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Exposing the Federal Power Addiction

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19


Extra Edition Mid-October 2018

Exposing the Federal

Power Addiction

The Republic that was created by our founding fathers is not the same type of government we have today. It would take too long to explain how this nation has evolved into something different, but suffice to say it is not even close to what was created in 1776. The bottom line is, corrupt politicians have hijacked our nation the past many generations to form a oligarchy government run by the wealthy elite. We were supposed to have a government run by the people through a Constitution that was created by the people. Honorable, elected statesmen were supposed to govern according to the Constitution and if they deviated from that sworn duty they were to be recalled or voted out. Politicians today operate as a dynasty to wield power and then pontificate on how great our democracy is that serves the people. The truth is, this is a Republic, not a democracy, and one of the proofs of that fact is the electoral college voting system – which doesn’t operate by the voting of the masses, which is mob rule.

As it stands now politicians go to Washington, DC to be a part of an aristocracy of wealthy elite that end up doing exactly what the military industrial complex desires. It is all about profits now, with a side order of internationalism which leans towards global socialism. When it comes to the age-old conflict between the rich and poor, Abraham Lincoln said that you cannot help the poor by taking from the rich. I say that you cannot help the world by diminishing American lifestyles. The truth is, a strong America in defense and economic power is good for the entire world - not just for the US. When America is strong economically the entire world can benefit through imitating what we did and by learning to be prosperous by their own hard labors. In contrast to that policy the US politicians have made decisions to take our factories out of the country to enrich other nations and international corporations(merchants) - at the expense of American jobs. This started when Nixon went to China and opened up trade with a communist nation. Ever since then the US presidents have continued those policies of “international merchant favoritism”, which has weakened our nation - and yet the main stream media is silent on these issues. International trade and starting wars are the two main policies where politicians enrich themselves, and they have no incentive to change now.

Politicians today wield federal power and governmental authority that was never supposed to be available to them. The Constitution states that the powers and the rights not enumerated in the Constitution were to belong to the states and to the people (the Tenth Amendment). Somewhere along the way US politicians got a taste of power and the riches they could acquire and they became addicted to that power and wealth. It is that addiction to Federal Power that any new politician would be up against in the current political system. This is the main reason I don’t believe the nation can be taken back from the elite looters through voting. Any true statesman that wanted to change the government system to line up with the Constitution would be vilified and demonized by not only other politicians, but also the news media and the many facets of our modern society.

In simple terms, power corrupts. Once a politician gets a taste of power their mindset changes and they are then driven, compelled and even obsessed to make decisions where it does two things: Magnifies their power and increases their wealth. In this regard the author J.R.R. Tolkien was on to something truthful when he wrote about a fictional world where a ring of power was greatly sought after by rulers. But, whoever wore the ring became obsessed with power. The power of the ring altered their thinking, their emotions and their attitude. But, there was one small creature called the Hobbit that resisted those impulses of power and succeeded in destroying the ring in the volcano where it was made. In comparison George Washington resisted the allure of power and laid down that power after Presiding in a term of office. This attitude and unselfish choice totally baffled the British. It was inconceivable to them to see a general of the victorious forces to lay down power. They expected him to start his own monarchy like the other governments of the world had at that time. However, America was a new kind of government which rejected dynasties of power and instead kept the government and its leaders in check.

Our political and societal system is based on the greed to gain power and money. This is why the military industrial complex has the most lobbyists in the nation. They send them to all the politicians in DC to “educate” them to the financial benefits of starting and maintaining a state of war somewhere on the planet. It creates jobs, keeps the stock market going higher and also enlarges the coffers of the politicians. The result is - a society based on wars is sacrificing the lives of their own people and the lives of other people in foreign countries to perpetuate the increase in profits. That is blatantly dishonorable, unethical and murderous, and yet it continues with every new wave of politicians and NO one is saying anything about it. I was repeating this to a friend of mine and he commented that I was ‘rabid’ about the military industrial complex”. I said, “Yes I am, and I will keep talking about it as long as our men keep dying in foreign wars.”

Let me explain it in another way. It is like a man 150 years ago going to an old west town as an undertaker. He doesn't see enough funerals to make a living so he secretly goes out and kills people in the night so that he can make more profits from the extra dead bodies he buries and the funeral services he organizes for the families. It is dishonorable and lacks good ethics to kill people for profit, not to mention an act of murder. The same is true for corporations that exploit wars to make their stocks go up. It is just that simple.

I am not a peacenik. I am not a pacifist. I am not pushing for world peace and a utopian world where everything is politically correct and perfect - and wars no longer exist. I am merely expressing the obvious when it comes to manufactured wars that make profits for corporations and the politicians that do their bidding. It is wrong to create wars for profit. There is a balance to all these issues. I won’t pretend to know what that balance is, since as a US citizen I am not allowed to see the real world as it is through a controlled news media. What I am saying is this- the corrupt system that is operating now is wrong and must be exposed and stopped.

George Eaton

“Earth On Fire” book printed,

now available

This is the second book after “Project Genocide” in my series called “the Defend America Series”. It is the continuing saga of David Gates, AKA Michael Faris that exposes and fights against corruption in high places. This fiction story is about the dangers of drilling for oil through the frozen methane layers at the bottom of the ocean. As global warming becomes a factor Michael discovers that an oil company that puts profits before principles was responsible for the deaths of over a dozen oil workers in the Gulf off the coast of Texas. The oil company scientists that warned his bosses of the dangers was killed by assassins7 after an oil drilling explosion - which sets Mike and his friend traveling to Alaska, Idaho and the Caribbean to meet other scientists to get their insight into the dangers. The threat of global warming is discussed with facts and figures revealed. Both sides of the issue were revealed and the conclusions were not expected by anyone. It took me a year of research in my spare time to compile the facts on this issue. The result of their research has the patriot team setting up a freighter ship in the gulf to be ready to rescue the next oil drilling crew. In the process there is a danger of hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes in the gulf. Mike makes a trip with his mentor Travis Garrett to Alaska and witness a rare event of a layer of frozen methane rising up from the sea like a plateau. The book is 263 pages long and cost me more to print than the last book. The price is $18 postage paid, payable to: George Eaton, P.O. 127, Ponderay, ID. 83852

Project Genocide $12, post.pd. (Note: I will be printing another book soon called “Son of Nibiru” which is the first book of four, of the “Save the Galaxy series”. It is a science fiction story that takes Michael Faris to another planet. It is based on over 30 years of research and interviews with government officials regarding the existence of aliens and where they fit in with our world.)

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