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The Biden-Putin Video Conference Had Zero Results – But That’s To Be Expected From the Globalists That Want War Above All Else

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 8-Dec-2021 02:07:02

After all the hype and build up for the much awaited conference between the two major superpowers - it was expected something substantial would come out of it. But after searching for articles and announcements from Russian and Whitehouse officials, there was nothing new said by either party and no conclusions. Basically, it was an exercise in futility and nothing more than going through the motions to satisfy diplomatic protocols.

Putin reiterated his statements against NATO encroachment towards Russia and Biden repeated his warnings if Russia invaded Ukraine. But, it remains to be seen if either side will change their declared course of actions that they are already committed to achieve.

The two-hour conference was not made public, so we are only guessing what was said by what the government spokespersons said later. However, what was glaringly absent in the Whitehouse statement was any mention of the true motives of the conflict. We only hear the globalist propaganda and nothing about the long-term agenda of the EU, NATO and the globalist’s envious designs to seize Russian territory and their oil and gas. We hear nothing of the $ billions spent by NGOs and covert government agencies promoting revolution and violence in Ukraine.

Nothing has changed with the globalists plot to demonize Russia and push them towards a confrontation so they can destroy them militarily. The west wants to see Russia make an aggressive move so they can justify to the world that Russia is a rogue nation and must be overthrown or put in their place. This attitude towards Russia will not change regardless how conciliatory Putin is with his actions or lack of them. Russia has been targeted by the wealthy elite conspirators, and nothing Putin can do short of total, unconditional surrender will be acceptable. Putin is not dealing with fair minded statesmen. He is dealing with puppet politicians that are bribed to follow the globalist agenda for global socialism, and Russia is in the way.

It is possible that Putin is fully aware of this fact. But anytime a conference can be made to avoid war, it is the right path to take. Besides, it buys him more time to plan for the future and make plans to defend his nation.

Unfortunately, there is a time constraint that the west is working under. They are fully aware that Russia has developed advanced missiles that are extremely difficult to defend against. But, Russia won’t have a sufficient quantity manufactured until 2024. That means the globalists have concluded they must go to war with Russia within 2 years to be able to defeat them in a nuclear war. These are insane, strange conclusions for them to make, but they are poking the bear with the full knowledge where it will lead. The globalists want a war regardless how far it goes. If it leads to a full exchange of nuclear missiles, the resulting nuclear carnage would only help fulfill their long sought after depopulation agenda.

If a conflict with Russia escalates to nuclear war, the first thing Russia would do is try to knock out the 32 satellites that control communications and geographical location systems. Our nation and Europe would probably lose the electric grid with EMP explosions in the upper atmosphere. We would instantly be sent back 100 years with very little communication ability and no electric power.

It is anyone’s guess which globalists cities and military bases would be destroyed by Russian missiles. Russia itself would also be destroyed by a variety of nuclear bomb delivery systems by the west - that is a given. But Russia knows this, and they’re prepared for it with underground bomb shelters for their citizens. And their farm-oriented citizens would have food stored up plus the ability to grow more crops afterwards.

It must also be realized that the original concepts of a nuclear winter with massive radiation is no longer valid. Since those theories were first considered, the US and Russia both developed more advanced and purified plutonium bombs that produce much less radiation. This means that the idea that a nuclear war is not survivable is simply no longer true. This is one of the main reasons the war planners entertain the idea of using tactical nukes in warfare and no longer have the fear of self-annihilation with the past idea of massive radiation dangers.

When you add all the facts together you see a picture where the globalists have no fear of Russia’s nukes or Chinese nukes. In fact, in the past few decades the west actually helped and financed the development of our adversaries’ nukes and missiles - for the very purpose of it being used against us someday!

Remember all the nuclear secrets the Clintons gave to China? Remember all the uranium the Clintons approved to be sold to our adversaries? Now you see the rest of the story and the motives why it was done. We had enemies living in our Whitehouse for decades, giving away advanced military secrets for cash. With friends like that who needs enemies?

Why would American leaders betray American citizens? It is simple, the wealthy elite globalists don’t consider us as human beings. We are nothing more than stupid cattle to them. We may look like them, and produce children they can grab on a whim to sexually abuse and use in satanic rituals, but we don’t possess the inhuman, murderous ability to place power and wealth above good ethics and respect for other people. Their only god is pleasure. Pleasure derived from bribery, murder, sexual deviancy, drugs, wealth and the pursuit of gain at any cost.

For many generations the wealthy elite have learned how to tap into high levels of sexual pleasures that cross lines of decency and are derived at the expense of harming others. They justify crossing those lines of morality and human decency because they feel entitled and more deserving than the lower classes. And, the higher levels of pleasure they receive is a constant reminder they are on the right track. They become addicted to those perverted pleasures like a drug.

The wealthy elite globalists abandoned the human race and have become devils incarnate, and they defend their new role on a daily basis. This is why they look down their noses at us and have no empathy for us. This is why they stay among their own types and avoid us like the plague. They have crossed over into another dimension and mindset that the average person cannot comprehend or understand.

These are the kind of people we are dealing with when we think about the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The conspirators want Russia to colonize and advance their wealth. Their motives and desires cannot be dealt with through diplomacy or rationalized. The politicians in DC that want war with Russia have been bought off by the wealthy elite, and are traitors to Americans. They are also willing to sell the Russian people into slavery and be complicit in a nuclear war against both the Russian people and US citizens. Their only loyalty is to money and power. Everything we are seeing has been set up for a global nuclear war – and once the stage is set, it can happen in one day. George Eaton

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