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SORCHA: "Edge Of Abyss Nears After United States Threatens Entire World If It’s Charged With War Crimes"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:03



September 10, 2018

Edge Of Abyss Nears After United States Threatens Entire World If It’s Charged With War Crimes

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An ominous new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today dealing with the shocking discovery that Ukrainian intelligence agencies have been actively assisting members of the Islamic State terror group in planning terrorist attacks on Russian soil and the target killings of Donbass leaders—thus causing Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov to declare that Russia cannot but respond to this aggression by targeting these terrorists bases in Idlib Province-Syria—notes with alarm that two American F-15 fighter jets have just bombed the Syrian town of Hajin with white phosphorus incendiary munitions that are banned under the Geneva Convention—and then followed up this war crime by announcing that it intends to destroy any nation who even dares brings charges against them in the International Criminal Court. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, as global forces align for the final battle for Syria, one of the greatest propaganda hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the American people is that this coming battle has anything at all to do with the Syrian people—that has no basis in reality as this conflict centers on are the estimated over 40,000 barbaric Islamic terrorist being targeted for obliteration in Syria who are foreigners in this country coming from, at least, 100 different nations as the US State Department has itself reported—the most feared of them being Islamic terrorist fighters from Uzbekistan, Russia’s Chechnya and China's ethnic Uighur minority who cut their teeth in other US wars but then swarmed to Syria under the protection of the Obama-Clinton Regime.

With these tens-of-thousands of foreign Islamic terrorists facing their last stand in Syria’s Idlib Province, this report continues, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has been warning that these monstrous barbarians are preparing to defend themselves by unleashing a “false flag” chemical attack the West will then blame on Syria and allow them to retaliate militarily to save their bought and paid for terrorist army—and that in order to stage this “false flag” attack, some eight canisters of chlorine were delivered in to a Syrian village near Jisr al-Shughur city for the terrorists use—while a separate group of militants, prepped by private British security company Olive, have also arrived in the area to be disguised as volunteers from the White Helmets group who will simulate a rescue operation involving locals purportedly injured in the attack.

In a vile move to provide propaganda cover for this Western paid Islamic terrorist army illegally threatening the peoples of Syria, this report notes, the leftist tech media companies in America have now joined this battle, too—the most notorious being the Google owned YouTube video service who has just cut off the channels belonging to the Syrian presidency, the country’s Ministry of Defense, and that nations SANA news service who have all been warning their citizens about this coming “false flag” attack—and that was immediately followed by the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media preposterously claiming (using unnamed sources of course) that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has approved the use of chlorine gas against his own citizens in Idlib Province.

With it being proven beyond all doubt that this same US mainstream propaganda media establishment lied the American people into starting the illegal war against Iraq, this report says, the same “absence of truth and facts” they exhibited then is now being seen again as they try to start another war—most notably by their completely ignoring US Virginia State Senator Richard Black who visited with Syrian President Assad this past week and reported truthfully “He doesn't have an imperial presidency like we have and many Western countries have—when he suddenly goes to a religious ceremony, whether it's for the Muslims or the Christians, he drives himself, in his own SUV, and he doesn't have an escort and people love him for this”.

Also being stunningly ignored by the US mainstream propaganda media trying to start another war, this report details, are the writings of seven times voted Foreign Reporter of the Year British investigative journalist Robert Fisk—who, just hours ago, published his article “After Warnings Of Mass Murder And Catastrophe in Idlib, I Prowled The Front Lines For Two Days. I Didn't Find What I'd Expected” wherein he truthfully stated:

The only massed forces I came across were vast herds of sheep and, close to Aleppo, a string of camels. Not a single soldier was carrying a gas mask.

Which would surely be a sure sign of an imminent chemical attack anywhere on the front, whoever was dropping the stuff.

It was around this time that I realised the purpose of the Syrian army’s presence in this sector.

Not, I suspect, for an offensive against Idlib, rather to fight off opposition fighters if they were under air bombardment and tried to escape west and cross the walled Turkish border.

With Vladimir Putin’s hand on his shoulder, the Sultan Erdogan across the border might be a little more accommodating.

Perhaps someone will take back the foreign fighters. Or send them to fight and die in another country? Libya, perhaps? Yemen?

These men – and their families — have moved around the Middle East quite a lot these past years.

Non-gas mask carrying Syrian front line troops stand at their base opposite Nusrah-held hills on the edge of Idlib Province on 9 September 2018

Aside from the US mainstream propaganda media failing to explain the logical absurdity of why Syrian President Assad (or any leader of sound mind) would use chemical weapons and not protect his own troops, who are expected to fight these non-Syrian Western bought and paid for Islamic terrorists, this report explains, their greatest atrocity remains their failing to inform the American people that Idlib Province has been used for over a year to peacefully transfer these Islamic terrorists into until such time the United States and its allies can decide what to do with them—as neither Russia or China, or any of the other nation they come from, will take them back.

Of the greatest fear in Idlib Province, though, this report says, are its estimated over 10,000 non-Syrian al-Qaeda fighters transferred there from other Russian-Syrian liberated regions of Syria—but who are now threatening to turn this entire region into yet another terror capitol—all of whom Russia has vowed is its duty to destroy.

With both Russia and Syria having already offered the United States and its allies guaranteed transfer safety for these tens-of-thousands of non-Syrian Islamic terrorists in Idlib Province, as long as they are taken to either the US or EU, and not placed in other war zones around the world, this report continues, only the Netherlands has responded by declaring that it will no longer support these Islamic terrorists, and its saying that the “extremely limitedDutch support for these rapist beheading monsters has “not had the desired effects.

In contrast to the Netherlands, however, this report concludes, war propaganda media reports now coming from the United States state that they are now considering targeting Russian military forces in Syria to protect their non-Syrian Islamic terrorists in Idlib Province—and shows the reason behind the massive amphibious Russian naval marine landings in Syria and why Russia is just hours away from conducting its largest combat military drill in its entire history—as such an insane action as this would, without doubt, start World War III—but whom the tens-of-millions of American citizen war dead will never know was over their nations insanity driven “Deep State” defense of radical Islamic terrorists in Syria who aren’t even citizens of that country—that President Trump is fully aware of, and is the only one now standing between peace and the apocalypse, and has long known how gravely dangerous this game truly is.

September 10, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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