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I Went to Court Yesterday - Melinda Pillsbury-Foster vs Raye Allan Smith

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 26-Mar-2015 12:31:44

Before I begin the overview of my day in court, I want to thank the donors who have contributed $4,100. I appreciate all of you so very much. Without your support, I could not continue to keep RMN on the web. And especially this month where my moving expenses have eaten up everything I have. Your support made it possible for me to continue. Thank you, thank you.

Now... on to my overview of what happened yesterday in Melinda Pillsbury-Foster vs Raye Allan Smith.

Melinda told the judge that I brought her to Ohio to help run RMN (Lie). She said that she drove across country at her own expense. (lie). She talked about the Duke and Duchess of Manchester who I introduced her to for about 10 minutes of the 20 minute session. She brought up a number of things that were not related in anyway to the case. The Judge finally asked her what any of this had to do with the case? I don't remember her answer.

I am sure she will write her version of the court session. Since almost everything she writes is either made up completely, or completely distorted so that it fits her agenda, I suspect that my recollection will be the only accurate reporting of this. I don't know if court transcripts can be obtained. If I can get them, I will post them.

I spoke for about 5 minutes. The first thing I said is that what Ms. Pillsbury-Foster presented is either a distorted version of the event or an outright lie. I presented a letter to the Judge from one of the 4 people who knew the real reason that Ms. Pillsbury-Foster was in Montana and why she ended up in Ohio.

If you don't know the story behind this, here it is again:

Melinda can not live in her cabin in the winter because it is in the high mountains of California and the roads are not plowed so she would not have been able to get out or in. She has to find a place to live every winter.

For three winters she has stolen three bedrooms and the only full bath in the house from me. She has never paid one dime in rent or contributed to the utilities.

She and her 35 year old disabled son live upstairs. I live downstairs and in the basement. I added a toilet and a shower in the basement. I love to soak in a bathtub. I haven't had a bath in almost three years. I am going to be so happy to move to the new house. My bedroom has a full bathroom right off it. The tub is one of those that has the end which has a gentle slope so you can lay back and relax. I may not come out of the tub for weeks.

I have one of the worst cases of restless legs that my doctor has ever seen. I take pills for it and I have a homeopathic lotion that I use. But the best thing for restless legs is to soak in a hot bath. I have not been able to soak in a hot bath since Melinda arrived. She made me make appointments to take a bath.

If you wonder why I didn't tell her to go to hell and use the bath at anytime I wanted...Remember... she has mental problems.

She came very close to throwing a pot of boiling water in my face. If she could do this... and since I suspect that she is the one who stole my guns, I think I would be dead if I tried to take a bath without her permission... and even if I was able to take a bath, she would give me only 5 minutes and pound on the door saying her son needed to use the toilet... as she did more times than I can remember... when I was still using the upstairs bathroom.

Rather than having to endure the crap she would throw at me for using HER bathroom, I chose to use the toilet in the basement and take sponge baths. I eventually installed the shower.

I served her with the eviction order the first of September. She appears to have made NO effort to find a place. She must think that the court will rule that I am forced to pay her rent. That won't happen. I'll go to jail before I give one more dime to this liar, fraud, and thoroughly dangerous and disgusting human being.

I look forward to the case that I bring against her on April 2nd. My lawyer only sued for $7500.00. I don't know why he chose such a low number. Maybe it's because I can only document the rent. I can't document all the money I gave her to make the trip from Montana to Ohio because that particular computer is missing along with my 2011 tax returns. I had all of the receipts of these expenses in my tax returns.

Not only is my 2011 tax info missing, but my 2013 tax info is gone. I had all my tax records on the same shelf in the basement. It was easy to get to by either the side entrance or the back door. One of my dog sitters saw her leaving my backyard and jumping over the fence. I believe that is when she took my records.

I don't know if there is anything I can do about the 2011 records. I will have to recreate everything for the 2013 filing. That will be the first thing I have to do once I am moved. I won't even have a minute to take a break.

It's raining and snowing today and the truck we are using to move is open, so I need to find or buy a tarp to cover everything. But I don't have enough money to even buy a tarp or put gas in the Jeep and the truck that will be moving things.

I know the widget is full to the rim and over, but if I don't get at least the money to buy gas, I am stuck in this house with a woman who I personally believe is not only mentally ill, but who murdered my friend's Golden Retriever and then left the box of rat poison in the hallway where we would find it... and maybe my own dogs would eat it. We think Buck did get some. He threw up 4 times... bile and fluids and white something.

Anyone who can murder animals can murder humans. There are some people who believe she has already done that. If she's done it once, she can do it again. If I die in the next few months, please contact the local police and tell them about Melinda.

You can't imagine what living with her has been like. I can't leave the house without hiring dog sitters because I fear she will either let them out as she did before. I found little Max cowering in the middle of the busy street I live on. I ran out in the middle of traffic to get him. The poor little thing was trembling so badly I thought I was going to have to take him to the vet to calm him down.

I certainly need your prayers. I want to live through this move with my three dogs and all my friends remaining alive.

An update on My Golden Retriever, Buck. I am giving him glucosamine with condroiten. (I have no idea how to spell these two words and don't want to get up to get the bottle.) He spends most of his time on the floor, but when he does get up to go to the bathroom (quite literally - this is where I put his pee pads), he is walking almost normally. I believe it was the glucosamine/condroiten that has done the trick. If anyone knows about something else that will work, please email me.

As for money... I have $5.63 US in my Paypal and I am overdrawn in my bank account by over $400.00. If you have any extra funds and can help... please do.

BTW... Melinda has sent emails to most of my donors using an old list from three years ago. I have no idea what she told them. If you received one of these emails, please send it to me so I can post it.

I know we have reached and exceeded the goal. But if I don't raise more money, I won't be able to buy the gas for the vehicles to finish the move. I also need to buy paint to paint some of the walls and doors in this house.

Thank you so much!! Your help keeps RMN on the web.

Blessings to all,


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