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Pandemic Prepping

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Tuesday, 24-May-2022 21:22:51

How far back does the evil intent of population control by vaccines go? How long has Anthony Fauci had his dirty fingers in the pie? That might be the likely answer, although vaccines were around long before he arrived on the scene. However, being the person he is, a eugenicists and greedy, he was smart enough to take full advantage of the possibilities.

In their infancy, were vaccines developed to help eradicate diseases? I hope so, or there is going to be a long list of murderers to add to the Fauci list. I remember wondering where the HIV virus came from. There were several stories of animal transfers to men via bestiality in Africa. Gross! Or is it where 'gain of function' had its start?

I watched as supposedly gay men and needle drug users came down with this disease and died from it in spite of the new vaccine formulated by an unlikely, diminutive super hero, Anthony Fauci. Then, after a time, that pandemic seemed to lose steam.

I remember reading that vaccine manufacturers approached Congress in 1986 and said they would continue to do research on vaccines to eradicate these terrible diseases. But it was expensive to do research and development and they would need complete immunity from prosecution in the unlikely event of a severe adverse reaction. Congress fell for it.

I remember reading about a group of scientists traveling to the far north and in the frozen tundra digging up the body of an Inuit woman who had died of the so-called Spanish Flu in 1918. Say what? I was appalled. What in the hell for? Nothing good. If a disease is eradicated, leave it alone. The only reason I can see for messing with it would be 'gain of function' research to either mix it in a cocktail with other viruses (like Baxter International did) Or to increase its effects or make it more transmissible in populations.

None of these reasons was to benefit humanity. Although that was the excuse given at the time. "We need to study this virus in case it ever shows up again. We will be ready with a vaccine." Right! Leave the damn thing in the ground and humanity won't have to worry about it 'escaping' from a lab or being used for population control.

This being America, a wealthy capitalist country, the next move was for Big Pharma to be allowed to sell their snake oil drugs to a gullible public. (Wasn't John D. Rockefeller's father a snake oil salesman in the 1800's?)

"Ask your doctor" became the clarion call in every magazine, newspaper, radio and TV advertisement. Since the majority of Americans seem to believe everything they read or hear, they think it is all legitimate, approved by some agency with the safety of humanity in mind. Instead, most medicine/products that are pushed by the media or government have the stench of Big Pharma profits over people in mind.

As a mystery writer, I decided a long time ago, that a vaccine would be the perfect way to efficiently kill someone. Unlike pills or potions, where the remainder could be tested for poisons, one jab and the proof is gone. And, if it had the seal of approval of government and the medical people and agencies behind it, people would take it without question. If the Elites could use a fake pandemic to scare everyone, people would be lining up, sleeves rolled up, shoving others out of their way so they could be first in line to get their jabs.

Just a few common sense questions could have derailed this plot at the starting gate. Why would drug companies need immunity for a product that really worked to save humanity? No other drug or medical procedure has this special protection from lawsuits. Why would people who admit to being eugenicists create a drug to save people when they believe the world is already overpopulated and it is their job to correct that? Why would any ethical scientist increase the lethality or transmisability of any virus? Why would scientists, who created these vaxxes be allowed to profit from the patents on them? Doesn't that create a conflict of interest? Atta boys, diseases named after them, even Nobel prizes, I could see. But extreme profit? Not a good idea.

Next you would make sure to denigrate any already established drug that actually works. Especially if it's off label and no longer making huge profits for Big Pharma. Also go after, with a vengeance, any doctor or hospital foolish enough to use these older, safer and more effective drugs. Then, use massive amounts of money to pay off/bribe doctors and health care facilities into pushing your products. This was a Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci wet dream. How these two ever got together is best described as 'evil seeks it's own level'.

My next question is how did they convince most of the governments of the world to participate in this massive genocide? Were they all bribed? Are they all in on it or were they fooled too? Perhaps all of the above.

But, something happened on the way to the New World Order. People began to wake up and question what was going on. Some people dropped dead upon receiving one of the jabs. Others were experiencing permanent damage of one form or another. Under-reported, but still alarming enough to send up red flags for many.

Some ethical doctors, nurses and scientists were calling this pandemic and the various VAX solutions out. They were then threatened and sanctioned for doing what their Hippocratic oath demanded of them. More people woke up. So many people refused to comply to take any of the vaxxes,that their plans were in danger of being derailed.

What in the world to do when things were going so well for them? Why announce another virus, which they just happened to have a vaccine for all ready to roll out. My question would be, how did a virus affecting only a small section of Africa 2-3 weeks ago, manage to get so widespread all over the globe in no time?

I think they are spinning their wheels this time. There are far more people calling bullshit on this 'pandemic' this time. Only the truly brain-dead Libtards will be volunteering their arms this time around. And that might not be a bad thing.

Another interesting piece of the puzzle is the attempt to move health care and decisions under the WHO and remove the decision making ability out of the hands of individual governments, medical people and people in general. Now why would they need to do that at this time? I think they are panicked that the herd is getting restless. If anyone has ever witnessed a cattle or bison stampede, you will know what I am talking about. There is no way to control or stop it. I think that is where they are about now.

Oh, and best of all? A year ago several scientists approached the CDC and asked for samples of COVID-19 so they could study it. They were told that, we haven't actually isolated the virus. WHAT? That is how vaccines are made. With the dead or attenuated viruses. So, what are they using in these shots? If the drug companies pushing these so-called vaccines, only got immunity for any vaccines they developed and sold to the public; and then it comes out that these aren't really vaccines at all, doesn't that nullify their legal protection from prosecution? Just sayin! Maybe some ethical lawyer, like Thomas Rense, could look into that angle.

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