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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Saturday, 31-Dec-2022 03:14:08

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 31 Dec. 2022

Compiled Sat. 31 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

We Are Defeating the New World Order:
2022 Was The Year Conspiracy Theories Became Facts

You Can Help Save the Constitution
Write Your Letter to SCOTUS on the Brunson Case
(See Bottom of #C Below)

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Brunson Petition, it would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. If the Supreme Court fails to uphold the Brunson Petition, that would mean all three Branches of Government has failed to uphold the Constitution, which would be enough for the Military to act under the Laws of War Manual, period. Either way, Justice is coming!

Trump Announcement Early! SCOTUS To Hear 2020! The Truth About Everything! Bombs Away! Thanks SGAnon & Derek Johnson! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Charlie Ward: Pelosi, GITMO, Shocking New Year’s Surprise! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (


Alleluia (

Judy Note:

Global Currency Reset:

Bruce received confirmation that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. afternoon 2 Jan, or Tues. before noon, with exchanges beginning Tues. afternoon 3 Jan.

Several Intel providers including Snake and Capt Kyle, were saying that everything (on the Global Currency Reset) was programmed to go right after Jan. 1st 2023 when Basel 4 hit, along with the QFS and NESARA/ GESARA.

Tues. 27 Dec. MarkZ: “The Central Bank of Iraq has frozen accounts and were not letting people withdraw or deposit until 2 Jan. 2023.”…Thurs. 29 Dec. Mark Z: “I am still hearing great things that this will be our last few days and our last poor weekend. None of us know for certain but the chatter is exceptionally good.” …“Medical Debt was being erased in Ohio and Illinois. Is your town next? Rumors are its going to spread to Pennsylvania. They are buying your debt at a discount. Where is the money coming from? Perhaps this is a slow roll out of NESARA.” Fri. 30 Dec. MarkZ: “Still hearing everywhere from us in the banks on the 2nd, to us in the banks by the 14th …we just know its close. We know they are moving forward quickly.”

Iraqi citizens have been celebrating their revaluation according to their domestic News Announcements.

NESARA/GESARA was said to have started Sun-Mon 25, 26 Dec. Many Social Security recipients have received letters showing a significant increase in their checks beginning Jan. 1 2023.

Sunday 1 Jan. 2023 would begin the Golden Jubilee Year across the Globe.

It was the goal to have all currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other by March 2023 – a situation expected to last up to five years.

Thurs. 29 Dec. The Big Call by Bruce (complete Intel Narration):

“We have some pretty cool Intel tonight – I believe we get “restitution money” trading of the Birth Certificates and all other bonds in our names – those have been calculated to be paid back to us – and in addition to that under Nesara – Taxes paid – interest on any loans basically any bank loan. Not personal loans – all payable back to you from for 61 and older starting on the 16th January – and then the next age group 48-60 done sometime in February – starting at the 24 years of age which might be in the month of March 24 – 48 years olds and with that would also be a requirement for you not to quit your job – so will be really interesting – so I know I’m preaching to the choir – but everybody in the US who is a citizen will get this and something they will really look forward too – if your on SS it will probably come as a Direct deposit but this is completely separate – So the amount – let’s say average $100,000 for the next 11 years of payments starting mid Jan – now the lesser groups I don’t know those averages. Chances are the more you’ll get because of the length of those Bonds have been traded.

“No Bond Holders there are monies moving into Bond Holders accounts as we speak – and activated and the amount I’ve heard is quatro septillion Dollars. That ends up a number in front of 33 zeros – a big tranche of funds taking place Thurs/Fri and Saturday and then another email for Monday at noon should get access and certainly by Tuesday gain access and use those funds, the 1% of the total which is substantial.

“Now the Bond Holders money is a structured payout – NOT for us in T4B – only for the Bond Holders. Bruce thinks there are 11 different payments. It’s interesting because we’ve talked about that shotgun start for them to gain access and then for us to set appointment and gaining access for the first 90 days and with our projects and we’ve talked about how much we could put in for the first 90 days and also that book who we must NOT fund – but if you do give to those on that list – your accounts will be frozen – so please do not do that. Might be more than 55 pages now.

“So where we are now – So Bond Holders Monday/Tuesday and we have a situation have people talking to them about this and bank screens showing active rates on the front screens for a few days now – so unless pending or flashing and they have been good to go – so they’ve been up and down – but some of our contacts and sources have gone in and talked about this – so a WF regular branch – said Thursday or Friday BUT to be perfectly honest you should come back Tuesday when the Contract Rate is UP. WOW – so there is a contract Rate and they are willing to offer that to us even if we’re a Zim Holder – it’s really cool to think it is – and another source went to Chase and told almost the same thing – can’t do it today but come back Tuesday and the contract rate will be available – you know where the front screen roughly was which Dr. Shabibi said but now check to see what North Brent Crude oil is now per barrel and that will give you an idea – so my belief based on that and other people that we have talked to – we have basic confirmations for Wednesday so notifications Monday – so first exchanges Tuesday evening and then we go from there – now where you are depends on how long the RC will be open. Part of the reason we didn’t go this year was the Star Link System wasn’t totally integrated and Bruce did mention those three countries and also ALL banks Globally need to be Basel 4 Compliant by Sunday 1st – their doors shuttered and the electricity turned off and they will be finished. So the push is ON to make sure that compliance is meat. So that’s been the holdup.

“So the concept is Mid March all the currencies in the world should be on par with the US Dollar – being on par or equal to the Dollar – any country. All countries will be raised up a total level playing field around the world and we are expecting an announcement from Charlie Ward for Gesara and Nesara we don’t know who will announce that for us – and also S Parkes for South America and also talking about Africa and Zimbabwe will be basically the wealthiest country in the world – and ALL of Africa will be brought up to a much much higher standard. How about Tesla free energy – well it’s not that far away and already the cell towers are refitted to that end.”

Restored Republic:

We Are Defeating the New World Order: 2022 Was The Year Conspiracy Theories Became Facts:

The Pentagon, CIA and other US intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been deeply involved in censorship of the American People for the benefit of the Leftist Agenda according to recently released Twitter Files.

The dangerous chemical Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is regularly added to the water supply in the US.

Proponents of the New World Order want LED everywhere because we are electro-magnetic beings and they can manipulate us using light, TV, monitors, etc.

The CIA in cooperation with M15 developed the Samsung Smart TVs ‘Fake Off” mode, which records conversations and sends them over the Internet to a covert CIA server. …QAnon – the Great Awakening on Telegram

According, not only to NASA, but a team of Russian scientists as well, the moon reacts to objects striking it (landing on it) as if it were hollow. It is said to ‘ring’ and its surface ‘ripple’.

Just one day after Tate exposed Greta Thunberg and her lies and the globalist lies to brain wash teens into climate change to tax the sun for being too hot. The number one searched man in the world wide net, Tate was arrested the next day for human trafficking ? It’s no coincidence that the GLOBALIST and Rockefellers, Rothschild who created climate change back in early 1900s at Bohemian Grove created climate change through Greta Thunberg great-grandfather Svante Arrhenius created greenhouse theory after being part of Bohemian Grove gatherings and was placed by ROCKEFELLERS family as green house gas guru, so it’s no coincidence the [ DS] came after Tate after he EXPOSED Greta as brainwashing teens into the climate hoax and then saying using these teens to bring in the taxation of human civilization because the sun is too hot. Man, that was quick! How the Deep State CABAL arrested Tate as everything he says goes viral.

The Brunson Brothers have gained a hearing from the Supreme Court on their petition that revolves around the question, “Did Congress honor their oaths to protect the Constitution when a foreign entity tried to change the vote in the 2020 Election?” In fact, 100 Congress people filed Election Fraud complaints, but Congress refused to investigate before they certified the 2020 Election. A positive ruling on the Brunson case could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

A Call To Action, Juan O Savin: Did you send your letters? Imagine if SCOTUS received one million letters from ordinary Americans. Would that indicate the pulse of the nation? How about if ten million students, grandmas, aunts, moms and dads sent them a note of encouragement?

Write Attention to the “Nine Supreme Court Justices”

Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No: 22-380.

Want ideas? Link to a template letter to personalize/print:

Sign your name, date it and make a copy.

Send the Original in a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.

Send the copy to Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd. #132, Ogden, Utah 84403. They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks.

The Real News for Fri. 30 Dec.:

Military Arrests Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn: On Thurs. 29 Dec. Former Food & Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn was arrested by the US Navy JAG investigators, under charges alleging he committed treasonous acts while serving under President Trump throughout the Corona-virus Plandemic.

For years and under complete approval of the FDA, the dangerous chemical Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (fluoride) has been added to the US water supply.

Sun. 25 Dec. China calls the US Inc. a ‘direct threat’ to the world. Washington intentionally hypes up the “China threat” as an excuse to boost its military spending in an effort to maintain its global dominance, the Chinese Defense Ministry said in a statement on Saturday, after President Joe Biden signed the 2023 US National Defense Authorization Act into law. “Facts have proved more than once that the US is the direct threat to the international order and the culprit of the regional turbulence,” said the ministry’s spokesman, Colonel Tan Kefei. The statement went on to claim that in pursuit of its own interests, the US on multiple occasions “either waged wars against other countries or created conflicts, causing massive casualties and displacement of innocent civilians.” #RT

Ex-Senator Black said the United States would drag the whole world into a nuclear war with Russia. They don’t care how many people will die – it’s like a football game.

They want LED everywhere because we are electro-magnetic beings and they can manipulate us using light, TV, monitors, etc.

The CIA attack against Samsung smart TVs was developed in cooperation with the MI5. Weeping Angel places TVs in a ‘Fake-Off’ mode, so the owner believes the TV is off. In this mode the TV records conversations in the room and sends them over the Internet to a covert CIA server. …QAnon – the Great Awakening on Telegram

According, not only to NASA, but a team of Russian scientists as well, the moon reacts to objects striking it (landing on it) as if it were hollow. It is said to ‘ring’ and its surface ‘ripple’.

News: Quick Reads by QTSR:

Amazon’s iRobot Roomba vacuums caught spying on users, taking photos of them on the toilet and posting:

January 6 Committee Drops Donald Trump Subpoena:

Pope Benedict XVI reportedly ‘very ill’ as Vatican and Pope Francis ask for prayers:

Must Watch Videos:

Fri. 30 Dec. Brand New Intel Just Dropped, Juan O Savin: Juan O’ Savin: Brand New Intel Just Dropped!! It’s Here, Folks!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Fri. 30 Dec. Trump Announcement Early, SGAnon, Johnson: Trump Announcement Early! SCOTUS To Hear 2020! The Truth About Everything! Bombs Away! Thanks SGAnon & Derek Johnson! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Fri. 30 Dec. Pelosi at GITMO, Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward: Pelosi, GITMO, Shocking New Year’s Surprise! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Fri. 30 Dec. Situation Update: Situation Update – Deep State Cabal Continues To Push Their Central Bank Digital Currency Backed By Nothing! NESARA/GESARA Announcement Imminent! DS Great Reset Moving Forward! QFS Running! Eyes On Brunson Petition! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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