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The first shadow patrols of the world's most powerful ship

Date: Tuesday, 17-May-2016 14:02:30

In Response To: Russia’s Northern Fleet flagship goes to sea first time in 2 years (IZAKOVIC)

(Franco Iacch)

The most powerful ship ever built by man, will enter into active service next October. This is the confirmation of the US Navy and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works for USS Zumwalt destroyer capable of engaging targets at a hundred miles away with electromagnetic cannons and a radar return so low as to appear as fishing vessel.

The first ship of the Zumwalt class, is now in the final stage of sea trials. By next summer there will be the Navy inspection. If the latter ends without problems, the sea acceptance testings will begin. Exceeded this stage, the largest and most powerful multirole destroyer ever built the US Navy, will enter service by early October.

The entire program cost is $ 23 billion. The total value of contracts for the three ships is estimated at $ 13.2 billion, about $ 4.4 billion by the boat. The second ship, the Michael Monsoor, will be delivered in November of next year, a few months behind the original timeline. The decision was taken due to the complexity of the project for the class defined as the most powerful in the world. The third and last of the class ship, the Lyndon B. Johnson, it will be delivered in December

The most powerful multi-role destroyers of the US Navy ever built, has been conceived, designed and armed for the war of the future at an exorbitant cost: $ 4.4 billion by the boat, about three times the cost of a current destroyers at a cost total of 13.2 billion dollars for three ships (the 32 initially were planned). From 2009 to 2015, the cost of each boat has increased by 34.4%.

It would be appropriate to point out that everything on the Zumwalt is unique in its kind. Its stealth profile, for example, should make it invisible to enemy radar. Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke, it has an RCS (Radar Cross-Section) of a fishing vessel.

The destroyer Zumwalt reintroduces the camber: the maximum width of the ship on the waterline, while progressing up the hull begins to shrink.
Its unusual hull then, was designed with technology wave penetration or wave-piercing for a maximum speed of 30 knots (56 km / h).

It 'was designed to pour a devastating firepower even if severely affected. The Zumwalt class is armed with eighty Tomahawk cruise missiles (spread over various pod Vls Mk 57 advanced, throughout the ship so as not to lose the missile capabilities even if affected), two guns Ags 155 mm, two 57 mm and batteries evolved Sea Sparrow.

The Advanced Gun System or Ags deserves a separate discussion. Shoot projectiles rocket eleven pounds, with a margin of error (CEP) of 50 meters, at a maximum distance of 154 km. Each unit will have a capacity of 750 bullets. The AGS pipe is water-cooled to prevent overheating, while the rate of fire is ten rounds per minute per gun. The combined firepower of a pair of towers would give to each class destroyers Zumwalt a fire power of twelve guns from M198 range.

The Zumwalt will be equipped with laser defense systems designed to shoot down enemy aircraft and drones and electromagnetic cannon capable of firing projectiles at hypersonic speeds. According to the US Navy, the laser technology is designed to eliminate the asymmetric threats such as drones, small planes and speedboats: all potential threats to the warships in the Persian Gulf.

The electromagnetic guns have already been tested. We speak of tungsten projectiles that reach the target with a speed equal to seven times that of sound, to a higher power (at a much lower cost) to a Tomahawk missile. This weapon will give the Zumwalt the role of "true warfighter game changer".

On board space will find two helicopters Sh-60 / Seahawk (Lamps Mk III) for anti-submarine warfare three Mq-8 Fire Scout, not-piloted helicopters developed for the armed reconnaissance. The size of the ship and power plant capable of producing 78 megawatts of electricity - enough to power 78,000 homes - make it an ideal platform for future weapons like the rail gun.

Ships fifteen thousand tons have a growth margin of 10%, equal to more 1,500 tons of future technology to be implemented in the system without altering the performance of the boat.

The level of automation achieved finally, would be so high that the ship will be enough to lead a crew of 158 members, half of those required for the current generation of destroyers (an operational lifetime of 35 years would save taxpayers $ 280 million for ship).

The Zumwalt represent the breaking point between the past and the new scenarios of the future war. As well as for the F-22, the only fighter in the world why the term was coined plane domain, even the Zumwalt boast of such appellation. Its electromagnetic weapons should enable it to impose the domination of any sea and against any enemy. The nom de
guerre of Zumwalt's "Silver Bullet" silver bullet.

The majestic as unfeasible Zumwalt program was designed for a fleet of 32 ships permanently reduced to three. The loss of economies of scale has driven up the cost of each vessel. The Zumwalt class will introduce the patrols shadow. Considering the investment and the firepower, each Zumwalt deserves a separate battle groups as well as with aircraft carriers. Other latforms, however, negate the tactical advantage of a low observability vector. So then the Zumwalt class could be the first unit to only be escorted by attack submarines.

Initially, the USS Zumwalt will be integrated into a carrier battle
group. Subsequently, the Zumwalt will begin patrols shadow.


The only problem with this ship is that is not made for high seas, and that is last of it's class.


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