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Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 26-Oct-2020 05:22:02

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,

Please publish as a public service.

As sent to the White House via public property web portal for official government record: 10/25/2020, 12:00 pm.

It is time to call out the CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE of so many of our public servants.
The special Illegally constructed class of public servants organizing themselves into exempted positions is the single largest destructive attack our country, the People and our President face.

The logic and facts behind this statement are irrefutable and summed up in one statement.

When public servants do their jobs properly, no or very few enemies, foreign or domestic, are able to subvert our American system of government providing the American Dream of individual Liberty to the world!


Dear President Trump, our President,

Free Speech Simplified, Controlling Social Media et al.

Part 1. 1 of 5

Once again United States Department of Justice misses the mark. The lawsuit against GOOGLE under the statutes is absolutely naked of the fundamental principles of free speech. Where is the fundamental controlling supreme law of the land, the Bill of Rights, particularly the First, Fourth and Ninth Amendment enforced properly in the complaint? Mistake, ignorance or by design? This must be answered!

Every American affected by social media, MSM, et al tampering, limiting, or in any other manner impairing protection of the First and Fourth or Ninth Amendments, suffers oppression and injury to fundamental liberties.

Mr. President your Beneficiaries Wish, our President, issue the proper Executive Orders requiring the U.S. DOJ and all other regulatory agencies, to apply the felony statutes to the individuals operating and benefiting from the cover of corporate legal personality allegedly protecting them from Civil Rights Felony statutes and full prosecution.

Title 18 U.S. CODE, Civil Rights Felonies.

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years,...”

Persons in this statutory construction includes real live individuals and legal persons recognized as having legal rights!

Thank you Supreme Court for allowing corporations the right of political personality!

Mr. President, your Beneficiaries, speaking for all our brother and sister Americans, We Wish our President explain to the whole of the People, why the U.S. DOJ is not a co-conspirator with the individuals controlling, operating, benefiting from the interstate commerce business’s known as social media, MSM, et al, when the DOJ, has available full, complete, self confessed evidence of intentional violations of every Americans Civil Rights?

The conspiracy is proved completely from the public records. The World Wide Web public records are forever. When the U.S. DOJ fails or refuses to attach criminal charges to individuals managing or benefiting from the the Civil Rights Felonies against our President and the whole of the American People, the crime is exposed before the world. The absolute proof of the Civil Rights Conspiracy between DOJ and social media, MSM companies is the anti trust monopoly law suit. Any competent law professional, DOJ attorneys allegedly, knows that artificial persons, GOOGLE, are legally incapable of committing a felony. Pieces of paper known as corporations do not have intent and cannot commit a physical act. Only the live individuals operating and benefiting as stake holders in GOOGLE are legally capable of committing the crimes against the People and our President.

Suing a piece of paper, the GOOGLE corporation, licensed, franchised, regulated in interstate commerce, taxed for the privilege of these operations and capacities, in lieu of filing criminal charges against individuals, is a high criminal conspiracy between DOJ, FBI, GOOGLE, Its owners and operators. The facts expose the obvious, the apparent intentional subversion and rebellion by public servants against our country.

From all appearances the U.S. DOJ and other executive branch regulatory agencies operate a RICO protection RACKET. If not, why aren’t the public servants charging the civil rights felonies against the individuals committing the civil rights crimes while operating under the cover of a paper person known as GOOGLE, et al?

Will you Mr. President, please show us, explain to us, the whole of the American People, where our conclusions and statements here in are not true and correct, fact based, and proved by undeniable public records?

The American form of government is based on trust. The trust between the People and public servants is the critical element for healthy honorable government in our country.

When our government servants fail, for any reason, to honor their promises to serve the Peoples fundamental laws, Bill of Rights in particular, the trust is breached. Thus the current confusions are built incrementally over long periods, cycles, of events.

Mr. President, under what circumstance should the People trust government when the public servants fail to address, refuse to simply act to apply the laws protecting the Peoples Free Speech and Privacy and Reserved Rights?

Your beneficiaries have one question we formally request, Letter of Wishes, our President, pose, to the Department of Justice, in a public forum call out.

Under what law or theory of law could the United States Government ever commit any act or omission whatsoever that does not carry with it the full and complete text and context, obligations to honor, the People’s the Bill of Rights as controlling the administration of the Peoples authority granted by law of our Constitution as amended 1789?

What this question exposes is that every corporation, trust, LLC or other paper constructed legal person, every one regulated by governments, under its authority for construction is bound by the law, subject to the law, particularly the Bill of Rights.

No state nor the federal government is authorized to recognize or allow operation of any paper person that is not bound by the law of the People creating governments.

Applied logic and common sense based on the reference and controlling document the Bill of Rights amending and controlling the powers granted by the constitution exposes the real issues.

The simple way to understand your Beneficiaries point is to view the GOOGLE corruption from the premise of principles first, facts second, law third.

GOOGLE, the corporation, its operators and beneficiaries of its operations, are now being authorized by U.S. DOJ et al other regulatory agencies, to commit federal Civil Rights Felonies. The authorization takes the form of CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE, which is the public servant conspirators. refusal to prosecute the felonies against the seditionist individual operators of GOOGLE and MSN et al.

Do We have our conclusion wrong and if so why?

Mr. President, from deep experience with government actors, we your Beneficiaries recognize your heroic battle with what is known as the DEEP STATE SWAMP. We also know that when the People get involved things change very quickly. The perfect example is MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. In a very short time mothers organized themselves from the position of Citizens assuming control over their public servants. The result of the People being in action changed the laws of every state in short order.

Please Mr. Trump, call your army of the People to duty. In our world there are only two kind of Americans. Stand up or bend over to socialism.

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