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The Death of a Nation One Vaccination At a Time

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:22

The Priority Report
Special Edition
The Silent Epidemic

The Death of a Nation One Vaccination At a Time

Drug Companies Push Vaccinations to Make $Billions a Month
In the recently released movie "Vaxxed", doctors and researchers presented evidence and documentation that the mega drug companies pushed vaccinations for children knowing full well that full test results were hidden from the public. Highly acclaimed doctors proved there was a correlation between giving the triple dose of MMR, (Mumps, Measles and Rubella) vaccination to children that were too young. Tests proved that there was an increase risk at the younger ages and with the triple shot. If the vaccinations were given at older ages and in single dosages the risk factor dramatically was reduced. However, because of the financial power of the pharmaceutical companies and their highly paid lobbyists, they were able to persuade Congress to outlaw the single dosage shots and to continue pushing the same recommended age schedule for children's shots. The news media was also greatly influenced by the drug companies and they refused to air well-researched stories on the connection between autism and unsafe vaccination procedures.

The truth is vaccinations have been good for society in general, reducing disease risks. But in the case of the triple shot of MMR it was scientifically proven that the risk factor for children increased for autism after the shots were given. Here are the facts and statistics on the autism/vaccination connection that were presented in the movie documentary "Vaxxed":

100 years ago the autism rate was 1 in 10,000. Before then it was 1 in 15,000

Today the autism rate is 1 in 50

There are 1,082,000 with autism in the US as of 2014

Autism is growing at such a rapid, exponential rate that in 2032, (13 years from now) that the rate will be 1 in 2 children will be autistic, with 80% of boys being autistic.

The government has already paid out by 2016 - $3 billion in damages to parents of autistic children -proven in court - that caused by vaccinations through the Federal "Vaccine Damages Court".

The accumulative damages to society has already reached over a $1 trillion and is growing every month.

The money and resources being spent for this medical disaster is draining the system and preventing healthy children form getting a good education

This is a silent, deadly epidemic that is weakening society, destroying the vitality of a nation and reducing a nation's growth towards prosperity and defense

At the beginning of this epidemic, society as a whole did not see the dangers and the long range ramifications of autism. Congress it seems, hid this from the public for as long as they could. The news media was complicit by refusing to run stories that documented this risk. There is a proven risk factor between vaccinations and autism, and it is destroying our society one child at a time.

I am not saying the drug companies are doing this as a depopulation program or as a plot to destroy America, etc. But I am saying there is a great financial motivation to promote vaccinations to continue their profits. Only a very few politicians came forward with this information and tried to bring this issue to the forefront in Congress. However, instead of doing the right thing and calling for better testing and investigations they passed a law to outlaw the single dosage shots which actually prevented families from reducing the risk of autism from the shots. They also removed any liability of the drug companies for damages and made the US tax payers pay the bill for damages in the Vaccine Damages Court. This is a cover up of enormous proportions and is doing untold damage to society that is truly a form of genocide.

When you consider that for every family that has to deal with an autistic child, you are seeing a strain on society as a whole across the nation. You are seeing that one individual that was supposed to grow up to be a contributing member of society, being cared for and affect a large number of people around him, and they'll be a drain on society for the entire length of their life. How can you place a financial cost on that disaster? It would nearly be impossible to calculate the damage and cost to society on so many levels.

This is also being pushed all over the world and the poor are clamoring for the shots because they want to have a healthy child. It is a valid concern that this could be an insidious, diabolical form of depopulation that the public would not be able to recognize as an attack on their nation and their people. It may be impossible to prove that case, but the motives for that agenda are abundantly clear.

When a person considers how this autism epidemic affects society it is obvious that as more children are autistic that our culture, society, education system, and production on all levels will be affected. This is putting a strain on teachers at schools, on families lives, and in who can be a productive citizen that works and pays taxes. The more people that are on government assistance - the more drain it is on the national system. This also means that the military will have difficulties getting recruits for positions. Factories will be hard pressed to find qualified workers. Farms will be under strain to produce crops for the nation. Exports will decrease, and our ability to import products will also be reduced. The entire financial system could eventually grind to a halt because of the lack of qualified, productive citizens. This will also affect the illegal aliens that bring their families in to the US. They are also being required to take the shots and their children will be at risk as well. The only way to reduce the risk to society and the accelerating rate of autism cases, is to go back to single vaccinations and to give the options for shots at higher ages. But, that is the two things the government has not allowed!! By any honest definition, this is a blatant conspiracy by the highest officials of the nation between the US Government and the drug companies involved that profit from the vaccinations. I highly recommend that people rent or buy the movie "Vaxxed" and see the facts for yourself. This is not a wild theory, this is a dangerous threat against our nation that cannot be accurately calculated.

You can rent it from Netflix, you can buy new and used copies form Amazon. I heard there was one source that sold these at bulk prices for $10 each.

Do you think it doesn't affect you because you are older and beyond your child bearing years? Think again. If you are retired and need assistance - what if there was no one to come help you at home, come get you to go to the hospital, not enough doctors or nurses to help, not enough police and firemen to protect you, not enough people to drive trucks and run the trains? And the list goes on. With the reduction of qualified workers the entire system is affected, including those over 50.

You have heard the saying of "death by a thousand cuts". There is also a way to destroy a nation through epidemics, diseases, plagues, famine, corruption from within and too many wars. A nation can be destroyed and drained of its power in numerous ways. And, this danger of unsafe vaccinations can be a subtle, but very real method to destroy a society over several decades - to the point it can no longer function properly and even result in collapse and then destruction by its enemies. If we ignore this danger we do so at our own peril.

George Eaton
(movie trailer)

(Vaxxed the movie in 9 parts, free)

(full movie, rental)

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The Death of a Nation One Vaccination At a Time
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