1: 48 am, pacific 12/23/2022, as sent below verification of acceptance.
Charles C. Miller,
13……… ……… ………
…………, Washington.
Date: December 22, 2022.
U.S. POST, USPS Certified #: 7016 0340 0000 0338 2627
Execution of Contracts Recognizing Political Property
Rights of the American People Administered by
Public Servants
RE: Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al;
Docket No. 22-380; Supreme Court of the United States of
Citizens, Employer, Demand for Execution of the Law and
Rules of Procedure.
THE OATH CLAUSE. Article VI sections 2 and 3.
Relief and Remedy Sought: the People’s Prerogative Writs of Right.
Writ of Administrative Summons, Writs of Mandamus, Writs of Prohibition, Writs of Quo Warranto,
Certiorari Granted, Docket No. 22-380, Capture of Lower Court Actions.
REF. U.S. Constitution, Article VI section 2 and 3;
U.S. Constitution, Article I, sections 5, 6;
U.S. Constitution, Article III, section 1, 2, clause 2, 3;
U.S. Constitution, Article IV, sections 2, 4;
Supreme Court Rule, 22, Application to Individual Justice;
Supreme Court Rule, 17, Proceeding in an Original
Action; sections 1, 2.
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, 19, Mandatory Joinder
of Affected Party. Every American Affected.
All Writs Act, found by reference to, Title 28, United
States Code section 1651 and 1652.
TO: Scott S. Harris.
Clerk of the United States Of America Supreme Court.
Supreme Court of the United States of America.
1 First Street, NE
Washington, District of Columbia. 20534
Attention; Individual Justices, in context of Rule 22, and 17.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
Associate Justice Elena Kagan.
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson ( Ex Officio, Void Appointment and Confirmation by ILLEGITIMATE posers fraudulently claiming government offices. Proved by Docketing Case No. 22-380, admitting FRAUD associated to the 2020 election procedures.)
To whom it may concern, Before the World:
I, Charles c. Miller, approach the Peoples original national court, and it’s individual Justices, public servants, at the one supreme Court, constructed under the Constitution at Article III section 1, invoking as matter of right the exclusive jurisdiction held by the People’s court in controversies involving a state, or public Ministers, those public servants ad-ministering the People’s contracts called Constitutions.The administrative state of affairs including this Courts operations were originally constructed to serve the People’s Original Political Jurisdiction memorialized in and by the People’s Constitutions, which is now called into full plenary session.
I, Charles C. Miller, now exercise one of the American People’s prerogative rights of ownership over the governments We the People constructed under documents entitled Constitution(s), pursuant to equitable title rights, declared at Preambles to all Constitutions, creating all governments representing and allegedly serving the best interests of the American People’s personal liberty and right to self rule.
My standing and capacity as a contract holder and holder in due course having the absolute right to hold all public servants and franchise beneficiaries of government, operating from government licenses, to account, is perfected under official public record. Identifier provided by the United States Post Office, RE 635 957 867 US, duly served to the Office of President, Donald John Trump, President, September 18, 2018. The documents contained in the perfected service are proof of fact and law that I, Charles C Miller, as properly identified, am a signatory to the documents founding the States United under title, the United States of America. The Nunc pro Tunc execution is now public record available to any and every Justice. Perhaps calling President Trump could provide the bona fides in the event the Court chooses to challenge my declarations being not true and correct. I am a Beneficiary of the Public Trust served by the Peoples one supreme Court. I issue this Demand Order to all properly seated Justices as a Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes.
Be advised, that President Trump has been formally and properly advised that his abandonment of the People’s Office will need to be justified fully and properly at some point, along with full report of activities during the time of abandonment.
The Supreme Court of the United States of America, now has before the Justices a cumulative Criminal Complaint, brought by an American, State Citizen of proper standing, Brunson, alleging breach of contract causing a Constitutional Crisis altering the fabric of our American, Democratic Republic form of government. The complaint identifies the THEFT of the Peoples office of President, which results in a CONVERSION of government by the Rule of Law resulting in the rule by men. Fundamentally the Brunson complaint identifies the SLAVERY of minimum 98% of the American People to the 2% special class of public servants acting in SEDITION designed and implemented to overthrow our American form of government.
Slavery is perfected when a political, or legal or commercial relationship results in one person or group of people, have control and or absolute power over the life, the fortune, the liberty of another person or group of people.
Given that the circumstances creating the position this Court now finds itself in are created by fraudulent, deception, dishonesty, treachery and trickery in public office, double dealing underhanded overreach, by trusted public servants consciously Breaching individual Contracts to honor the Constitution, to which each pledged personal Fidelity, and is well paid to honor, the Court has assumed the arbiter position deciding whether the American Republic dissolves or survives.
I, commend the Court for showing all of us Americans, and the World, that, at least a portion of the People’s civil government functions as it should when the court Docketed for conference the above identified case and controversy. I caution that our nation is at a very fragile point, perhaps at the survival level. The courageous act by the Court is perhaps the invitation the People have needed to express our concerns directly to our public servants, that begins a restoration of our Republic form of government to a more even keel. When the civil government is in proper action, that performance controls the military. Given the current circumstances of so many people clamoring for military action, the courts courage to call election confusion to account, is the demand for proof of authority allowing the Military to act, in the event the internet hoopla concerning military tribunals is true. This act by the Court is a clear indication that our American form of government is still alive and in control.
In other words, I, Charles C. Miller, your employer, and the creditor to all governmental powers and limited authorities, provide the political, legal and commercial mechanisms by which the Peoples Original judicial power administrator, our one supreme Court, shall be administered for the Benefit of the American People who are not identified by Constitutions as objects or subjects to be legislated over nor denied exercise of control over our collective Political rights and powers.
Docketing for conference, the Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al case admitted a controversy exists. Otherwise, the Court is not empowered to recognize jurisdiction over the subject matters nor the parties identified therein associated to the case. The subject matters of course being compliance with constitution and good standing statutes in context of allegations of civil and criminal activities by public servants attacks and obstructions of honest operations of government process.
More to the point is the fact that issues of national import, constitutional compliance by many government operations, both state and federal public servants and the legitimacy or subversive operations of the current administrative actions over the Peoples transfer of political power, the 2020 elections.
The Court must define and identify the controversy, on public record, open before the People, in order to exercise jurisdiction over the law applied to the facts clarifying the controversy. Lack of full disclosure will be the act of coverup identifying coconspirators in the THEFT of a nation.
This Application of the Courts Rule 22, as duly served, is required to be received and certified to public record as a Letter of Wishes from a Beneficiary, contract holder, of all powers of government. Beneficiaries demands herein and
herewith, should, be accepted as the Masters orders to the servants position, as addressed to individual public servants.
I rely on Court Rule 22, Applications to Individual Justice(s), inviting any Citizen to approach the People’s public servants at the Court individually, while operating in and for the People’s one supreme Court. Both the Peoples original court and the inferior Legislatively created Supreme Court have full subject matter jurisdiction over the controversies presented. The venue at the Seat of Government, Washington City, the District of Columbia is correct and covered by jurisdiction over judicial matters recognized by constitution under both judicial and legislative administrative powers assigned by the States for execution via Article VII of the Constitution is correct.
Rule 22 duties owed by every Justice approached are triggered the moment this Application to Individual Justices is received. The mandatory duty to address the issues, law and facts presented, is called due as owed the moment the authority to grant the relief sought is received by the Clerk.
Rule 22. 1.
“An application addressed to an individual Justice shall be filed with the Clerk, who will transmit it promptly to the Justice(s) concerned if an individual Justice has authority to grant the sought relief”. Rule 22.2 requirement for two copies is compiled with. The requirement that proof of service under Rule 29 does not apply to this Letter of Wishes. There is no identifiable rule requiring the respondents to be served and the Solicitor General covered service to respondents when the Office spoke to the Court concerning the Brunson complaint. The Solicitor General spoke in the Court for the whole of the United States government including the respondents as federal public servants. The Petitioner will be duly served one copy, with proof of service posted to the Clerk.
My reliance on Rule 22 is based on the personal Fidelity Bond issued by all Justices, Court employees, and every public servant in the land, pursuant to Article VI section 2 and 3, oath requirements, employment contracts, and signatures on pay checks for services. Ratifying acceptance that payment was received, is proof of contract. Individual understanding and operating according to law of the Peoples Constitutions and legitimate public statutes, authorized under Article I section 8, is absolutely required of every public servant, in order to avoid breach of contract, breach of the peace and other charges. Every public servant is paid to know and perform. Taking the pay check is payment for specific performance.
Failure to perform know duties under contract and payment for services and standards is THEFT from the government and ultimately the American People. The property STOLEN is the Rule of Law and it’s honest administration.
Simply put, this Court, is the highest supervising power over every federal public servant in all matters concerning the law and it’s application to government and its servants operations. This position invokes the duty to advise those public servants have been brought under the jurisdiction of the Court and advised of why. Being that the Brunson matter is set for conference to determine the Courts course of action the principle of due process notice and opportunity to respond is owed by this Court to the respondents. Fair notice that the respondents offices are now captured by this Courts jurisdiction requires the Court to advise every respondent of the complete set of circumstances. To do less would indicate one group of public servants, the Court, to withhold vital information from another group of public servants serving a different branch of government.
I, understand that TORT means private wrong that is committed by someone who is legally obligated to provide a certain amount of carefulness in behavior to another and that causes injury to that person. Private wrong, TORT, of course being operating out side the obligations contracted and paid for requiring specific performance. The public records will either testify to the honorable execution of public servants obligations or the public record acts will testify to the breaches and sedition and treason charges, among other felonies or they will exonerate the respondents.
The injury of course being the THEFT of the secured by law right to express individual Political Will in the form of a vote transferring the Peoples private property, our votes, to an elected public servant.
I, also understand the United States Government waived its immunities in TORT which is found by reference to the United States Code, Title 28, Section 2674.
I also understand all States United under Confederation and Constitution have waived immunity in TORT.
These understandings are based on the political and legal facts that the American People are Sovereign and governments merely re-present the Sovereignty of the People as administrative agents to the Peoples contracts identified as Constitutions. Reference to Yick Wo v. Hopkins. 118 U.S. 356, the definitive statement by this Court is sufficient to cause the Court to bind itself to its own law requiring protection for the Peoples Votes and public offices.
I, have determined from reading the court records constructed under Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al, that very many public servants associated to the 2020 election operations and specifically identified in the Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al law suit, have committed TORTS. The public records, unimpeachable evidence, are replete with evidence proving the charges and breach of the oath contract resulting in TORTS causing felonies being fully evidenced on public records now before the Court.
The Complete Brunson file from the beginning and all relevant public records, material evidence related to election tampering or fraud associated to certification of federal elections is now restated fully as fully incorporated as are any and all public record from any credible source. The duty of the court in this unique situation is to gather under any mechanism of lawful procedure all evidence affecting the out come of this controversy. The gathering of evidence is a matter of necessity because under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19, all the American people are affected by the outcome of the procedures and are mandatorily joined as parties. Matters not whether one approaches the Court because the Court serves Avery American. The context of Rule 19 then captures the Court to operate under the same standards to ensure that all Americans affected by Docket No. have access to the law and procedures protecting our political rights and properties. The Courts highest duty is to the American People who created the Court to serve our law under the specific written terms and conditions of the Constitution as written. Servants to a contract are not authorized to amend, alter, reconstruct nor interpret the contract they serve that could cause any injury or harm to the exclusive Beneficiaries to the contract, the American People.
My determination that TORTS and crimes have been committed by public officers and employees certainly appears to be fully ratified by the Solicitor Generals Office admission and confession that no response to Docket No. 22-380, would be forthcoming and the government immunity defense was claimed.
This court and every Justice, every court attorney, employee, every government attorney, and many of the American People know ignorance of the law is never a valid defense, that no one is immune from the law, and FRAUD voids and cancels all that it touches.
The Solicitor General, Elizabeth B. Prelogar, a highly trained, of higher knowledge and duty professional attorney, public servant paid to know, knows and should have always known that Article I section 6, is a strictly limited immunity for legislators.
1. “They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.”
The claims of immunity for defendants by the Solicitor General representing the whole of the United States Government are specious at best and deceptive, erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, spurious, untrue, and unsupported by law or any theory of law. Acts out side those authorized by constitution are void, do not have the force of law and are private acts often fraudulently disguised as official in order to avoid personal liability.
The Office of Solicitor General speaking for and binding the whole of the United States Government, admitted and confessed by an averment that was negative, no response, is in actuality an affirmative in substance, because the party asserting the negative averment carries the burden of proof. The affirmative is the fact that the Attorney speaking for and binding the whole of the United States Government did not deny one of Brunson’s charges, present any defenses, claim lack of knowledge resulting in admitting all charges are valid.
Essentially the Solicitor General of the United States Government chose, and wisely so, to not attach the the United States in any manner associated to the fraud, breach of contract, felony and treason charges presented by Brunson. Yet at the same time the Solicitor General had no choice other that to act under recognition that the charges were deposited and accepted as official government record the moment the Court assigned a docket number.
The substance the Solicitor General can not get around is the requirement that all conditions required by Constitution must be met before any government act could be considered valid. Thus the Solicitor General passed judgement that the acts of the respondents identified under Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al;Docket No. 22-380, acted with out proper authority, which invalidates expenditure of government resources to defend against the allegations. More to the point the Solicitor General appears to have recognized every act of the federal government since January 20,2020 as voidable.
The admissions by the Solicitor General are well defined as confession under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 8, at section (b), (6). “ Effect of Failing to Deny. An allegation—other than one relating to the amount of damages—is admitted if a responsive pleading is required and the allegation is not denied. If a responsive pleading is not required, an allegation is considered denied or avoided.”
Being that the United States is not a petitioner or respondent, the government became a third party interpleader for its own purposes having nothing to do with legitimate government operations. Unless, the Solicitor Generals Office is actually admitting the defendants, a whole herd of high government officials, are guilty as charged. The insertion of the United States Government into an issue involving the fraudulent 2020 election indicates one of two positions. Either the United States Solicitor General Office is seeking to admit the theft of a public office, office of President or confuse all related issues in smoke and mirrors.
Essentially the United States Government admitted the Brunson allegations and the facts founding them as true. What that means is to this Court is that the attorney for the United States Government issued the judgment from the executive branch. This official government record must be recognized by the Court as true. The only option for the Court is to process the Brunson complaint as an original action. To clarify, the only legitimate lawful act by the Court is to act as the People’s Court defined by Constitution.
Article VI, sections 2 and 3 define the minimum standards and conditions required of every public servant, particularly elected officials, specifically in this instant matter federal officials.
1. “ This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ( legitimate acts by legislative action with identifiable source of authority identified specifically by Article I legislative powers.)
2. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
Article I sections 5 and 6, define the procedure required for a valid act of Congress.
1. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
2. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
3. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
Article I section 7, clause 3 requires ALL VOTES re-presenting the Congress Assembled exercise of Constitutional authorities to be ratified by signature of the President.
“ Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question ofAdjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. “
The public records, in both general circulation and official government records, testify to two facts that cause the Brunson complaint to be validated which then places this Court in the position to exercise its plenary jurisdictions to set right Constitutional infirmities known to the Court.
Plenary jurisdictions for this Court are defined at Article I section 1; section 2, clause 2.
“ Section 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall
be vested in one supreme Court,… “
“ Section 2. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other
public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State
shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original
Jurisdiction. “
“ Section 3. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of
Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be
held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been
committed; but when not committed within any State,
the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress
may by Law have directed. “
In the event Congress has not addressed the particular circumstance capturing the facts and law of the Brunson complaint, the Courts plenary jurisdiction, as the highest national court, recognizes the duty of the Court to identify and define its own exclusive procedures to address the Constitutional issues now before the Peoples Court. To do less would be a dereliction of duty.
No court or justice is ever authorized discretion concerning the application and full exercise of jurisdiction assigned to them while in public office. When the facts are known to any Justice, the jurisdiction applying the law must be executed. Breach of contract and other attendant crimes attach the moment any Justice shirks their duties to serve and protect the People by application of the law and procedures. This fact identifies that the highest form of national security is securing the Peoples vote from FRAUD, THEFT, CONVERSION to the use of a very few individuals the properties STOLEN from the American People.
First, President Trump, in January 2020 was the only duly elected President. Donald Trump, did not concede the election and identified frauds associated to both the election process and certification procedures at both the State levels and National levels.
The attachment of a charge of fraud to the 2020 election process by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States, Office of President, is in fact and deed an INDICTMENT. That indictment stands today. The fraud alleged by President Trump has never been investigated by public servants having the duty to do so.
The FRAUD INDICTMENT capturing the 2020 election procedures stands to day as valid no matter how many of whatever position say different.
Second, all acts or omissions by the Congress assembled, when not provably in compliance with the constitution and its operating procedures and standards, are non-constitutional. VOID!
Failure to memorialize, create public record, present the records to the People, proving compliance with Article I section 7, clause 3 indicates in very strong terms intent to subvert lawful government process, and more, much more. Non-constitutional acts related herein and herewith are at the very least and subversive to the point of treason at both the gate of the Republic and within the People’s house called government.
All non-constitutional acts by any public servant are an invasion upon legal rights.
The legal rights invaded belong exclusively to the People because We the People are the sole Beneficiaries of all administration of government powers that We the People constituted in our construction of governments.
All non-constitutional acts are a trespass.
The trespass may be committed by either or both commission or omission.
When the Congress assembled fails to comply with mandatory obligations under the constitution and its procedures a non-constitutional act has been committed.
When the fraud allegations issued in November, December and January of 2022 from the Office of President alleging collusion and conspiracy with foreign parties, the acts of theft and conversion took on the character of INVASION by hostile parties. Invasion by hostile forces, no ,tater the form of invasion is an act of WAR.
The harm done by the non-constitutional acts affect every American in one manner or another.
The private property of every American, our individual and collective political will has been stolen by illegal acts committed by individuals allegedly holding public office.
All non-constitutional acts are void.
All non-constitutional acts create a breach of the peace. Peace in our country is established by proper operation of laws and their administration by public servants.
Thus, Restitution of lawful government is at this moment the supreme duty of this Court and the personal obligation of every legitimately appointed and confirmed Justice.
Article IV section 1, defines the minimum standards for recognition of any and every public record any where within the States United and federal territories.
“ Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the
public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every
other State. “
Article IV section 2, defines the minimum standards creating equal access to public law and public records by every American.
“ The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all
Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several
States. “
Article IV section 4, requires the Republic Form of Government wherein the People are the exclusive political power that creates governments, are to be absolutely protected from invasion. The type or kind of invasion matters not when the form of government created by the People is trespassed upon by invasion of practices foreign to our venues.
“ The United States shall guarantee to every State in this
Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall
protect each of them against Invasion; “
As a contract holder and Beneficiary to the lawful operations of the Court I am required to Advise my public servants that the one supreme Court, in its original jurisdiction granted by the States United in agency to the American People, holds full tight, title and authority to act for and bind the whole of the United States Government. My declarations and statements herein and herewith are competent to call the Peoples Original Judicial Power to action.
Considering the Brunson allegations of Treason are now before the court and the vast evidence available in public records across the the country, exposes the imperative cause for the court to set a conference to decide whether to operate the Court in its original jurisdiction set by Constitution. Court Rule 17 requires the Brunson complaint to be administered as an original case from the beginning. The docketing of the Application Writ of Certiorari presented under Rule 11 captured the complete set of proceedings in all lower courts, both State and Federal. The allegations and evidence in the Brunson complaints, and other public records, raise issues of massive Constitutional proportions. The fact that this Court recognized the fundamental constitutional issues, the felonies, breaches of oath, off peace, treason along with the national security issues and none of the lower courts cases having been closed by final judgement absolutely requires Rule 17 to be put in action by the Court.
Every public servant is an employee of the the People. Who ever provides the job and contributes to the pay check is the employer. This means any American is of full right with full political and legal capacity to communicate to any and every public servant, at any time in any manner whatsoever. Every communication of any nature or kind from one of the People to a public servant is by its very nature OFFICIAL. The communication is by its nature a public record because the servant is strictly limited to official government performance. Thus, the People are not limited in any manner, by alleged government procedures or process or rules. In other words the People as the creators of the government cannot under any circumstances be held to the letter of the procedures that our public servants operate under to provide paid for services to the Peopke. This point is specifically relevant in the context or reporting crimes and TORTS committed by public servants. All communication from the People, in any form whatsoever,
is required to be accepted and acted upon by not only the direct recipient, yet, every public servant having knowledge of the communication, because all government is a single unit serving its Master the People.
Considering the Courts dicta concerning non attorneys, pro se litigants, being provided great latitude concerning being held to professional law merchants standards, attorneys of the BAR of any court, so long as We the People state a clear set of facts identifying the controversies subject to judicial powers, a court must act. The Brunson case and controversy already passed the test. Other wise the court had the duty to reject the complaint presented under Rule 11 identifying: “ a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.”
Simply put, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, you all are called to follow the law and enforce the Constitutional requirements as written under your personal promise to do so. Herein and herewith you are provided the public records defining that law as a primary act of government operations to be executed first and foremost.
The whole World is watching.
The United States of America as a concept embodying personal liberty under the Rule of Law is on trial in the Peoples Court.
You all are the Justices deciding the fate of every American. There is no escape clause available in the current circumstance.
Honest future elections and cancelling the fraudulent 2020 and 2022 election is the People’s mission statement and duty of every public servant, particularly that of the only properly and legitimately elected President, Donald John Trump, and those public officers and employees properly installed in public office pursuant to provably honest elections prior to the fraud exposed concerning both the 2020 and 2022 federal elections.
The term FULL FAITH AND CREDIT defined by the Constitution for the United States of America at Article IV section 1, memorializes forever the fact and the law that the American People via our Preambles to our States Constitutions, are the original and exclusive CREDITORS, owners, to all governments Political powers, controlling all political, legal and commercial operations of governments and governments franchised entities. The creators of anything are always the owners until the property created is sold, bargained or gifted away. The American People did none of these transfers of our property called governments. The States United, representing the Sovereignty of the People, in the construction of the management entity, the United States Government, Reserved to the People the right of position and term of FULL FAITH AND CREDIT, constructing all government by declaration styled Preamble, to all
Honorable Justices, your CREDITORS are calling your debt due.
Full Faith and Credit interstate documents identified by proper execution of Legislative powers are defined as official public records. Official public records include but are not limited to every communication from any American to any public entity or public servant, which have as their subject matter administration of government powers. This definition captures every publicly registered and government regulated entity operating in commerce, providing services for a fee, with the People under the interstate regulation clause found at Article I section 8, paragraph 3 of the Constitution. “ To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,”
Commerce powers attach the moment the electronic send order is pressed, or this Letter of Wishes and Advice is transferred to the United States Post, for proper delivery service, because both acts involve regulated activities controlled by Constitutional powers and authorities that require exchange of value for services supplied.
Contract holder and Beneficiary, Charles C. Miller, expresses Wishes, actually contract holders orders, for the Supreme Court of the United States of America, each of legitimately seated Justices, to execute the following acts at the concluding of the January 6, 2023 status conference scheduled at the Court.
1. Publicly issue an order recognizing that Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al Docket No. 22-380, is at first and last impression subject matter of the Courts exclusive jurisdiction as an original action due to the implications affecting every American, the proper operations of governments created by the People and of the highest national interest due to security of the nation as a viable entity among the family of sovereign nations. Also declaring that the complaint meets all standards of case and controversy dicta.
2. Publicly issue an order declaring that the Court as a whole, each justice concurring, accepts the Solicitor Generals Office of the United States public record filing in Docket No. 22-380, as ratification of the Brunson complaints, requires either summary settlement by the Court or trial by jury absent waiver by the Petitioner. Clarification of proceedings in a jury trial must include jurors drawn from the States United venues because the States United are the exclusive parties to the contract Constitution which is the essential subject matter at controversy, from which the Courts judicial powers flow. Thus, every State of the Union is involved, whether directly or not. Residents of the District of Columbia do nor qualify as state residents nor as State Citizens.
3. Publicly issue the order declaring finding of fact, conclusion of law that the United States Governments Solicitor Generals Office actions in relation to Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al Docket No. 22-380, currently under the Courts jurisdiction, declared each identified respondent as personally responsible for answering the complaint and that the United States Government will not act to defend the respondents because the allegations identify crimes against the government.
4. Publicly issue SHOW CAUSE ORDER to the Solicitor Generals Office of the United States, advising that ten, 10, days are granted for the United States Governments legislative and executive branches to provide public record proof, in verified form, in accord with laws of the United States of America, proving the 2020 and 2022 elections have no fraud or technical tampering associated to the publicly declared results of said elections.
5. Publicly issue Order to the Clerk, to serve each of the identified respondents via fax, email and U.S. Post, the complete file captured under Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al Docket No. 22-380, particularly this Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes and Advisory invoking the Courts original judicial powers. The Clerk of Court has full unlimited access to every federal government employees contact information. This is simple due process, notice and opportunity to respond.
6. Publicly issue Writ of Administrative Summons, in nature of Subpoena Ducas Tecum, to Clerks Offices at both the Senate and House of Representatives, demanding production of all records in care of the official records keepers, related to or concerning in any manner whatsoever the process and procedures related to certification of the 2020 and 2022 federal officer elections, duly presented to the Clerk of the United States of America Supreme Court, in ten, 10, days from receipt of order.
7. Publicly issue Writ of Mandamus to every identified Respondent named in the Brunson complaint, ordering each to present to the Court with in ten, 10, days receipt of Mandamus, a sworn statement that no knowledge or information concerning fraudulent election process, procedures, or certifications concerning the 2020 or 2022 federal elections was known or should not of been known and recognized under any cause whatsoever.
8. Public issue Writ of Prohibition in context of Mandamus, ordering each respondent to keep supremely accurate records of their alleged public acts after receiving Mandamus, identifying particularly the portion of the public records wherein notice that the right to hold public office is under challenge in the United States of America Supreme Court.
9. Publicly issue Writs of Quo Warranto ordering each respondent identified by the Brunson complaint to produce before the court with in ten, 10, days the law or theory of law that could authorizes any American to assume a public office of trust or profit when the merest hint of fraud is associated to any mechanism whatsoever operating the Peoples expression of our collective political will called elections.
The Court is filled with the best trained, highest qualified legal professionals in the States United. Your duties to ensure all proper legal procedures are met have now been called due. You and each of You Will, Please apply all your skills to perfecting the proper process and proceedings by which the People will have access to law and procedures holding our public servants to account under which the public servants should receive all that the law requires.
In 1783 the owner of the people inhabiting what was to become the fully recognized country, the United States of America were released from subject status, chattel property, of former owner King George. The 1783 Treaty of Peace recognized the People as Sovereigns in our own right on the land. The Kings former governments as the Kings property transferred to the Peoples ownership as did the Kings ownership over the land.
The result of the 1783 Treaty is the American People became Sovereign in our own right recognized by the world.
What that means, Treaty terms and conditions, in the context of judicial power related to this Fair Notice Invitation, is that the People as the Sovereign hold the absolute ownership and right to issue the Sovereigns Prerogative Writs and Equity Jurisdiction process that transferred with the Sovereignty of the King to the People. The proof and fact of this statement is the treaty of 1783, is accepted by the world as true, correct and complete. Thus, the Sovereign People as creators and owners of all governments, specifically the right of legalized force known as judicial process, maintained the absolute right apply the Prerogative Writs to all public servants because We the People did not give up our Sovereignty to governments We created. There are no words, nor commitments in the Peoples Constitutions to transfer the Peoples Sovereign powers to governments. Our Contracts called Constitutions, agreements between the People to create governments, which are assigned mere use, administration of Sovereign powers to governments We the People created.
The creators are always the owners and maintain full right, title and interest, complete ownership, in what they create until the property is sold, bargained, or gifted away. The American People never sold, bargained nor gifted away our personal individual Sovereignty bestowed upon us by our former owner King George. No American has done do since 1783.
The People are not limited in any manner whatsoever from exercising control over all public servants through application of Prerogative Writs, nor is there any requirement declared by Constitutions that Sovereign judicial powers applications are limited to public servant’s administration. No public servant in any branch of government is recognized by the People’s law as holding authority greater than that of the People to supervise and regulate, control, and punish public servants as necessary.
What this means in very clear and precise terms is that since the legislative body of the United States, nor the legislative body of any state, are NOT granted authority of any kind to legislate the Kings law away from the People, nor legislate over the People, nor legislate over our law of constitutions and declarations of reserved rights nor the Bill of Rights, and the Peoples agent the States did not assign the Prerogative Writs of the King to the one supreme Court, the Writs belong to the People as a property right transferred with the Sovereignty by the Treaty of Peace.
Thus, when the Beneficiary presents the Writs identified above, the Court must issue them, carrying the essence of the substance as declared.
Thus, your bona fide Beneficiaries of all government powers and authorities provide the proof of authority for the American People to hold ALL our public servants to account.
We the People are exercising our property rights over the governments administration of our creation.
The fact that the People assigned all powers and authorities too establish judicial functions means that Beneficiaries of all government powers, may as circumstances require demand this Court to act in our behalf as directed herein and herewith.
Done this ……… day of December, 2022, duly sworn under pains and penalties pursuant to the laws of the United States of America as found by reference to Title 28. United States Code section 1746(1).
_____________________________.Charles C. Miller. Seal.