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How NOT To Save An Economy; Coronavirus, Stimulus Money

Posted By: tonzal
Date: Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:07:58

BATTLE FOR WORLD | April 11, 2020: Was the corona-virus event deliberate? Is it being used to cover up an economic collapse? The bankers, capitalists and dysfunctional governments do not want to take the blame. The virus has put in place a worldwide quarantine and a form of worldwide Martial Law, (and in the United States a form of disaster declaration is enforced, article, here). And they were able to do this very skillfully using the virus outbreak as a cover. The countries that are badly affected by the virus, are those countries to experience the worst of the economic collapse and so measures are being put in place to control eventual problematic situations, like civil unrest? - News articles are being published warning of a "second wave of infection". Is this diplomatic language for "extension" of the quarantine and lock-down so that the computer money swindlers can buy more time to come up with a temporary infusion of digital-lifeline money?

The United States is engaged in warfare negotiations with China for it to purchase more debt so that the Federal Reserve can create more computer money. If agreements are reached, there will be more astringent clauses in documents hinting at some type of endgame, which will drama the stock market into down-spiral moments, where it goes back up again, and down again, etc., and this will continue for some short years, until the economy collapses worldwide.

The financial crisis in 2008 brought about a rescue package to recover (if it can be called that or deceptive-bookkeeping) the economy back to employment levels of that year, and this was due to the uneven under-funding of the bailout, according to most experts - and that financial assistance lasted approximately 10 years. At the time, the US Treasury (which controls money printing [, for 2008, article here; and in 2020 they maybe working on new paper money designs or go for a digital money distribution strategy, article here]) and the Federal Reserve (which is the central bank ensuring lenders and borrowers have access to credit and loans), which are both independent of the White House, reacted with the full force of their capacity, i.e. applying pressure to money entities, to insure in 2008 that we wouldn't have riots and blight (i.e., plague, disease, infestation, disruption, etc.) before we could get a shot at coming back.

Now things have gotten worse, because during 2008 the US was able to renegotiate to access more money while the outward negativeness of the economy did not demand extreme measures. But in this economic downturn which reappeared a little quicker, the coronavirus introduction was timely, dramaing the public, until the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve are able to work their money magic, which will, as usual, not genuinely solve anything, but only kick the problem further into the endgame.

Since the United States owes the most in debt on the planet, because much of the credit was used to build its hegemonic world police military force, etc., is it going to experience the most severe economic meltdown? The United States Federal Reserve is now squabbling to find ways to create trillions of dollars out of nothing to stave off the now pending economic collapse. If it is able to work some magic, we will get through the virus pandemic drama, and kick the pending economic collapse a few years down the road, but not by much, say approximately 8 years, until another virus event reappears again for the government to implement the same safeguards, only this time, what we have come to know as western capitalism will finally come to an end along with its fakery financial abuse. Is this coronavirus a warning hinting at a definite and final end in the coming years? If so, we must take the opportunity, of the years allotted to us, to seriously prepare for the end of capitalism and Wall Street abuse.

The coronavirus, the drama that is buying us time, while the money magicians work their deceptive magic. Article, here. MarketWatch: "There is a widespread view on Wall Street that the stock market hit its lowest level of the bear market last month, and that a combination of an ebbing of the coronavirus in late spring and unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus will set the stage for a sharp rebound in corporate profits later this year."

And the media continues to drop hints in articles: Boris 'was at death's door' (i.e., he has recovered and discharged from hospital), article here. JP MORGAN Predicts Staggering 40% GDP Drop (i.e., the economy restart was under-funded), article here. Investors should prepare for a coronavirus-induced ‘vicious spiral’ more than twice as bad as the financial crisis, says J.P. Morgan (i.e., roller coaster stock market to continue), article here. Groups used to serving desperately poor nations now help USA (i.e., the United States has wasted its money on building the world's police military force to stir up conflicts), article here. America's Darwinian moment (i.e., the countries with tangible assets, gold, etc., their economy will survive), article here. WIRE: America Returning to 1781, article here. More than 2,100 cities brace for budget shortfall; Plan cuts, layoffs - article here.

... continue.


How NOT To Save An Economy; Coronavirus, Stimulus Money

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Articles In This Thread

How NOT To Save An Economy; Coronavirus, Stimulus Money
tonzal -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:07:58
FYI: I'm scheduled to receive my stimulus money on Wed (tomorrow)
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:14:57
Same Here:) *NM*
CrystalRiver -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:14:42
How did you find out NW
HotCoffee -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:40:29
HC (and others), I logged into my credit union account and it showed up there as an planned deposit *NM*
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 14:51:25
Been doing that No show yet. *NM*
HotCoffee -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 15:14:08
Devin Carroll - Stimulus Check Tracker: New Web App Details [VIDEO]
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 15:48:19
I hope Raye is getting one! *NM*
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2020 15:48:19

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