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Vid - 1 Hr 2 Min - Al Bielek talks about Phil Schneider and Who Is Behind NATO and the UN

Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 04:33:04

In Response To: Fulford Considers Possibility of Aliens Behind Cabal (Lymerick)


Skip to the 12:00 Min mark for NATO - UN comments, and why Schneider, and 40 other top geologists and engineers, walked away from any involvement with NATO and the UN.

Al Bielek talks about Phil Schneider

Uploaded on Mar 30, 2011 By CHANNEL3X

Al Bielek talks about Phil Schneider



Equalification Productions


: Do top Western leaders work for hostile aliens or are they
: just evil?

: Reposted from: | by Benjamin Fulford

: What passes as the leadership of the Western world, especially
: the United States, is acting in such a stupid and downright
: evil manner that we have to ask the question of who they
: really work for. As this article is being written, the
: secret government of the West is continuing to spread
: bio-weapons, yet again threatening nuclear terror, trying
: to start World War 3 in the Middle East or Europe and
: otherwise behaving like a bunch of psychopaths.

: Then there is what appears to be some sort of secret weather
: warfare going on. As this story goes to press, supposed
: super typhoon Vongfong


: is directly over Tokyo and yet it is hardly even raining and
: there is no wind. A look at the Japanese infrared and
: visual weather satellite photographs of this typhoon over
: the past 48 hours show some very unnatural goings on. On
: the one hand the typhoon seems to be hit with pockets of
: cold dry air, causing it to break up, then, there are
: unnatural pulses of ultra-hot plasma appearing in the
: infrared photographs causing the storm to gather strength.
: In the end, though, whatever forces were turning the
: super-typhoon into ordinary rain clouds have prevailed and
: Tokyo is just fine.


: Whoever or whatever was responsible for these goings on were
: clearly not connected with our visible governments. Nor do
: we appear to be dealing with normal weather patterns.
: Certainly the forecasters have been dead wrong for all the
: recent typhoons despite a very good historical track
: record.

: It is also clear from other goings on that the official
: governments of the world have little real power or clue to
: what is really going on. This was shown at the G20 finance
: ministers meeting held last week in Australia. The
: representatives of a group of countries that account for
: 85% of world GDP called for $1 trillion a year in
: infrastructure funding


: but apparently did not have the authority to make such funding
: available. Neither does the IMF, the supposed pinnacle of
: the world financial system. It has been reduced to begging.


: These same G20 leaders called for money to “fight ebola,”
: being apparently unaware that it was being spread
: artificially by their own secret leadership.


: The question we are forced to ask is exactly who, or what,
: sits above the G20 governments that are publicly in power.
: The answer is both well-known and yet at the same time
: mysterious. It is

: an inbred group of families that own the world’s central
: banks. In the 101 years since this group of incestuous
: families claiming to worship Satan took over the Federal
: Reserve Board in 1913, they have murdered hundreds of
: millions of people via two world wars, countless lesser
: wars, chronic mass starvation, repeated use of bio-logical
: and chemical warfare agents against civilians and more.
: Then there is the ecocide they have presided over, killing
: more than half of all wildlife on the planet since 1970


: and wiping out 30% of all species since they took over.

: The track record of these families is so monstrous it seems
: they are deliberately setting out to destroy the native
: life of this planet and reduce humanity to slavery or
: extinction. This has led many to believe these families
: cannot be human but must instead be some sort of hostile
: aliens.

: Having personally met many of the people considered by some
: conspiracy theorists to be “reptilians” or some other sort
: of alien, I can assure you they are humans. Nonetheless, it
: is clear their brains have been infected with wrong ideas.
: It is possible these ideas have been implanted in their
: minds by some external force.

: Much of the evidence comes from watching leader after leader,
: in country after country, do things when they come to power
: that totally contradict everything they said or stood for
: before entering the seat of power.

: On the surface we know the criminal government of the United
: States has used bribery and threats to force leaders,
: including public American leaders, to act according to
: their agenda. Just look at what Barack Obama of the United
: States said before he became president and compare it to
: what he actually did after becoming president. He has still
: not closed Guantanamo bay and US troops are still fighting
: resource stealing wars all over the world.

: In a moment of supreme surreality, a representative of Obama
: even contacted this writer to ask who or what was above the
: President of the United States. The best answer I could
: give was whatever entity or force it was that created what
: we experience as reality.

: To that end, this writer has spent many years trying to
: forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all
: the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The
: trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve
: Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of
: the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the
: Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to
: the P2 freemason lodge.

: When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by
: self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo
: Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in
: Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but,
: suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a
: Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me
: by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took
: their orders from an entity known as the black sun that
: resides in the gamma rays.

: Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic
: illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a
: rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the
: beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have
: been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming
: to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President
: Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a
: rogue artificial intelligence.

: The president of a large technology company and some pentagon
: types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings
: and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a
: group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens.
: The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush
: Sr.

: However, while invoking otherworldly reasons for the nasty
: situation we find ourselves in is fascinating, it will not
: solve the problems we face. We need to start with what we
: can actually see and do. That means arresting and
: physically detaining the people we know to be involved in
: crimes against humanity and the planet. The satanic
: families that own the BIS, the Federal Reserve Board, the
: European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan must either
: surrender or die.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Fulford Considers Possibility of Aliens Behind Cabal
Lymerick -- Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 03:24:07
Vid - 1 Hr 2 Min - Al Bielek talks about Phil Schneider and Who Is Behind NATO and the UN
Lion -- Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 04:33:04

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