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SORCHA 10/9: "Climactic Trump-Biden Showdown Nears To Determine Course Of America"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 9-Oct-2021 14:16:38



October 9, 2021

Climactic Trump-Biden Showdown Nears To Determine Course Of America

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealing that Russia cannot rely on the European Union in economic issues because Brussels can impose sanctions against Moscow anytime, with his stating: “We had such cooperation but now it is becoming history”, says equally unreliable is the United States, whom the Foreign Ministry has just sent an official diplomatic note to asking them to withdraw diplomatic immunity from three of its embassy employees in order to press criminal theft charges on them, and whose notice to Security Council Members reads:” A note was sent to the US embassy with a request to yank the diplomatic immunity from three employees of the American diplomatic mission over their designation as theft suspects of personal belongings from a Russian citizen...Should the embassy refuse to withdraw the immunity, the mentioned people must leave Russian territory immediately”.

While sending thieves under cover of diplomatic immunity to prey on unsuspecting innocent Russian citizens, this report notes, leaked Pentagon documents show that US Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Scheller is being persecuted because his superiors believe he is trying to ignite a revolution, when all he actually did was criticize his leaders for incompetence—an incompetent Pentagon whose better use of time would be listening to hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin, who says his global financial group Citadel may have to leave the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of Chicago because: “It is becoming ever more difficult to have this as our global headquarters, a city which has so much violence...Chicago is like Afghanistan on a good day, and that's a problem”—and most assuredly is a Pentagon that should listen and heed the grave warning just issued by Republican Party leader US Senator Rand Paul, who told the American people this week: “I would say be afraid…Be afraid of your government”.

Presiding over this American government its citizens are now being warned to “be afraid of”, this report details, is Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, who yesterday went on a bizarre rant dementedly saying: “I gotta tell you a quick story...I’m embarrassed I can’t remember exactly which state I was in, but a gentleman and I think it was his wife and a little girl who said ‘could I talk to you?’...And she had this… it looked like a teddy bear and she said ‘could I talk to you?’...She said ‘I want to give you something. I want to give you some bears ears…she said ‘you gotta promise me, you gotta promise me you’ll protect the bears ears”—a bizarre “bears ears” story never heard of before that was quickly followed by Biden doubling refugee admission quotas from 62,500 people to 125,000 during the 2022 fiscal year that began on 1 October—that was joined by Biden signing the “Havana Syndrome” law against mystery weapons his own scientists say don’t exist—all of which explains the articles now appearing in America like “Biden’s Only Accomplishment! More Americans Think Nation’s Best Days In The Past”, wherein it stunningly reveals: “Joe Biden finally has registered one accomplishment. Americans are growing wary of the country’s future. America’s best days are past...Rasmussen on Friday released the alarming results of a new survey of likely voters, indicating that more American adults (43%) “now say America’s best days are in the past,” while only 33 percent think the best is yet to come, a stunning shift from last November when 47 percent of likely voters believed better times are over the horizon”.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that the American peoples’ growing disgust of Biden has shocked the leftist mainstream propaganda media and tech supporting him at all costs to the point they are now censoring the satirical site The Babylon Bee, whose motto is “Fake News You Can Trust!” and publishes articles like “Aides Quickly Drag President Away As He Tries To Join In ‘F*** Joe Biden’ Chant”—a satirical article mocking Biden as “Fuck Joe Biden” chants keep erupting all over America that Facebook is 100% suppressing—saw Facebook also suppressing The Babylon Bee satirical article that said: “In order to aid the news station in preparing stories for consumption, popular news media organization CNN purchased an industrial-sized washing machine to help its journalists and news anchors spin the news before publication...The custom-made device allows CNN reporters to load just the facts of a given issue, turn a dial to ‘spin cycle,’ and within five minutes, receive a nearly unrecognizable version of the story that’s been spun to fit with the news station’s agenda”—and in response to sees Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon most accurately stating: “There's nothing tyrants hate more than humor”.

When jokingly asked by Fox News host Tucker Carlson this week if the CNN article was real, this report continues, CEO Dillon replied: “It wasn’t real – believe it or not”—though what is real was leftist CNN just publishing their article “The Evidence Of Biden's Erosion With Independents Is Legion”, wherein it reveals to the horror of Biden and his socialist Democrats: “Just 32% of independents approved of how Biden is handling his job while 60% disapprove in a new Quinnipiac University national poll”—and is the same Quinnipiac poll that revealed this week Biden’s approval rating has crashed to 38%.

In what many mistakenly believe was a lifeline thrown to Biden and his socialist Democrats, this report notes, this week it saw Republican Party Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreeing to a temporary lifting of the US debt ceiling to 3 December, that’s best described as: “McConnell gave up very little — a small amount of time when it comes down to it…And he may have saved the filibuster in the process…That’s very big”—after which socialist Democrat Party Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer gave a speech attacking Republicans so repugnant it caused conservative Democrat Party leader US Senator Joe Manchin to hang his head in disgust and walk out of the US Senate, and later exclaim that Schumer’s unhinged speech “Was fucking stupid”—and saw this speech being so unhinged, moderate Democrat Party lawmaker US Senator Kyrsten Sinema has now gone full savage on the White House refusing to take any calls from Biden.

This transcript sees Security Council Members agreeing that Senate Minority Leader McConnell temporarily allowed the raising of the US debt ceiling as a strategic timing maneuver, which he just vowed he won’t do again, and as he so stated in a letter to Biden last evening, that, in part, states: “I am writing to make it clear that in light of Senator Schumer’s hysterics and my grave concerns about the ways that another vast, reckless, partisan spending bill would hurt Americans and help China, I will not be a party to any future effort to mitigate the consequences of Democratic mismanagement”.

To understand what Senate Minority Leader McConnell is really doing, this report explains, it’s critical to notice the scathing letter he sent yesterday to socialist Attorney General Merrick Garland about American parents being classified as “domestic terrorists”—a scathing letter wherein McConnell states to Garland: “Your memorandum’s ominous rhetoric doesn’t reflect the reality of what we have seen at school boards across the country in recent months...Parents absolutely should be telling their local schools what to teach…This is the very basis of representative government...They do this both in elections and — as protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution — while petitioning their government for redress of grievance…Telling elected officials they’re wrong is democracy, not intimidation”—and is a critical letter to notice because it was immediately joined by Republican Party candidate Glenn Youngkin for Virginia Governor slamming Garland, with his stating:

It is absolutely outrageous. Virginia parents have just been standing up at school boards meetings, that’s what they’ve been doing. They have been expressing their views about their kids education.

And TerryMcAuliffe. This is so consistent with his view. Terry McAuliffe said recently about the vaccine. If you don’t agree with me, he’s going to make your life difficult.

Well, he’s going to make your life difficult in all respects. If you don’t agree with his big government policy to put government and politicians and bureaucrats between you and your children, if you don’t agree, he’s going to get his friends to sic the F.B.I. on you.

I mean, it is outrageous. We have to stand up together as Virginians.

And when I’m governor, I’m going to go work for parents and go work for students and yes, teachers.

And we, in fact, are going to recognize the fact that parents have an absolute right to be engaged in their kid’s education and they will not be silenced and intimidated by strong arm tactics.”

Right in the middle of the US debt ceiling extension Senate Minority Leader McConnell gave to these socialist Democrats, this report further explains, is Tuesday, 2 November 2021—a date historians will mark as a climactic showdown between the forces loyal to President Donald Trump and those loyal to socialist leader Biden, and will determine the course of America—is otherwise known as the date the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia will elect a new governor and State legislature—sees the Republican Party candidate being Glenn Youngkin, who has “assembled around him a powerful coalition of Forever Trumpers, Never Trumpers, the Tea Party and single-issue folks”—sees the socialist Democrat Party candidate being Terry McAuliffe, a long time Clinton Crime Family operative supported by “teachers unions, baby killing abortionists, the Washington swamp and the entire leftist media establishment”—is an election now defined by Republican Youngkin saying during the debate “I believe parents should be in charge of their kids education”, while socialist Democrat McAuliffe said: “I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach”—sees top Republican Party leader former House Speaker Newt Gingrich most correctly defining this election as a “bellwether to decide the fate of America”, because a Democrat loss would shatter their party and Biden—this week saw Democrat McAuliffe admitting that Biden is widely unpopular in Virginia—today sees it being warned “McAuliffe losing would be a major blow to President Biden and the Democrats, and if the errors from 2020 remain consistent for 2022, Democrats could be truly staring into the abyss”—today sees it being reported: “New poll shows virtual ties in races for Virginia governor”—is a Virginia that produced only 44,000 net new jobs in the eight years its been under despotic socialist Democrat Party control, and whose citizens continue to flee in droves—since 1977, Virginia has elected a governor of the party opposite the president in his first term—which if holding true will see Republican Youngkin winning this contest. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 9, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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