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Warning! Warning Will Robinson! Ted Cruz is a Wolf In Sheeps Clothing!

Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 22-Dec-2015 16:20:29

In Response To: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) just endorsed Ted Cruz (Susoni)


Ted Cruz is very dangerous entity.

I've been keeping an eye on Cruz during this campaign, and especially since his endorsement by fellow reptile, James Carville, one of the chief advisers of the Clinton regime, who said of Cruz:

"...the most fearless and talented politician of the last thirty years".

Apparently Carville equates slippery slime ball-ism with talent.

What that means is that CFR front man Carville, got the word out early, paving the way for the Official endorsement by the CFR.

So one snake gets excited about having another snake in the big chair.

Carville might be happy. Cruz might be happy.

America will lose - big time.

In the last Republican debate, Cruze took the prize for being the most vocal for Israel, PNAC, and never ending war against Human Beings.

Cruz is another Slick Willie.

He is even more repugnant than Clinton.

The reason Cruz is so lethal, is because he is pandering to the Christian Right (CR), who are sucking up the Cruz psy-opp like ice cream - and Cruz, like W, is leading the stupid CR lambs to the Israeli slaughter house.

Cruz is a politician, which translates into liar and parasite.

A nasty politician at that, who claims to identify with the Christian Right.

Cruz is a slime ball.

Cruz is evil.

Time date stamp that if you wish, because if you don't know it now, you soon will.

Cruz is so dangerous because there are millions of superficial CR sheep, who like Cruz, claim to identify themselves as Christian, who believe in the Israeli holy hoax, but who wouldn't know the meaning of Christianity if it bit them in the leg.

Israeli President Netanyahu often brags to his constituents how easy it is to control the American government, because the American people are so stupid, and because Israel owns the US Congress.

The superficial morons of the Christian Right, who swear by the Israel 'Holy' hoax - are indeed stupid.

Millions of MORONIC 'Christian' ministers and laymen across America spend 7 days a week pledging their support for Israel, when the only thing MORE DESPISED than a Palestinian in the Rothschild drive-thru location of the Israeli PREDATOR STATE - is a Christian.

Netanyahu owns the morons of the Christian Right, the US Congress, and Israel certainly does own Ted Cruz.

Cruz is of the Texas, John Hagee psychopath line of 'Christians', who also support the likes of dyed in the wool predators of the destroyer class.

War mongering psychopaths such as Netanyahu, Isreal, John McCain, PNAC, and the war mongering Neo-Con factions in the USG and Pentagon play in the same sandbox as Cruz.

The Cruz campaign is officially an offshoot tentacle of, and directed stateside by the Council on Foreign Relations - which is the Rockefeller clan.

Endorsement by the CFR/Rockefeller family, means Cruz now has real power behind him, and it is the agenda of the power behind the pulpit that makes the Cruz sock puppet so dangerous.

A little housekeeping for definition:

American Destroyer Class (ADC) = Rockefeller clan = Khazarian Mafia = Rogue CIA Factions = Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

CFR = Project for a New American Century (PNAC) = Israel (Mossad) = Pentagon War Hawks

Pentagon War Hawks = Mossad = Israeli owned lock stock and barrel Corporate US Congress = Dual Citizenship Neo Cons = John McCain, et al

John McCain = Neo Con agenda = promoted and supported by CR religious parasite John Hagee = power crazed fascist founder of the Cornerstone Church = Founder and National Chairman, of 'Christians United for Israel'.

John Hagee = National Council of Churches = A Ted Cruz candidacy with massive 'Christian Right' support = continued war and chaos from the Rockefeller Destroyer Class =

A horrible and malicious endeavor fully supported and endorsed by millions of ignorant, superficial morons in the usa who claim they are "doing the Lords work" by supporting Israeli destroyers and voting for Ted Slime Ball Cruz.

Dangerous indeed.

Kabuki Theater of the worst kind.

If you think the fascist parasite predator state is abusing America now, you 'ain't seen nothing' like the total hell unleashed with a Cruz presidency.

The big boys are watching the Wicked Witch of the West spiral down the drain, so they are implementing plan B - or Ted Cruz.

"You better watch out"!



David Bromberg - Danger Man.wmv



: Snip

: Due to Senator Cruz’s proven commitment to the CFR’s
: initiatives and his proven record of progressive ideals and
: moderate policy positions, the CFR is formally announcing
: its full endorsement of Senator Cruz for President of the
: United States and the future North American Union.

: The Top 8 Reasons Why The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
: Endorses Ted Cruz: Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, was a very
: successful insider and member of the Bush Administration,
: as was Senator Cruz. She was also a member of the Council
: on Foreign Relations (CFR). As a member, she signed off on
: and supported the plan for The North American Union
: border-less super-state, a dream project of progressives to
: dissolve the United States, Canada and Mexico into one,
: single legislative body, much like the European Union.
: Heidi showed she is open to working with progressive,
: globalist-minded elites in dismantling the borders of the
: United States and reducing its sovereignty (you can read
: her endorsement of the NAU on our site here).

: Heidi Cruz was also a top VP at Goldman Sachs Investment Bank,
: which was also Barack Obama’s top presidential campaign
: donor. This shows the Cruz family is willing to compromise
: and work with Washington and Wall St. Elites to enrich
: themselves, ensuring more “business as usual”, something we
: at the CFR are highly in favor of.

: Senator Ted Cruz is truly a “multinational” candidate. His
: father is Cuban-born and was a Canadian resident when Ted
: was born. Ted only very recently renounced his Canadian
: Citizenship to finally, fully become an American Citizen.
: Ted appeals to people who don’t care about the
: Constitution’s 14th Amendment, and who are open to having
: the second U.S. President in history – after Barack Obama –
: not born to two American parents. This is entirely in line
: with what the CFR wishes to achieve, and that is a
: dissolution of the U.S. Constitution. That begins by
: introducing Americans to candidates who undermine the U.S.
: Constitution by their vary candidacies.

: Ted Cruz is the #1 top candidate funded by Wall Street’s top
: billionaires and millionaires. One of his biggest donors is
: a gay billionaire from Texas. Senator Cruz also met with a
: number of gay businessmen in New York to solicit their
: support as well. This shows that Senator Cruz is
: open-minded enough to attract gays and lesbians to his
: forward-thinking cause, which is entirely in the spirit of
: what the CFR wishes to achieve.

: In 2013, Senator Ted Cruz proposed amendments to the Gang of 8
: Illegal Immigration Amnesty Bill that would have given
: illegal immigrants legal status to stay in the U.S., and in
: the words of Senator Cruz, room for the illegals to “come
: out of the shadows.” Senator Cruz’s progressive-minded
: compromises show that he is willing to work with Democrats,
: progressives and immigrant organizations to help propose
: alternatives to Donald Trump’s outrageous plans to deport
: all illegals and enforce the law.

: Ted Cruz has flip-flopped on Birthright Citizenship (also
: known as “anchor babies”), and he refuses to say he will
: “deport all illegal immigrants”. This shows Ted Cruz offers
: a sensible, progressive, moderate approach to immigration
: reform in stark contrast to Donald Trump’s plans. However,
: Senator Cruz does support “bio-metric tracking”, presumably
: with computer chips placed in the right hand or forehead, a
: position the CFR greatly approves of as this will serve as
: a gateway to bio-metric tracking of all Americans.

: Ted Cruz was former House Speaker John Boehner’s personal
: attorney, and Ted Cruz has taken multiple private trips
: with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to Israel. This
: demonstrates that Ted Cruz is openly willing to work
: closely with Washington’s top insiders to ensure the status
: quo remains in place.

: Senator Cruz originally fully supported The Trans Pacific
: Partnership trade initiative created by Hillary Clinton and
: Barack Obama, through their surrogates at the CFR.
: Unfortunately, Senator Cruz had to remove his support of
: the TPP after his constituents voiced opposition. However,
: the CFR is confident Senator Cruz will be right back on
: board with our policies as president and help us pass the
: TPP, NAU and other America-destroying agreements so we can
: usher in the New World Order.

: The CFR strongly believes Senator Ted Cruz is the best choice
: for President of the United States. We believe as president
: that Senator Cruz will further the CFR’s goals of a N.A.U.,
: full bio-metric tracking of American Citizens and the entry
: of the Americas into the North American Union.


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Articles In This Thread

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) just endorsed Ted Cruz
Susoni -- Tuesday, 22-Dec-2015 01:21:55
Warning! Warning Will Robinson! Ted Cruz is a Wolf In Sheeps Clothing!
Lion -- Tuesday, 22-Dec-2015 16:20:29

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