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CGI's Morgan: Friday, August 19, 2016 The Boxed in Gardens of Zen Gardner and the Tragedies of Schadenfreude

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 20-Aug-2016 23:38:51

From CGI's Morgan. CGI is Rumor Mill News readers forum where Morgan is a member. Come join us!!



The space between beginning this post and my being back here again has involved some terrible revelations and I will refer you here. When Jeff Rense decided to toss Henry Makow from his site he replaced him with Zen Gardner. I know some things about Jeff now that I wish I didn't but in any case I am going to take the high road and not comment on them. I feel so much better about myself as a result that there is no need to say anything and these things are going to come out shortly anyway- cue Mr. Apocalypse. Art Bell was involved in very similar work and also had the same employer. I've heard a lot of things in my travels and have heard the same things about Art Bell from various sources. When someone is heavily into promoting Halloween-UFO's and devotes large sectors of their sites to the bizarre and have never been right about anything yet, you can be sure that they work for the same people that the same people like them worked for before. None of this has anything to do with Zen Gardner but I am known to digress (grin).

It's a sad state of affairs, this situation that Zen Gardner finds himself in. I don't know what to think. I wasn't there. I noticed he was behaving in an odd fashion in recent times but that's not really my affair. He and I aren't friends and I've been given to believe he doesn't like me very much but I don't rate or judge people according to that. I can well understand why some people wouldn't like me and I don't hold it against them, especially if they don't know me in the first place. Well, I don't know Zen Gardner so I've got nothing to say about him. The evidence is fair damning but there could be all kinds of extenuating circumstances and I know that the Children of God separated families from each other and kept the membership in an economic condition that made getting away difficult. The leadership was composed of practicing Satanists and I don't doubt they had connections to intelligence services as well and most intelligence services are composed of practicing Satanists.

I don't know what to think about this matter. I do know that this is all a continuation of Mr. Apocalypse amplifying and accelerating what he has been up to for some while now. It could be that not all that needs to be known is known and that that will manifest over time. I can understand how one might become trapped in a particular matrix and be unable to find their way out. I am not one of those people jeering from the sidelines and gloating in the dilemma that another can find themselves in. I look at the man's face and I am perplexed. I wonder and I wonder but I do not know. I do not know Zen Gardner but I do know that, “there but for fortune goes you and I.” I have no such things in my past. The only thing in my past is what I might charitably call, 'colorful behavior' (grin); not as much as can be easily seen in the lives and lifestyles of many another artist ...but some measure... heh heh.

I wish Zen Gardner well. I really do and hope that he can pass through this fire and find both redemption and epiphany. As I look into the details of what caused him to become exposed I am very puzzled. More is going on here than meets the eye. I thank God that I have been protected most of the time from the potential bad consequences of what might have been but never was. I believe that if you are seeking God and demonstrating the sincerity of that in service to others that no matter what tasks or conditions are set before you, you will find redemption. Look at the tale of Milarepa.

I do not mean to here imply that I am passing any judgment on the fellow from The Philosopher's Stone because I am not. He surely has his reasons for doing as he is doing and I am not privy to them, nor do I know the totality of the story by any means. I like The Philosopher's Stone and have found it to be a useful and informative site. I'm not taking sides in this affair. All I can say is that I am sorry that any of this ever had to happen. I feel even worse for the people who have been long time supporters of Zen Gardner. It's a hard place to be and there is surely a great deal of bad feeling and a pervasive sense of loss across the board.

There is going to be a lot more of this kind of thing and that includes certain webmasters who are going to find that the tide has turned against them in an almost supernatural way. I will take no joy in this either. I am not a fan of schadenfreude. I am a strong believer in compassion and understanding because weapons can turn upon those wielding them and often one can find themselves in the same circumstances they were so dedicated in putting another into.

You're in my prayers Zen. This has nothing to do with what you might have done, have done and did not do. It has to do with the always present potential for being spiritually transformed by tragedy and any of the various mediums by which we come to a true awareness of ourselves and others. I've no certainty of the truth of the tale of Paul of Tarsus but the story is an example of what is possible for any of us, no matter how far we have gone down the wrong road. Only God knows what is in our hearts. With rare exception, we don't even know ourselves.

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CGI's Morgan: Friday, August 19, 2016 The Boxed in Gardens of Zen Gardner and the Tragedies of Schadenfreude
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RumorMail -- Saturday, 20-Aug-2016 23:50:15
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RumorMail -- Saturday, 20-Aug-2016 23:57:45

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