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SORCHA: "Trump Ends Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia Warning That America Might Not Survive Leftist Revolution"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19



October 20, 2018

Trump Ends Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia Warning That America Might Not Survive Leftist Revolution

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An ominously worded new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the first in history meeting earlier today between Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and US Secretary of Defense James Mattis states that US National Security Advisor John Bolton will arrive in Moscow this week to officially inform President Putin that President Trump is going to end the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—that comes at the same time Russia has dramatically boosted its spending on nuclear weapons as it prepares for new attacks in the aftermath of the 2018 Midterm Election—and which shows Trump fearing that the United States might not survive a growing leftist revolution Hillary Clinton’s running mate Democrat Party US Senator Tim Kaine has now called mobs into the streets to defend, and whose radical forces Republican Party US House Leader Steve Scalise now warns are being paid by George Soros who has taken over the Democrat Party—and whose last defense against now sees the Republican Party putting out warning videos before all is lost, with their being joined by ordinary American citizens warning of this grave danger, too. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Ordinary American citizens deface movie billboard to warn of radical leftist Democrat Party mob terror

According to this report, as President Trump steams toward the most critical election in modern American history, due to occur on 6 November, he is being radically confronted by a Democrat Party whose majority of now prefers communist-socialism to capitalismmost especially its younger members who are weekly bombarded with communist propaganda—such as from the popular Teen Vogue Magazine that that publishes articles praising the founder of communism Karl Marx, has started a social media campaign called “Can’t #EndPoverty Without Ending Capitalism!”, and, just days ago, published an article titled “What 'Capitalism' Is and How It Affects People” that says capitalism must be destroyed so that a much more desirable system of communist-socialism can be imposed by force upon the American people.

With Russia having banned the worst vestiges of communist-socialism from society after being freed from these demonic monsters, like Germany had done in banning both Nazi and communist symbols, this report continues, the American people enjoy free speech protections that have allowed communist-socialist ideology to infect every strata of their society—that was exploited by both the Clinton and Obama regimes who poured into the US government untold tens-of-thousands of radical leftist agitators to bring down their nation’s government from within.

Evidence as to how catastrophically embedded into the US government these radical leftists are, this report notes, was reveled this past week to have now reached to President Trump and his family—and as evidenced by the discovery that a radical leftist drug addict holding the highest level security clearance was working on Trump’s US Marine One helicopter, and whose communist comrades nearly exploded the plane carrying First Lady Melania Trump—were discovered leaking to the leftist mainstream propaganda media secret documents—but all of whom radical leftist leader Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, is now urging to stay hidden in the US government telling them “We will come.

US mainstream propaganda media keeps silent about sabotage of plane carrying First Lady Melania Trump

In yet another example of how these radical leftist forces in America are trying to destroy President Trump, this report details, the “Deep Statefiled charges this past week against St. Petersburg resident Elena Alekseevna Khusyanova alleging that she was interfering in the 2018 Midterm Election—who works for the Russian company Concord Management that these radical leftists had, likewise, filed a joke indictment against earlier this year—with the American people not being told that these charges are a “made up crime” that caused even US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrich, this past week, to order these “Deep State” prosecutors to show her evidence of what laws were broken by 23 October or she’d throw these cases out.

To anyone wanting to know who is really interfering in the 2018 Midterm Election, though, this report explains, they should look away from Russia and set their gazes on California—where they’d find the radical leftist “Deep State” aligned tech giant Facebook—whose new analysis shows they have given a 7.8 million advantage for Facebook interactions for Democrat Senate candidates vs. Republican Senate candidates in a 30-day period ending 15 October, and a 2 million advantage in interactions for Democrats fighting House races over the same period—while during this same time, they have purged over 800 accounts supporting Trump—including their banning multiple pages belonging Trump supporter to Brian Kolfage, a US Air Force veteran and triple amputee war hero who had invested $300,000 in ads for his pages that Facebook itself suggested, and who relied on the site for income to support his wife and little children.

Facebook destroys the life of American war hero Brian Kolfage (above with daughter), who lost three limbs in combat, because he dared to support President Trump.

To why the radical leftist “Deep State” aligned Facebook had to destroy American war hero Brian Kolfage, and all others supporting President Trump, this report says, is due to shocking new 2018 Midterm Election data showing that only 95 of the 435 US House races are considered competitive—with 20 of them being the key remaining competitive races now classified as election day toss-ups19 of which are currently held by a Republican, and only one currently held by a Democrat—and whose outcome will determine the very fate of the United States.

To who will be deciding the fate of America in the 2018 Midterm Election, this report notes, new data further shows that while a record number of people voted in the 2016 presidential elections—137.5 million—it still only accounted for 61.4 percent of the voting-age population—with the numbers being much worse for midterms where in 2014, for instance, 15 of the first 25 statewide primary elections reported record-low voter turnouts, and nationwide, only 36.4 percent of all eligible voters voted—and of whom only 41.4 percent of registered voters with family incomes of under $10,000 voted, while 80.3 percent of those with family incomes of $150,000 or more voted—thus giving these radical leftists no assurance that their nation’s most poor peoples will aid them in overthrowing President Trump.

Further sending these radical leftists into panic as this critical election nears, this report explains, are the massive numbers of Americans changing their political party affiliation—like in Wyoming where 12,000 have switched what party they belong to, 90% of whom choose Republican—who are being joined by hundreds of prominent black conservatives now spreading out across the United States to aid President Trump, and whose efforts have already seen Trump’s support among black voters reaching the stunning number of 20%.

Top President Trump aide Katrina Pierson (center in blue dress) dispatches hundreds of prominent black conservatives across America to fight leftist mob uprisings

As to what is uniting the forces against these radical leftists, this report further details, is President Trump himself—who, this past week alone, had what was described as a “jaw dropping” number of his supporters lining up in the cold to see him Montana, many of whom abandoned their cars in a rush to see him—with this scene being played out in Arizona where a massive crowd numbering in the tens-of-thousands stood in miles long lines to see him, too.

Upon radical leftist former Democrat Party US Senator from California Barbara Boxer hearing about these masses of Americans flooding by the tens-of-thousands to see President Trump, this report concludes, she angrily lashed out at them proclaiming “It’s another horrifying moment. But, you know, I don’t—I can’t blame the president for everything. These are people there that are applauding this. What are they thinking?”—but who, like all communist-socialists never understanding human emotion, completely failed to understand that Trump’s infectious humor makes sure “his jokes always land”, and whose peoples love him for it—and whose most astounding verbal coup de grâce (death blow) delivered against these Democrats as this crucial election nears are as simple as they are powerful—“Jobs, Not Mobs!”—that were given to him by one of his closest confidants Scott Adams who, also, explained to these humorless radical leftists why they are about to see the greatest turnout of Republicans for Trump maybe in all of US history:

My hypothesis is that humans are primed by whatever they’ve already seen. So if they’ve seen a pattern, they’ve already fallen into it.

And one of the patterns Republicans enjoyed in 2016 was having the other side be surprised.

And they really enjoyed it — I’m talking about the kind of joy you can talk about over the course of your lifetime.

And the Republican personality — I realize this is a gross generalization — is that it’s not always about the talk, it’s about the showing up.

Republicans are going to show up.

And they’re driven by all the things people are talking about, but you cannot underestimate the fun, either.

How many President Trump supporting Republicans do you think would love to see a repeat of the night of the 2016 election when the left lost its collective mind?

October 20, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "Trump Ends Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia Warning That America Might Not Survive Leftist Revolution"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19
Link for Youtube video in the above, for those with certain Apple devices which don't show it
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19

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