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This Is How Wars Are Manufactured: Demand Accountability for State Complicity in Islam Meme and Terrorist Operations or get Mountains of Dead Bodies

Posted By: Swami
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jul-2016 02:03:42

In Response To: Procedure For Establishing Global Tyranny On Display: The Question Not Asked (Swami)

Islam Vs The West - Has A Neo-'Operation Gladio' Been Started?

Via The Daily Bell,

How should France answer to the horror in Nice? The country is now deeply entrenched in a long-term war with few hopes of dodging future attacks. The anger of the French population is understandable. But booing a prime minister at the commemoration ceremony for the loss of innocent lives is not the smartest idea. No intelligence service could have prevented the Nice attack as nothing in the profile of the lunatic who drove over 84 people could have suggested a potential link to terrorism. – Al Jazeera

We’ve been writing regularly about the meme of “evil Islam” and our perspective that it is propaganda – a dominant social theme – intended to create military tension, further authoritarianism and even, eventually, wider wars setting the West against Islam.

You can see our articles HERE and HERE And HERE too.

The lie is that Islam of itself is a terrible threat to the French – and Western – way of life.

The lies are propagated by a tiny group of people who organize fallacious themes that then become Western policy.

Global warming, the economics of central bank – and the dangers of Islam – are all examples of these themes.

The lies are regularly expanded and deepened.

Here is a famous recent quote by the Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure – Patrick Calvar:

“We are on the verge of a civil war.”

Calvar is actually describing a war that he likely wants. The whole idea of the Evil Islam exercise is to polarize Europe in preparation for increased globalist solutions.

More from Al Jazeera:

The anger of the French population is understandable. But booing a prime minister at the commemoration ceremony for the loss of innocent lives is not the smartest idea.

If the French were booing the prime minister because they understood the manipulations taking place, that would be a positive development.

But no doubt the French in question were booing because they believed the state had not taken a firm enough stance against “radical Islam.”

Unfortunately, it is the state that has created the problem, starting with the forcible absorption of Algeria that later gave rise to the Algerian War of Independence, (1954–62).

This war was a bitter one and many of the “Muslims” in France are from Algeria. They still don’t like the French establishment.

The antipathy that French Algerian Muslims harbor has been used by the mainstream media as evidence that Muslims cannot be absorbed into France.

The “Islam versus the West” meme is filled with lies.

There are as many questions about the Paris attack in France as the one in Nice.

When it comes to the recent horrible attack in Nice, photos and videos seem to show no blood on the truck. Go look on the Internet for yourself.

Every large terror incident in France has had significant questions attached. Just as in the US, evidence is easily presented that these attacks are not what they seem.

It is no doubt difficult to accept that evil forces are manipulating events in Europe and the US so as to cause tension between Islam and the West.

But this is how wars are manufactured. The West did the same sort of thing to Japan. It demonized Japan and then created a war .

And twice with Germany. In the past years it is has been revealed conclusively that banks and Western industry funded Hitler.

In much of the post-war 20th century period, the CIA and other intel agencies prosecuted Operation Gladio, which manufactured terror incidents purportedly generated by left-wing forces.

HERE, from TruthMove:

The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism.

The strategy of tension is a concept for control and manipulation of public opinion through the use of fear, propaganda, agents provacateurs, terrorism, etc. The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.

Has a neo-Operation Gladio been started?

The CIA doesn’t make announcements. But in the Internet era, it doesn’t have to.

Those running these affiliated intel operations may not like it but the pattern is increasingly obvious. This is surely an ongoing strategy not a series of incidents. How cold-blooded.

Ironically, the Al Jazeera editorial provides us with some pertinent conclusions on how to face the provocations of a neo-Operation Gladio.


The only option for France today is to stand proud on its secular republican values, multiply the satire that fundamentalists want to shut down, encourage societal inclusion, educate and educate again.

A turn to the extreme right would mean a victory for the terrorists.

However painful it is, the best way to prevail for the French is to stand strong and resist the populist temptations.

The editorial is written by Remi Piet, an assistant professor of public policy, diplomacy and international political economy at Qatar University.

Two issues with it:

The first thing he does not mention is that the acts of terror are the historical result of French government policies. These policies go back a long ways.

The French bullied Algeria, absorbed Algerian Muslims and then did not give them the opportunity to integrate.

The upshot is a generation of Muslim Algerians that live in France and are bitter about their treatment.

The second problem is that the issue is not one of Islamic terrorism from a historical standpoint so much as the French state being complicit in “false flag” terrorist operations.

Today’s “Evil Islam” meme is being created by forces that want to foster tensions and then worse between Islam and the West.

The French should stand up to their government and demand accountability. But the accountability should involve a confession that “radical Islam” is being advanced by forces affiliated with the government.

The REAL problem, therefore, is not how to defend against radical Islam but how to prevent the French government and broader Western facilities and associates from creating bloody false flags designed to increase tensions.

Conclusion: The French should confront their own government and other European populations should do the same. That goes for America, too. People should demand answers and call on the mainstream media to do its job instead of remaining complicit in an unpublicized but evident neo-Gladio program.


VWAndy's picture
VWAndy Jul 26, 2016 4:01 AM

Welp does it look like a Duck?

Haus-Targaryen's picture
Haus-Targaryen VWAndy Jul 26, 2016 4:20 AM

The Conclusion should be:

"In conclusion, it appears that the "European" social experiment of multiculturalism that has been promulgated on the various European populations simply doesn't work. Its important to note that this failure is not universal. There is a minority of individuals who have chosen to integrate themselves into the various European cultures, and the fierce secular republicanism that France is based upon should be for protecting these individuals, not those that not only who refuse to integrate, but those who support things such as IS, suicide bombing & Sharia Law in Europe.

Part & parcel with such a paradigm shift is the implicit and simultaneous acknowledgement of the experiment's failure. Either allow the various European states to return to their homogeneous cultures they have enjoyed for the past few millennia, or these countries will solve the current "situation" of millions of foreigners who want to impose their values on "Europe" and not accede to the values of their host country they way they always have --- with mountains of dead bodies."

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Articles In This Thread

Procedure For Establishing Global Tyranny On Display: The Question Not Asked
Swami -- Wednesday, 27-Jul-2016 00:27:04
This Is How Wars Are Manufactured: Demand Accountability for State Complicity in Islam Meme and Terrorist Operations or get Mountains of Dead Bodies
Swami -- Wednesday, 27-Jul-2016 02:03:42

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