Highlights of Tony's CC, Monday, July 27, 2015. Updated as the call progresses.
23,700 on the call lines today.
Weekend Rundown:
Tony: Friday morning, two hours before the call, everyone was called in and told they would be on standby. Saturday memo's went out and told everyone to be ready at 4:00 PDT. Kept them their till Saturday night about 7:00 pm and then sent them home saying it would not happen. Sunday called them in and told them it would happen around 3:00 pm. Everyone super hyped up. As you know we are still here.
CURRENT WINDOW: Tony: Everyone still on super high alert right now!!! No memo so far today. Everything is good. . . Good news is they are still trying to do it. Bringing people in all weekend. Could happen late tonight or tomorrow morning. Next time is tomorrow.
IRAQ: Highly upset in Iraq and gathering in the streets. Tired of being told every weekend it is going to happen. New taxes and tariffs on cars, phones, etc. start on the first of August 1st. Bonds go International on August 2nd. Tony said these are set dates but reminded us they did not pay on the 1st last month.
Tony: We do know they can change the date in a heart beat. Don't bet your last dime on it.
- Kurdistan: Tony had no update on Kurdistan.
- Banks
- TV Mosques
INTERNATIONAL: People being moved around the weekend and being told it would go. Tony: We know it's to happen by 1st of August anyway.
- China pushing hard for it to happen.
- Rates: Dong, .46, $2.+ maybe contract rate. Dinar went from $3.92 to $4.22 on Saturday. ZIM showed up on Saturday at $ .04. Zim symbol is ZWR for 2008, AA series. Starting rates are to be: Rupiah, $1.08; ZIM, .11; Dong, .47 and Dinar $3.91.
UNITED STATES: Our government and our banks are tired of this also and pushing for the RV to happen. Tony: Our sources are government and banking sources. Several different banks sources get the memo and information comes out of Iraq saying the time to look for it. Tony then compares and when it's the same time, etc. he gives it validity.
- UST:
- Banks: ZIM: Tony does not know if they will be exchanging only in lots/groups of 100,000 Trillion.
- Packages:
- Reserves: post RV people will have funds and can take action
- Tips over the weekend made news. $2,000 on Friday and $1,000 on Saturday.
- Taxes: Tony: I know people who exchanged previously and this year and there were no taxes. Know others who've signed agreements for 11%. Prepare for the worst. You can't lose.
Ray: Enjoy your marvelous Monday. Let's see what the rest of the day brings.
Tony: The info is, it was an exciting up and down weekend. Get ready, get ready, here it comes. No! Called people in and here we are again. Word is everyone still on high alert. Looking for it any minute. Just don't know what the minute is. Goal is sometimes between now and the 1st when new taxes and tariffs take affect. Officials cut salaries. Relax. Have your 10 things ready to go. To do. Be moving fast. Look for the tweet. Check the site every now and then. We'll be here to help you. Enjoy the rest of your day.