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CORONA SNAKE VIRUS. Nature’s ignored powerful answers.

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:46

Coronaviruses. Nature’s ignored powerful answers.

Please, for the sake of OUR species, spread this message far and wide.

Our immune systems can protect us from just about everything, THAT IS, IF YOU SLOWLY SPREAD OUT TAKING ENOUGH VITAMIN C OVER THE DAY, but we have to get over the corporate RDAs, AND FEED US ENOUGH VITAMIN C DAILY!

Plus more is also needed, like adding natural volcanic colloidal minerals and correcting our diets to not just buying "organic," which is a legalized full of holes trap, and stick with eating only real natural LIVE food. Nature had it all figured out for us until we messed it up.

Then, of course there is my favorite way, going into our hearts and filling ourselves with Clear Light and Sound Source Love and Peace coming from the inside out daily. If not done daily we start to sink right back in.

We should realize the Vitamin C Recommended Daily Allowances are corporate fantasies. I recommend a natural amount instead. An average Billy goat makes my below daily C recommendation amount naturally. We humans genetically can’t make C ourselves - unlike Billy goats or dogs.

Every one person in ten you get near has a good chance (if they have Wuhan coronavirus) of giving the virus to 2-3 others! If you work the math, you quickly realize they will each give the disease to the next 2-3 of ten they get near, and so on. This is similar to regular flu instances.

If it really turns out to be like this, DO YOU SEE HOW DANGEROUS THIS COULD BE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY? And to our species?

WARNING: With no detectable observable symptoms for 9 to 14 days, realize that taking temps at the airport is worthless as a early spotting measure. But they have to quickly appear to BE DOING something.

When you can finally "see" the virus results, after it silently and unnoticeably invades and spreads and multiplies within you, it gives the patient a dry cough, fever, and breathing difficulty, and so on - depending upon the state you started out in. Obviously, the key is to prepare BEFORE getting it - so you can withstand it - by having a fully functioning immune system.

How will the authorities protect us? They can't. And, they won't. At least not until they adopt humanitarian active oxygen or frequency therapies, and put Active Oxygen Ozone treatment in our water and sewers. There is simply no antibiotic or antiviral vaccine available now, and when they do come up with their money maker, it will probably also be fake news and full of poisons like most already are.

Big money patented an avian form of this SARS/MERS type disease, shipped it to Canada, changed it, and then built a lab in Wuhan China. It all started in 1915.(Patent #10,130,701, Nov. 20 2018).

SARS, MERS, this new weaponized Wuhan snake virus. ALL STILL ONLY MERE ANAEROBES unable to live in Active Oxygen. Only the low Active Oxygen compromised people are at high risk.

Nature has already supplied us with all the answers. After getting the minimum amount of Vitmin C, she turns all the rest of our C into our own immune system Peroxide and Ozone, our first line of immune defense at the ready. No one in our convenience world gets enough C, so everyone suffers unnecessary premature aging and illness.

YOU and ONLY YOU must protect you and your family and friends.

The only thing really keeping us naturally healthy on a day by day basis is our our own immune systems. This is fact and not widely taught. I have shouted it worldwide for 30 years. Everyone thinks their immunity is just perfectly fine. However... In my 71 years I found almost everyone eventually settles into accepting having various unnecessary CHRONIC parasitic, pre-diabetic, pre-cancerous conditions (Explained in OxyVelocity and blamed on aging instead of diet) that instantly prove right-in-their-faces that unfortunately, no one really has a fully functional robust immune system anymore!

How about you and everyone you know? What do you personally keep quiet about?

Yet, because people are functioning at all (by ignoring and enduring the daily minor discomforts the body warns us with,) we mentally automatically ASSUME we are healthy enough! Self imprisoning belief system MIND CONTROL DELUSION.

Many Colonic therapists will tell you everyone they treat has parasites. Clean on the outside and good looking Americans - all pre-diabetic, pre-cancerous, and parasite ridden. The perfect novovirus breeding ground setup. This is why mass ozone colonics, and ozone air, and water, purifiers are quick, inexpensive, and best solutions.

As I have been shouting for over 30 years, ALL disease microorganisms are anaerobes! NONE of these bugs can survive in ACTIVE forms of OXYGEN! That's why your own immune system makes ACTIVE OXYGEN. Nature looks after Her children.

Now here comes along another real world reality check commercial iteration. This current iteration is called Wuhan Corona snake virus. Many illusions are about to be shattered in real physical time with it. For survival, those with ears to hear should listen closely to what I am saying here.

Our human immune system naturally makes hydrogen peroxide (peroxisomes, glutathione peroxidase) and ozone subspecies (neutrophils, 70% of our white blood cells - Scripps Research Institute) IF, IF, IF YOU FEED YOUR BODY ENOUGH Vitamin C!

If you choose to ignore this, you may be choosing to die. The corporations, and therefore the authorities, have no commercial incentive to teach you this, so I have to.

Please watch and learn and teach this! 50 years of safely being used on millions of humans. Although I have been shouting for 30 years, the commercial driven cloud around everyone here first makes them get confused, and then they forget what I am still shouting. - Part of the risk of being incarnated and deployed upon this particular 3D terrain.

Please watch this and learn and teach how treacherous the situation is - unless you act.

This is WHY supplements and building up immunity NOW is vital. If you get sick, you could be spreading it for a week without knowing it.

Of course the quickest way to boost immune systems and to get and stay healthy is by taking at least 12 MG - MILLIGRAMS (Our necessary and natural daily human requirement) of a natural form of vitamin C. Best is to spread the portions out throughout the day to forestall the runs. No runs with Liposomal C.

You choose your own highest C content supplement, (remember we need 12 grams daily): Liposomal C, IV-C, Kakadu plums, Camu camu, Acerola cherries, Calamansi (Golden Lyme) juice, Indian gooseberries, Guava, rose hips.

Lower amounts of C: chili peppers, guavas, sweet yellow peppers, blackcurrants, thyme, parsley, mustard spinach, kale, kiwis, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lemons, lychees, American persimmons, papayas, strawberries and oranges. You can also get quercetin (increases power) from foods, such as capers, onions, elderberries, kale, okra, apple peels, aronia berries, cranberries, asparagus, and goji berries.

No matter how many mutations it goes through, Carona Wuhan virus is still only a mere anaerobic! It cannot survive in Active Oxygen subspecies that our bodies naturally make in the forms of peroxide and ozone while using our daily vitamin C. IF WE GET ENOUGH DAILY! We don't store it, so we have to eat it daily.

As the above library of Congress found ad said. We can also continuously drink DILUTE forms of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide daily. Instructions all over the net, and in my books and DVD.

We can also take my superior modern formulation improvement called OxyLift - plus, get our necessary healing minerals and harmonium ions at the same time! It's formulated to oxygenate and mineral boost our microtubules (ultra miniature vessels) and all cells throughout our bodies.

Please also read the testimonials about the amazing new Tesla/Boyce SMACKER at

At the same time we should seriously consider stocking up on and daily using natural germ fighter essential oil blends of Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus Oil. "Four Thieves," "Thieves," "Protect," "On Guard,” oil types. These essential oils and similar immune supplementing essential oils we discovered were used by immune robbers during The Plague. The robbers never got it. Like active Oxygen, essential oils plant essences penetrate to every cell in the body.

Similar to active oxygen is the finest colloidal silvers like Sovereign Silver and Apex. Also full of vitamin C is "Calamansi" which is imbibed, and also made into an essential oil.

All these remedies are fully explained in my book : Mr. Oxygen's “Flood Your Body With Oxygen" and “Flood Your Body With Oxygen” DVD available at

And watch for my new OxyVelocity book through "" to reveal more proven available answers.

Our own people are insanely spreading all these coronaviruses (which can easily be sterilized by Ozone) through sewers, into the oceans, and on our farmland crops, while selling them off to to us as “bio-solids” fertilizer.

Ozone kills all harmful microorganisms - example: The mass answer is inexpensively Active Oxygen Ozonating - and thereby sterilizing - all water and sewage. This would clean out EVERYONE’S IMMUNE SYSTEMS. Instead, that is ignored, and they keep using after the fact Johnny come lately expensive toxic vaccines that have never been proven. Everyone and all animals would stay healthier and not get sick easily if we would simply Ozonate everything. Amazing that I have advocated this for so many years, and even the alternative gurus still won’t get behind it. It would solve everything.

Typical modern example:

Happy Oxygen!

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Articles In This Thread

CORONA SNAKE VIRUS. Nature’s ignored powerful answers.
mroxygen -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:46
Stop the Presses! Serious Typo! 12 GRAMS! Re: CORONA SNAKE VIRUS. Nature’s ignored powerful answers.
mroxygen -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:46

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