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Re: A History of Russia and America

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 13-Jan-2022 11:02:18

In Response To: A History of Russia and America (Liberty_Lady)

never forget... Esau and Jacob are brothers... squabble they will, but in the end they will feast together...

: I don't pretend to know everything about our history with
: Russia. But certain things stand out. From the time of our
: declaring independence from Great Britain until the
: Bolshevik Revolution, Russia and America have been allies.

: Although Catherine the Great chose neutrality during the
: Revolutionary War, she also notified Great Britain that
: Russia was refusing Britain's request for military
: assistance. She also insisted on peace talks, which
: indirectly helped America to win the Revolution and attain

: independence.

: Catherine offered to provide the Americans anything they
: needed, being careful not to violate their official
: declaration of neutrality. She no longer trusted Britain
: after they tried to extricate themselves from the Seven
: Years War, basically leaving Prussia vulnerable to defeat.

: She didn't like King George, believing correctly that the
: American Revolution was Britain's fault. In 1781, Britain
: attempted to bribe Russia by offering them the island of
: Minorca if Catherine would just convince France and Spain
: to exit the war effort leaving America to fight alone. She
: again declined Britain's offer and published their attempts
: to the French and Spanish, thoroughly embarrassing Britain.
: Russia also played a significant role in peace
: negotiations, but the effort eventually fell through.

: During the Civil War, the Russian Navy sent 2 fleets to
: American waters to avoid them getting trapped if a war
: broke out again between Britain and France. This maneuver
: was viewed as an intervention on behalf of the Union.

: While the Czar was still in power, most Americans were against
: fighting against him as they considered him an ally. Once
: the Bolsheviks took over, that mutual loyalty
: disintegrated.

: Yet, during WWII, Russia was again an ally. The only time
: period I know of when we weren't on some level as allies,
: was during the Soviet era 'Cold War' when the
: Marxists/socialists/communists were intent on gradually
: overtaking every other country in the world. That always
: seemed pretty ambitious to me.

: After 77 years of this nonsense, the Russian people had had
: enough and overthrew that regime, restoring Russia, if not
: to democracy, at least to a theocracy of sorts. The only
: so-called aggression I've seen since that time were Russian
: soldiers stopping the attempt by Georgian troops to engage
: in their centuries-old pissing contest with Russia. Sorry,
: but that is the fastest way to explain that back and forth
: tug of war between the two countries. The important part
: is, that once things had settled down, Russian troops left.
: But, I digress.

: When Western forces-dare I say-CIA, tried to create problems
: in Crimea, Russia asked its citizens, mostly descended from
: Russians, if they wanted to rejoin with Russia. Ninety-one
: percent said, yes. I've never heard of a dictatorship
: politely asking a country they were invading if they would
: like to join the invading country. That just isn't how an
: invasion takes place.

: The same scenario was tried in Ukraine a few years later. This
: time more successfully. So, the West was successfully
: pulling the noose ever tighter around Russia's neck, let's
: see, oh, yes under a Democratic questionable president, who
: used his agencies and military as his private Gestapo. Were
: they hoping that Russia would just ignore the increasing
: American/NATO bases being built ever closer to the Russian
: border? JFK didn't ignore it when the Soviets were sending
: nuclear-armed missiles to Cuba in 1962, in response to our
: missiles aimed at them from Turkey. Some things never
: change.

: So now the turmoil in Kazakistan also occurs under another
: questionable Democratic president. And, everyone expects
: Putin to just lie down and take it? I don't know if
: President Putin views America as a potential friend and
: ally again. Maybe if Trump were still in the White House.
: They would have both taken a stand of 'trust but verify',
: I'm thinking. At least they would have had some respect for
: each other as strong and intelligent men. God only knows
: what Putin thinks of Sippey Cup Joe and Harris' calloused
: knees.

: Unless I am seriously misreading Putin, I don't believe that
: he will ever accept this bizarre move to back Russia into a
: corner. I'm sure that Putin doesn't walk on water unless
: it's frozen. But, I do know he loves Mother Russia and will
: do whatever is within his power to protect her. If that
: includes a nuclear first strike because the U.S. and NATO
: keep poking the Russian bear, I would say we have no one
: else but ourselves to blame. We the People have allowed
: socialism to take over our country. We have allowed a soft
: coup of a duly elected president.

: Maybe we need to invite some Kazakistanis to immigrate to our
: shores and remind the White House, Pentagon and the new
: woke military what real men look like. What real stones can
: accomplish. Just sayin. Let's see how these meetings
: between Russia and America play out. I would say that
: Russia's patience is getting pretty thin by now. I just
: hope Putin remembers that most Americans have no dog in
: this fight and have targeted the correct traitors to our
: country and enemies to his.

: I would be looking for a safe place to ride out this next
: storm.

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Articles In This Thread

A History of Russia and America
Liberty_Lady -- Thursday, 13-Jan-2022 11:02:18
Re: A History of Russia and America
Watchman -- Thursday, 13-Jan-2022 11:02:18

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