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Additional material sent by the reader to corroborate analysis of photo as genuinely from an insider

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37

In Response To: Reader reports new 4chan thread from yet another "White House anon" (MrFusion)

This material, sent by the reader who sent the photo in the preceding post, analyzes that photo (which is also included below) and concludes that it genuinely apparent that a White House insider took it.

The reader sent voluminous additional material including other photos as further supporting evidence. There is not space to include that material here.

From the anonymous reader:
OK, I was going through this blog tonight of a NEW White House "Insider" posting tips. This is not "Q", its a new one we will call "White House Anon".

To authenticate themselves to everyone, the Insider posted two photos from inside the White House. One was a photo of the official Christmas Tree ornament for 2017, and the second photo was of a window with a wreath in it. First I focused in on that window to try to authenticate it with existing photos of the White House. I think I have authenticated it. Further below I tried to find the same photo of the Tree ornament, but I could not find the exact same photo. So that is 2 for 2.
From the White House Anon Insider today, this photo was attached to prove this poster really is inside the White House:

Attached, on a word document, is the same picture but it is Blown Up 500%, as large as I could get it to examine details. Here are the key items I noticed:

1) You can clearly see two pillars outside the Window, one on each side of the wreath. This narrows it down to either the 2nd or 3rd floor South Portico, where there pillars can be seen from the windows. See picture below showing South Portico with pillars on the 2nd and 3rd floors, only.

2) I further noted that the 2nd floor portico room is the Blue Room. I compared the view of the landscaping outside the window of the Insider's photo and it seems to match with clearer photos of the the Blue Room view. The fountain at the south can be seen and greenery on either side of the fountain. That seems to match a blue room photo of the outside.

3) I noted the placement of the wreath in the window. It is centered in the upper half of the window, and it appears that there are 6 window panes in the upper half of the window, which would be consistent with the Blue Room on the 2nd floor where the windows are taller than on the 3rd floor residency. Most wreaths on the top 3rd floor overlap with the middle of the window, where the latch is. While all the wreaths on the 2nd floor with taller windows, where there are 6 panes above the middle the wreaths are centered over these top 6 panes, and wreaths do not even touch the middle part of the window where the latch is.

4) Problem: The wreath in the Insider's photo appears to me to be on the INSIDE of the Window, not the outside. You can tell by the way the white square window panes are being blocked by the wreath. We know from numerous 2017 photos that they put wreaths outside of all windows. However several photos of the decorated blue room, with the biggest tree, clearly show there are no indoor Wreaths! However, after closer examination, all the 2017 photos of the Blue Room the big tree blocks two of the windows. The center window is always blocked. I searched and I never found a photo of that center window with the Christmas it might have a wreath on the inside, and this is the ONLY PHOTO of that particular wreath.

My Conclusion: After spending 4 hours researching this, my conclusion is this Insider has access to the 2nd floor Blue Room, and not necessarily the Yellow Oval Room above in the private residence. OK, so WHO has access to the Official State Rooms on the 2nd floor? Anyone. The White House tours take people through the 1st floor (China room, etc) and the 2nd floor Blue, Red, Green (etc) Rooms. So is this really an "Insider"???? Could be. When the photo was taken it appeared to be either just after dusk (after 5pm) or just before sunrise (7am).

Accuweather: Washington DC today:
• Sunrise: 7:07 AM
• Sunset: 4:47 PM
OK, I think it is an Insider! I just looked up the hours of White House tours and they are after 7:30am and end this week at definitely NO DUSK photos could have been taken by tourists, or nonInsiders! And if the photo is an early morning photo BEFORE the sun rises, one could not get a before daylight photo on a tour, because tours only begin at 7:30am, when it would be broad daylight. This is a southern exposure portico and it is winter, so this photo is consistent with an end of work day photo, just after sunset about 5pm, 5 and 1/2 hours after all tours ended this week. The Christmas Decorations were only revealed on this past Monday. So photo was taken either Mon, Tue or Wed of this week.

Public tour requests must be submitted through one's Member of Congress. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays (excluding federal holidays or unless otherwise noted).

The following is not super clear to me, if tourists are even allowed to take cell phone pictures:

Prohibited Items
Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Video Recorders
• Handbags, book bags, backpacks or purses
• Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (i.e. makeup, lotion, etc.)
• Strollers
• Any pointed objects
• Aerosol containers
• Guns, ammunition, fireworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons/devices, or knives of any size
As of July 1, 2015, Smartphones and compact cameras with a lens no longer than 3 inches (stills only) are permitted on the public tour route as long as their use does not interfere with other guests’ enjoyment of the tour.
Video cameras including any action camcorders, cameras with detachable lenses, tablets, tripods, monopods and camera sticks are not permitted.
Flash photography or live stream as well as talking or texting on cellular phones is not permitted while on the tour.
The U.S. Secret Service reserves the right to prohibit any other personal items. Umbrellas, wallets, car keys, and cell phones (including those with cameras) are permitted. However, guests will not be allowed to use cell phones inside the White House. Phones used inside the White House may be confiscated by US Secret Service.
Please note that no storage facilities are available on or around the complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter the White House.

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Articles In This Thread

Reader reports new 4chan thread from yet another "White House anon"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37
Additional material sent by the reader to corroborate analysis of photo as genuinely from an insider
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:37

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