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Anna Von Reitz: "The Only Issue is Control"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2022 20:40:44

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Only Issue is Control

By Anna Von Reitz

For those who may have missed it, the whole issue here is control.

Whether it is "soft control" where they lead us around like farm animals and use carrot and stick methodology to control us, or "hard control" where they use tax agents and goons of other kinds to coercively control us, or, they use court systems to control us, or, now they come with Artificial Intelligence systems to "monitor" us and control everything including our bodily functions--- it's all about control.

And Law.

They have long used "the Law" to control us, and it has proven useful, but now they find that "the Law" has become inconvenient and they are casting around for a substitute for law, which they call "the Rule of Law". Please notice the difference.

For the past 77 years corporations, specifically, British Crown Corporations, have ruled the world via secretly imposed Territorial Government structures layered over the former Commonwealth, The United States, Western Europe, and Japan.

This was done under a "Cloak of Secrecy" for a reason. It is illegal. It's also unlawful and immoral.

But they got away with it for 77 years and in our case, for 162 years, and they think that with a few adroit payoffs, they can continue to bamboozle the masses and undermine what they call "conventional Law".

The result is an increasingly dystopian, criminal, violent, and inhumane world, which they then use as their excuse to apply ever more Draconian methods of surveillance and physical and mental control of Mankind.

Our Ancestors developed a system of Checks and Balances where control was shared between the world of "people" occupying the land jurisdiction and the world of "persons" occupying the sea jurisdiction.

The law of the land is designed for living people and ensures that living people continue to control those aspects of life that are important to them, while the law of the sea is ordained to serve the interests of businesses and corporations -- known as "persons".

What the government corporations have done is to secretly "redefine" nearly everyone as a "person" and they have trafficked us into their jurisdiction, a process that has wrongly subjected living people who are members of the General Population --- who are largely not even aware of this change --- to the foreign law of the sea, and which has also precluded them from living in their natural jurisdiction under the law of the land.

This has been accomplished via a crime known as "unlawful conversion" and it has destroyed and maimed and truncated billions of lives since it began in the 1920's.

When this unlawful conversion is accompanied by a change in political status as well as jurisdiction it becomes a capital Crime of State prohibited under both the Geneva and Hague Conventions. This is what we have suffered in The United States.

This is how the Perpetrators have evaded their obligations under the Federal Constitutions.

And now, those who are guilty of these crimes are afraid. They know the severity of the criminality they have perpetuated against the innocent, and they have gone through all the stages of denial.

They have tried to ignore us.

They have tried to ridicule us.

Next, they have made excuses.

Chief among the excuses, they have claimed that they acted under the exigencies of war -- but we proved there was no war, only mercenary conflicts, which are illegal

They have claimed that our unincorporated Governments have disappeared, whereabouts unknown, yet the living people who are the government of the land are still here, organized and accounted for.

They have claimed that we have no money of our own, yet our coinage is still in circulation and our trademarks are being exercised (by usurpers) every day.

And so, they are running out of excuses.

Now we hear the sniveling and whining to the effect that I am "difficult" and "nobody wants to work with her", and yet, I am the Fiduciary of the only government that has offered peace and amnesty --- provided that things get back on track, contracts are honored, and the control of our assets is returned to us.

It's this last demand, that control of our assets be returned to us, that is proving most difficult.

The corporations that illegally "latched" onto our land and cash and gold and other physical assets don't want to give control of our assets back to us, even after we have explicitly corrected our political status, placed that correction on the Public Record, and have as the "donors" of all these vacuous Public Trusts, ordered the Trustees to dissolve the trusts they created "for" us, and to return our assets to our control.

Otherwise, they are pirates.

They know this, and still, they hesitate. They try to make end runs. They try to form Committees to determine whether we get funding or not. They propose to release our own credit to us in little dribs and drabs, according to their judgment, not ours--- thereby controlling what we spend our money on and even proposing to control who among us can spend money at all.

Control of our own assets, which should be as obvious and as natural as rain falling, is the sticking point. These corporations are weary and in a deadlock unable to overcome the Law they abused, and still, they want to mess with the lawful Government of their Employers and promote distrust against us, as if we were incompetent and didn't know our own minds.

We can't be trusted, they say.

Yet, we didn't cause two World Wars and countless other mercenary conflicts. We didn't cleverly and secretly subvert the law for our own self-interest. We didn't use coerced and undisclosed registration of living flesh to promote enslavement which has been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and press-ganging which has been outlawed worldwide for two hundred years. We didn't create phony cestui que vie trusts to create a public interest in private assets. We didn't hire and empower hundreds of unauthorized Agencies to do our work for us and use these Agencies to protect our own selfish interests and provide us with plausible deniability. We didn't securitize living flesh and use it as collateral.

Our only "crime" was trusting our employees.

So, in effect, what they are saying is that they can't be trusted and we were fools for trusting them, and therefore, our judgment shouldn't be trusted overall.

Well, we have corrected our errors, and that is why I am "difficult" to deal with.

They, the corporations, are the ones who betrayed us and committed treason and have led the entire world through untold morasses of blood-letting, theft, misery, and lawlessness for a 162 years, and they have done this by illegally and unlawfully commandeering the manpower and resources of this country, and other countries, in contravention of all their contractual obligations.

The corporations don't have a single leg left, and yet, they are endeavoring to hover in mid-air.

We, the Donors, of the Federal Treasury Trust, have told the seven Trustees of the Department of the Federal Treasury within the Bank of International Settlements to come to the table and to re-establish control of our credit, which, Colin Powell notwithstanding, belongs to us, because the credit was generated from our assets.

All this credit generation was done non-consensually and has served to create mammoth amounts of Odious Debt as well as credit.

We must also observe that the credit generated by the use of Platform Trading has been used to fund nefarious projects including the current Uber Surveillance and Control initiatives, so contrary to any claims otherwise, this runaway credit machine has not been well-regulated and has not led to the philanthropic uses proposed by John Fletcher.

The named Trustees are in charge of the militaries and the militaries are overseeing this entire crime syndicate, so it is time for them to pull the purse strings on behalf of the Donors and stop trying to avoid the truth. They have been operating without a contract and specific direction since 2005 and we can all see the results. They have been using phony public trusts as mechanisms of control over living people and the assets of living people and we can all see the results.

First, they redefined men and women as "humans" and now, they are trying to redefined "humans" as Genetically Modified Organisms (thanks to their often lethal injections) owned by them under patent,

Those patents are illegal and unlawful when misapplied to living men and women and enough is bloody well enough.

The practical problem now is: (1) admit who the assets belong to; (2) gain control of the runaway Credit Machine created by Platform Trading and discharge the Odious Debt that has been created in tandem with this activity; (3) redirect both assets and credit to the benefit of life, the Earth, the animals, and Mankind.

It's time for this to be resolved and without immediate progress and action in good faith, there is no reason for further discretion. It is a public matter and apparently, it has to be discussed in public in order for it to be resolved in favor of the public. Otherwise, all we have to look forward to is more and worse of the same bad behavior and criminality that has led us to this juncture.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:


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