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Reader: This is an ancient ceremony!! The use of a reflective surface in ancient Egypt was a major component of ceremonies!!

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jul-2016 10:22:52

In Response To: Oh My: 100 Naked Women Just Greeted Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention!! (RumorMail)

Ya learn something new every day, eh? Thank you so much for this. Some of this I already knew but I had forgotten the nuances of the mystical majic of it all.

So Trump was using those protesting against him to give his entity power. Interesting..


Re: Oh My: 100 Naked Women Just Greeted Donald....

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This is an ancient ceremony!!

The use of a reflective surface in ancient Egypt was a major component of ceremonies designed for entering into a state that was induced in order to come into contact with the spirits, Hathor being the conduit for these connections.

The idea of contacting "spirits" should be treated carefully.

Here is one site, there are others, that elaborates the ancient ceremony:

The pictures and the idea and implementation was carried out and is flawless. When you don't know what ceremonies are you'll be tricked into participating with ones you probably don't want to be apart of.

The whole ceremony was for Donald Trump... Why would Donald Trump want to be induced into entering a state to be contacted by spirits? This isn't a good thing if you are not a satanist--if you are then....


snip of a very long and very informative article (with pictures.)

Anyway back to the idea of a mirror and visions. The history of the word should be examined. Here are the entries from the Online Etymological Dictionary:

mirror (v.)
"to reflect," 1590s, from mirror (n.). Related: Mirrored; mirroring. The Middle English verb mirouren (early 15c.) meant "to be a model" (for conduct, behavior, etc.), while miren (mid-14c., from Old French mirer) meant "to look in a mirror."

mirror (n.)
early 13c., from Old French mireoir "a reflecting glass, looking glass; observation, model, example," earlier miradoir (11c.), from mirer "look at" (oneself in a mirror), "observe, watch, contemplate," from Vulgar Latin *mirare "to look at," variant of Latin mirari "to wonder at, admire" (see miracle). Figurative usage is attested from c.1300. Used in divination since classical and biblical times; mirrors in modern England are the subject of at least 14 known superstitions, according to folklorists. Belief that breaking one brings bad luck is attested from 1777. The Spanish cognate, mirador (from mirar "to look, look at, behold"), has come to mean "watch tower." Mirror ball attested from 1968.

One thing that immediately jumps to mind is the 'mir' that begins the word. Whenever I see the 'mr' combination I immediately look for connections to a Goddess. In ancient Egypt a 'mr' is a pyramid. Without going into a grand exposition on the pyramid I will just say that look at them as vehicles for rebirth. Khufu, the pharaoh for whom the Great Pyramid is named after, called his pyramid akhet. Akhet is the magical place in the east, the portal, from whereabouts the sun makes its grand entrance at the break of day. It is fittingly another name for the great goddess Hathor who gives birth to this child, Ihy, in the gold of the morning's light. This 'mr' combination finds its way into feminine names such as Mary and Miriam. These biblical names conceal the presence of the Goddess in the Bible but the secret has been let out. The mount of Moriah plays a prominent role in the Bible as well when Abraham ascends the mountain to sacrifice his son Isaac. Appearing to him before he sacrifices his son is the angel of the Lord, this mysterious angel likely being feminine. We find 'mr' in classical language referring to the sea as well. In Latin the sea is called mare and today we have many of its derivatives such as marina and mermaids. The goddess Aphrodite is said to have sprung up from the sea foam.

Aphrodite and her sea foam origins

This idea of the waters and 'mr' is found in the Old Testament as well. It is Miriam who leads the Israelites to the bitter water that is called mar. This is an elaborate connection of Miriam to the bitter tasting and sweet smelling myrrh fragrance that is a huge part of Goddess lore. The Greeks go as far to have a goddess named Myrrha (also known as Smyrna) that is a rival of Aphrodite's in beauty and births Adonis. These tales are linked to the Semitic goddess Ba'alat that is ultimately traced back to the Egyptian goddess Hathor. The ancient Egyptian word for myrrh is the hieroglyphic of a cobra over a papyrus stalk and this hieroglyphic is for the green goddess serpent known as wadjet. Wadjet is the name for Hathor in her snake form and is connected with Lower Egypt. It is through Hathor I will now flood the reader with the connection of the mirror and the Goddess.

First of all among the numerous towns and grottos where Hathor had worship sites I'd like to highlight a place called Meir, which is the necropolis of the Upper Egyptian town of Kusae. Kusae was the capital of the 14th nome of Upper Egypt which emblems were the lower sycamore and viper giving us the connection once again to Hathor.

Much farther north in Middle Egypt, and thus closer to the royal capital at Memphis, was the town of Kusae, where Hathor was the chief deity as Lady of Kusae, at least from the early Middle Kingdom. The great tombs belonging to local princes at Meir testify to their devotion to this goddess, who was also referred to there by a priestess's text as The Gold.
The Great Goddesses of Egypt, Barbara S. Lesko, page 96

At festivals, celebrations, and invocations of Hathor mirrors are one of the instruments used.

The sistrum was more than a musical instrument; it became the symbol of the goddess, and her power was believed to emanate from it. Mirrors were also used in her cult starting in the late Old Kingdom. They caught the sun's light and thus came to be thought of as one of the implements in which the great goddess was manifest. Her priestesses danced with mirrors, and mirrors were portrayed on Middle Kingdom coffins (and sometimes deposited in the coffin) along with Hathor's necklace of many rows of beads, which also would have emitted a rustling sound.
The Great Goddesses of Egypt, Barbara S. Lesko, page 100

The use of a reflective surface in ancient Egypt was a major component of ceremonies designed for entering into a state that was induced in order to come into contact with the spirits, Hathor being the conduit for these connections.

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Articles In This Thread

Oh My: 100 Naked Women Just Greeted Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention!!
RumorMail -- Monday, 18-Jul-2016 10:26:52
Reader: This is an ancient ceremony!! The use of a reflective surface in ancient Egypt was a major component of ceremonies!!
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 19-Jul-2016 10:22:52

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