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How Did They Know?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 26-Mar-2022 18:07:01

“Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” John Adams

Looking back over several quotes from the Founding Fathers as well as their personal writings, I am really astonished at how often they warned the people, never to relinquish any of their rights. Benjamin Franklin probably said it best.

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed on us by other men. But a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and Nature.” And “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

Yet, what happens when a false flag disaster strikes? How about 9/11? Congress was all set to pass the Patriot Act with little opposition. Legislation was already written for just this occasion and was ready to go. Would that be David Icke’s Problem-Reaction-Solution? Sounds like it to me. The whole thing was scoped out, mapped out, certain people were warned to stay off of planes and out of New York City that day. What a ginormous coincidence, as my granddaughter would say. One would almost think they were following a script. The American people were so stunned and fearful, they were willing to relinquish many of their rights if the government would just protect them. The picture in my mind of the Village Idiot from Texas riding a white horse to our rescue is about more than I can stomach.

This government has been chipping away at our Constitution and Bill of Rights for decades. They hate our Constitution because it keeps them in check. They do their best to eliminate it, but the Founding Fathers put in place laws and rules they just can’t get totally around. How did the FF know these things would happen? Our Constitution was never intended to embody a political point of view, It was made for those who have fundamentally different views. Unfortunately, those in Washington, who should know that, do not. Add the media who owe its very existence to that document, seem to have forgotten its precious guarantee of freedom.

“Where people fear the government, you have tyranny; where the government fears the people, you have liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

Which do you think we have today? How many Executive Orders has Sippy Cup Biden written to try to limit our God-given rights? So far, in various ways, he’s gone after the first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth at the very least. On top of these and including these, he has sought to inflict personal harm on We the People by mandating emergency vaccines, not correctly tested and not approved by the FDA and in spite of no real evidence that the pathogen even exists. People have lost jobs, homes, businesses, good medical care, their reputations, chances of being rehired, pensions, military advancement, health, and even life. Why would any president do those things? Certainly not to benefit American citizens. Who is controlling this moron? These are the actions of a dictator. The love of power has gone to what little of his brain is still there. While most Americans slept, TPTB have been busy turning our country into a socialist nightmare. Let’s take a moment and review the Communist Manifesto to see what has occurred under several presidents. The Communist Manifesto represents a very misguided philosophy, which teaches the citizens to give up their rights for the sake of the “common good.” It sounds great on paper, but it is a lie. It always ends in a police state where the masses of people have very few if any rights. Their lives, in all aspects, are tightly controlled. This is called preventive justice. Control is the key concept. Read carefully and ask yourself if it fits or is on its way to fit the society we are living in today.

1. Abolition of private property. (What was it Klaus Schwab told us? “You will own nothing and be happy.”)

2. Heavy, progressive income tax. (Well, the libtards have to have some way to pay for all of the ‘free stuff’.)

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritances. (Same reason as #2.)

4. Confiscation of all emigrants and rebel's property. (Hmm, do you suppose the people breaching our southern border are aware of this? And, who gets to decide who is a rebel?)

5. Central Bank. (That is what was used to get control over the people’s finances and therefore our lives. That is why several presidents refused to allow the central banks to operate in this country, refusing to renew their charters. That is why they warned the people against allowing central banks to get a toe hold in America. This is why those presidents were either assassinated, attempted assassination, or corrupted. That would be Lincoln, McKinley, and Kennedy, an attempt on Jackson and Wilson was corrupted. Think the Federal Reserve.)

6. Government control of Communications and transportation. (Do I have to remind anyone of the CIA-controlled Lame Stream Media and the wholesale censorship on social media sites? Transportation has been a little difficult beyond regulating and taxing. But the fake pandemic gave the Deep State the excuse they needed to limit travel. And I doubt if they have given up on that plan.)

7. Government Control of factories and agriculture. (I’m pretty sure I don’t to explain the move from small family-owned farms to the huge fields, planting ditch to ditch by Big Agra. Not to mention the huge acres of farmland bought up by Bill Gates and China, who I’m sure have our best interests at heart. As for the factories, I would bet a list of the owners and CEOs of most corporations would show up on several lists, donations to the Clinton Foundation for one. CFR for another.

8. Government control of labor. (All it would take is for a president to declare martial law and full control of where and how much you work would be completely under the government’s control. I would say we aren’t that far away from that happening.)

9. Corporate farms and Regional Planning. (Agenda 21 & 30 anyone? This was tried in the old Soviet Union long enough to run a prosperous country into the ground. And how has that worked out for the people of Venezuela, once the most prosperous country in South America.?)

10. Government control of education. (I think between “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core”, we have seen how that has turned out. No child left behind just meant that children who fell behind would still be passed to the next grade. Or like Oregon, lower the standards on tests so struggling would be made to feel bad about themselves. My thinking is if you can’t at least read proficiently at your present grade level, you need to be held back until you can. Allowing socialist-minded people to write our textbooks and teach our children has been a massive failure. No wonder more and more children are being home-schooled. One of the purposes behind this particular manifesto is to further divide children from their parents.)

Politicians, bureaucrats, judges, the military/industrial/intelligence complex would have you believe that too much freedom will result in chaos. Therefore we should gladly give up some of our rights for the good of the community. They think we need more laws, more restraints on our freedoms. They believe that the more control we give them over our lives, the better society we will have. This all sounds good in theory. But no matter how well this Marxists Theory is presented, the truth is, whenever you give up a right, you lose freedom.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” William Pitt, British House of Commons.

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