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An Adjustment In Canadian Politics Before The October Election

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:00

An adjustment set in Canadian politics may occur before October 21, when Canadian federal elections are held.
Carbon taxes, oil-pipelines, and the rights of immigrants will top the 'politics' of the voters.

Also, “veteran pollster Nik Nanos sounded an alarm bell over the use of "dogwhistle politics" by all parties on the political spectrum “ .

”That’s the term for political messaging that, like a high-pitched sound only audible to canines, goes unheard by most voters, but targets others with a coded message. And the consequences could be frightening.
“We’re seeing an increase in weaponization of racism as a political tool to mobilize voters in Canada,” Nanos said. “If we stick with our analogy, if they weaponize this, like in the old Cold War, basically, it’s mutually-assured destruction, where if either or both of those parties go too far, not only could they destroy their enemy but they could destroy themselves in the process.”

With the Green Party candidate Paul Manly winning the British Columbia Nanaimo-Ladysmith federal by-election on May 6, 2019, and with the Green Party becoming the official Opposition with a Progressive-Conservative minority in Prince Edward Island provincial elections on Aprils 23, this is signalling a change in Canadian politics.

It comes about that an inter-provincial type of conflict between British Columbia and Alberta is occurring because of British Columbia's refusal to allow the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project.

“The United Conservative Party won the provincial vote in Alberta on Tuesday(April 16) with an overwhelming majority, promising a harder line on energy issues as a champion for the oil industry.

Its leader, Kenney, pledged on the campaign trail to remove the carbon tax introduced in the oil province and challenge legislation that neighbor British Columbia is pushing that would give it more power over inter-province infrastructure projects. The goal is to stop for good the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project.”

In spite of the consensus that the Conservative Party will become the winner in the federal elections, because of the fall-out over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Government, there may be a conflict between regional/provincial politics and public opinion.

What may be, that if it comes down to a contest between the Justin Trudeau Liberals and the Andrew Scheer Conservatives only, the Liberals will win a minority government, with the Green Party and the New Democratic Party balancing the control of the minority government.

That should calm the Canadian populace. Yes?

"Trudeau, Singh both have reason to worry about Green byelection breakthrough

The Greens are storming the islands. Could the mainland be next?
Paul Manly made history in Monday's federal byelection in Nanaimo–Ladysmith, winning the Vancouver Island riding and securing the Green Party its second seat in the House of Commons.
The breakthrough is a shot across the bow of both the New Democrats and Liberals, two parties that took significant hits in support as the Greens leapfrogged from fourth to first."

”Nanos’ comments follow the release of a poll by Ekos research which found that 40 per cent of respondents felt that too many visible minorities were immigrating to Canada. This represented an increase from levels in previous years, as well as the first time that the number of Canadians who held this view equalled the percentage of people who believed that immigration levels were generally too high.
Of greater concern, however, was the polarization between voters of different parties. Among Liberal voters, only 15 per cent thought there were too many visible minorities coming to Canada, a decline from 34 per cent in 2013. Among Conservative voters, however, 69 per cent thought there were too many visible minorities coming to Canada, an increase from the 2013 level of 47 per cent.”
“Both Liberals and Conservatives will swear up-and-down on their various stacks of holy books that they are not playing politics with racism. But they would have difficulty convincing the average voter that an ugly turn has not already been made. This election is shaping up to be the dirtiest we’ve ever witnessed. “

"Alberta’s new Premier-designate Jason Kenney has wasted no time in launching his energy agenda: he plans to address British Columbia’s opposition to oil pipeline projects by threatening to turn off the oil and gas taps right after he takes office later this month.

The Globe and Mail quoted Kenney as saying he had spoken to the premiers of both British Columbia and Quebec, as well as to federal PM Justin Trudeau regarding the pressing pipeline matter that has plagued Canada’s oil province for more than a year now.
Although Kenney told media he was looking to win friends for Alberta’s energy priorities, his approach can hardly be called entirely friendly given the threat to turn off the taps."

"OTTAWA -- A new poll suggests support for Justin Trudeau, his government and his party sank to a new low this month, just six months before Canadians will decide whether to re-elect the Liberals or give them the boot after just one term.
But it also provides a glimmer of hope for the beleaguered prime minister, suggesting that support for Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives is soft and could yet dwindle as the Oct. 21 election draws closer.

And it suggests the Liberals could rebound if the election plays out as a polarized choice between them and the Tories, squeezing out the NDP and Green party."

"While Alberta and its leaders have been advocating for the pipeline expansion, British Columbia has been strongly opposing the project, which is now owned by the federal government of Canada. The fierce opposition in British Columbia has forced Kinder Morgan to reconsider its commitment to expand the Trans Mountain pipeline, and to sell the project to the Canadian government in August 2018.

Days later, the Federal Court of Appeal quashed the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain expansion project, saying that the National Energy Board’s (NEB) review of the project was fraught with flaws that made it unsuitable as a basis for the government’s approval. The court ruled that the NEB failed to adequately consider how increased tanker traffic off British Columbia’s coasts would affect the environment and First Nations people in the region."

"CHARLOTTETOWN -- Voters in P.E.I. have shed their century-old embrace of the Island's two-party system, electing a Tory minority government and handing the upstart Green party official Opposition status for the first time.
With all polls reporting Tuesday, the Tories had won 12 seats, the Greens held eight, and the incumbent Liberals, led by Premier Wade MacLauchlan, had won six."

‘We’ll see Canadians make a decision’: (Saskatchewan Premier)Scott Moe predicts carbon tax will impact federal election

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Articles In This Thread

An Adjustment In Canadian Politics Before The October Election
RobertS -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:00
CGI's Cmanynames Responds:The Mother of All Taxes -- The Carbon Tax -- The Tax Hoax of the Century
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:00

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