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SORCHA: "“Art Of War” Strategy To Defeat Evil Masterminded By Trump Claims Victory In Europe"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 5-Apr-2021 14:47:23



April 5, 2021

Art Of War” Strategy To Defeat Evil Masterminded By Trump Claims Victory In Europe

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today continuing the 2 April discussion among Security Council Members relating to the “Petrodollar System” used by the United States to foment needless wars and colour revolutions in order to prop up their paper “fiat currencyUS Dollar to achieve global dominance by using it as weapon to coerce obedience to their insane socialist dictates, notes Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin revealing that Asia-Pacific countries are highly ready to switch to non-US Dollar trade, with his stating: “Russia is developing enhanced cooperation on the matter with its partners from the Asia-Pacific region, where the readiness to switch to mutual settlements in national currencies or other currencies apart from the dollar is quite high…Many Latin American and African countries are also showing growing interest in discussing the possibility to increase the share of national currencies in mutual settlements with Russia”—a revelation followed by Iran warning the United States that its just signed trade deal with China shows that the “Next Century Belongs to Asia”—and to drive this new factual reality home, saw China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and its strike group of warships passing through the Miyako Strait, just southwest of Okinawa, on Sunday.

With the 2 April discussions examining how the United States is using Ukraine to indirectly attack the Nord Stream 2 project, because it would break the back of the “Petrodollar System” by allowing European nations to purchase Russian natural gas with their own currency, this folly being engineered by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden and his warmonger forces has just been analyzed by globally renowned military historian Professor Paul Robinson at the University of Ottawa—who in his just released war analysis document “Reports Of Russian Troops ‘Massing’ Near Ukraine Miss The Mark: Russia-Ukraine War Is Possible, But Only If Ukraine Strikes First” correctly notes “There can be no doubt that Russia would win such a war, probably very quickly”—sees Professor Robinson accurately describing a Ukrainian war environment set in highly-populated urban areas, which is why he notes the head of Ukraine’s army, General Khomchak, “warning this past week of huge civilian casualties”—and wherein Professor Robinson compares what is happening now as being exactly like what occurred in 2008, which was when Georgia invaded its rebel areas under Russian peacekeeping protection mistakenly believing that the United States would start World War III to protect them.

At the core of this war analysis done by Professor Robinson, however, is his noting that just like in 2008, this conflict is being ignited by American leftist media propaganda, with his stating:

Military analysts are still arguing about what Moscow’s options are in the coming days. The majority expect a so-called localized escalation, dramatic and devastating, leading to the deployment of Russian ‘peacekeepers’.

The identity of this “majority” of experts is not revealed, possibly because it doesn’t exist.

But the basic scenario portrayed by the media is clear: Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine, using some sort of provocation to make it seem as if the attack is justified in order to defend the people of Donbass against the Ukrainian army.

The logic here is somewhat similar to that often used when discussing the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia. For it is often claimed that Russia “provoked” the Georgians into attacking South Ossetia, so as to launch a long-planned invasion of its own. The truth was rather different. An independent commission created by the European Union found Georgia to be primarily responsible for starting the 2008 war.

The interplay between American leftist media propaganda and the igniting of needless wars, as explained by Professor Robinson, must also be seen in its present day context, as opposed to what existed in 2008—and when doing so draws into this matrix the petrol bombs and bricks thrown at police in a third night of violence in Northern Ireland, as well as the anti-lockdown protests erupting all across Europe as tempers fray over tightening restrictions—where over the past few weeks has seen dozens of arrests as thousands march in London against the Covid lockdownGerman police clashing with more than 20,000 protesters over Covid-19 restrictionsGreek police battling against thousands in mass protests over lockdown fatigueDutch police having to use water cannon and batons against thousands of anti-lockdown protestersthe European Union capitol city of Brussels having to battle against mass anti-lockdown riots—and most astonishingly of all, last night saw the most peaceful nation in Europe erupting in violence when Swiss police had to battle back with rubber bullets and tear gas against thousands of anti-lockdown rioting youths.

To understand what is happening in Europe one has to know that its citizens are protected by the law Article 11-Freedom Of Expression And Information, that’s part of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights—the enforcer of which is the European Commission, whose strict enforcement guidelines state: “Media freedom and pluralism are pillars of modern democracy as they are essential components of open and free debate”—which means, that unlike in America, leftist media outlets and tech giants are forbidden to suppress, cancel or ban any information or news outlets, no matter how large or how small.

The consequence of which has led to the peoples in Europe being exposed to such truths like “The Wuhan Whitewash”, which is the World Health Organization report on Covid’s origin that echoes Chinese propaganda—sees them being exposed to the truth that American tax dollars funded dangerous studies on bats with coronavirus in a Chinese lab—sees them being exposed to the truth about the blood clots found in those taking the AstraZeneca vaccine—sees them being exposed to the truth that the socialist Democrat Party tyrannically ruled over Blue States in America have the highest COVID cases and death rates—sees them learning about the latest data that absolutely eviscerates the case for mandatory masking—sees them having just heard the top UK health adviser admitting that lockdowns won't make Covid disappear and society will have to “manage it like the flu—and today sees these European peoples becoming further enraged after them seeing truthful articles like “Texas COVID-Positivity-Rate Plunges To Record Low After Mask-Mandate Lifted, Restaurants Back To Pre-Crisis Levels”.

In what can only be viewed as one of the most remarkable ironies in modern human history, the European peoples being allowed to know true things today began when President Donald Trump declared the entire leftist propaganda mainstream media establishment to be “the enemy of the people”—that ignited a war in which President Trumpbroke the media”—and by January of this year, saw the American trust in the mainstream media hitting an all-time low—a shock finding documented in a poll conducted by the global communications firm Edelman, that further noted: “Moreover, media trust is at lows around the world indicating a global phenomenon”—that being responded to by Biden’s socialists, leftist media outlets and tech giants in America censoring and banning everything threatening their power—that is being countered by an entirely new information structure being built around President Trump, that includes social media sites, messaging and video services, along with truthful information news sites whose numbers are exploding all over the world—and is where today the peoples in Europe are turning to see real fact based news.

In America, though, this past week, its saw leftist messaging giant Twitter censoring their nation’s top infectious disease expert Professor Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University because he told truths about COVID—that Twitter followed by not censoring the vile anti-Christian post made by socialist Democrat Party US Senator Raphael Warnock reinterpreting the meaning of Easter, that demonically said: “The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ…Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves”—a placing of man above God, as the only path to salvation is through Jesus—but does explain why Twitter quickly suspended the account of US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene shortly after she posted the Easter message: “He is Risen – Death could not hold him. Rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ”—and to understand what’s really happening, sees it being explained in articles like “Christians Being Purged From Big Tech ‘Platforms’ At Alarming Rate While Satanists, Pedophiles Protected”.

While viewing all of this demonic socialist-leftist insanity, yesterday President Trump and his loving family received a standing ovation from guests at his Mar-a-Lago estate—after which then saw President Trump sending out an hilarious Easter greeting saying: “Happy Easter to ALL, including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our Country!”—that was then followed by the release of an astonishing video that’s now sweeping across the entire world (Posted Below)—wherein it describes how everything in the world being seen today is part of a strategy to defeat evil being masterminded for decades by President Trump using “The Art Of War” tactics—and says that even though many may be despaired at what they’re seeing, President Trump has already won this war against darkness—and with his new media system freeing the minds of people in Europe today, one hopes this victory for truth will be followed by many others. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

April 5, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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