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The Fake Pandemic Is An Extinction Level Event

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 9-Oct-2021 04:13:25

The Fake Pandemic Is An Extinction Level Event

Let’s review what has been going on the past 2 years. A plan was hatched by the wealthy elite to transform the world system so they could “build back better”. We, the remaining Europeans, scattered in many countries, are the designated enemy.
The conspirators that are planning a one world socialist system, have developed programs to get rid of us with wars, plagues, family planning, gay lifestyles, suicides, drug overdoses, alcoholism and racial amalgamation. Why are we their enemy? Because we have proven over thousands of years that we resist tyranny and enslavement and defend our freedom with our lives. It is just that simple. Otherwise, they would not focus on us and hate us as they do and stir up racial and class warfare. They wouldn’t have attacked us with a fake pandemic and tried to kill us off, and they wouldn’t invade our homelands with minorities to replace us. They want us dead, their actions prove this point.

They know they may not get us all, but they can corrupt the rest, effeminize the men, and have the white women marry minority men. Does the truth make you feel uncomfortable? Good, that is the brainwashing in the mind being exposed for what it is. We have no more time for political correctness.

Once we are neutralized it will be easier for them to set up full communism on a world-wide scale. They already have most of the world captured and controlled. But the western white nations are not fully under their control. And, this is why the pandemic was created. The pandemic is the final purge before total takeover.

They know what they want. All they had to do was lock us into our homes, reduce our lifestyles and make us think all we had to do was wait out a nasty epidemic and life would go back to normal. They lied to us about the Covid flu virus because it wasn’t even as virulent as the flu strains we faced every year. The vax doesn’t work, they know this. But they are using it to destroy our lives and kill off or sicken as many as they can.

They have the world living in fear, then offer a fake vaccine - that is actually making people sick and killing hundreds of thousands and counting. And to add insult to injury, causing a percentage of sterility in those that are in the child bearing years. It was the perfect plan to fulfill their long-term agenda of population control, destruction of the European race and full control over the survivors. They even erected a stone monument that states their purpose of reducing the world to 500 million people. Conveniently, they don’t mention what happened to the 6.5 billion people on earth that no longer exist.

What they have planned is an extinction level event, a blatant program of genocide. They have even stated this intention right to our faces. And while we are locked down in our homes, they expect us to submit to their authority until the day comes it is our turn to die.

Not only do they expect us to bow down to death, they expect us to sacrifice our children to them as well – to be brainwashed and also accept death when it’s their turn to die. It is as if, we are sitting in our homes like cattle waiting in slaughterhouse pens waiting to be slaughtered.
They don’t care about our lives. They never did.

They don’t care about our businesses, our banks, our crops, our hospitals, our culture or our schools. They only care that we obey them and do what they say until it is our turn to die. They have other humans to replace us and they will treat the new slaves as they have treated us.

What do they want? What is the end game?
The conspirators want to eradicate the ones that give them the most resistance. Once we are eliminated, then they can rule easier from then on.

The end game is total control over people’s lives and the destruction of the wholesome family unit and male led homes. They want to use us as indentured servants on a communist global plantation where there is no chance of an uprising of the serfs. They want a class system where the higher class is so far superior in control, wealth, and intellect that they are guaranteed full ruler-ship from then on.

They maintain their power now through a system of support employees called the gatekeepers. They are well paid and allowed power over the masses through wealth, bribes, drugs and sexual favors. This insulates the wealthy elite from the rest of the workers in the system. And they must maintain that barrier from the masses as the world is taken down further into chaos and death. If that relationship and closed system is broken, then the control of the globalists ends.

Why is this working for them? It is quite simple: The people are not fully aware of their slavery, and are refusing to resist and fight back. The average citizen is hoping that things will go back to normal soon - all they’ll have to do is wait another few weeks. But the light of day is always beyond their reach. The end of the eternal pandemic never comes. Why? Because it is planned that way. What is happening has all been thought out and schemed for years.

This is what the controllers want. They want to ruin our lives - have us die off one person and one family at a time. They want our economy to fail and our lifestyles to be diminished. This is not an accident, or a random event. This is being planned. And, it will continue for as long as we don’t resist and don’t fight back. How is that noble and the American way? How is this enslavement an example of an advanced society? How is this an example of exercising freedom and liberty?

There is no pandemic. They lied to us and are destroying us and our nation one month at a time.
Nurses and doctors are being fired from their jobs. Truck drivers, railroad workers, and factory workers are being fired from their jobs. The soldiers and police officers that resist the vax are being removed from their positions. This is a contrived and totally fabricated collapse of this nation - and no one is doing one thing about it.

What is the end game? Chaos, wars, famine, poverty and death - the continued deconstruction of society, the killing off of the European race, and the elimination of human beings that are considered a virus on the earth – so they can transform the planet to “build back better”. It is as if, a demonic alien race has come to the planet and made an agreement with our leaders and told them: “first you must purge the planet of the excess humans, then we will come and be your friends”.

Then they will toast together with champagne and celebrate the death of billions and bring in a new world of compliant slaves. Once we, the enemy, are dead - then they inherit planet earth. And, that pesky experiment of having a constitution and liberty will be a thing of the past, never to be seen of again. Why will this happen? Because the people won’t resist, and won’t fight back.

We know what the problem is. We know this is a conspiracy against us, and this has been planned. And we know what the end game will be. The natural question a person should ask themselves is: What should we do about it? This is where a person would give the solution and lay out a plan. This is where an activist would describe in detail how to write their representatives and senators and then organize marches on capitols. And, tell people to vote in new politicians to make things better. But, it has all been done before, and no one listened and it didn't work. I won’t do any of those things and I won’t give the solutions. Real Americans and those that love liberty anywhere in the world are going to have to grow up, mature and figure it out on their own.

The people aren’t hungry enough, not desperate enough and not mad enough to do what needs to be done. Until that day comes, people will continue to sit in their homes under house arrest, in a fake pandemic, and wring their hands until they die off one at a time. That is the legacy of America when “good men” do nothing.

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