing worthwhile to see here folks."
hobie -- Monday, 20-Jun-2016 16:12:54

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